In almost all cases, Promela's notion of non-determinism can replace the need for a random number generator. Note that to make a random choice between N alternatives, it suffices to place these N alternatives in a selection structure with N options. The verifier will interpret the non-determinism accurately, an is not bound to the restrictions of a pseudo-random number generation algorithm. During random simulations, Spin will internally make calls on a (pseudo) random number generator to resolve all cases of non-determinism. During verifications no such calls are made (because all cases are effectively considered here, one at a time). Promela's equivalent of a ``random number generator'' could be the following program. active proctype randnr() { /* don't call this rand()... * to avoid a clash with the C-routine */ byte nr; /* force a value modulo 256 */ do :: nr++ /* randomly increment */ :: nr-- /* or decrement */ :: break /* or stop */ do; printf("nr: %d\n") /* nr: 0..255 */ }Note that the verifier would generate at least 256 distinct reachable states for this model. The simulator would traverse it once, and could execute any number of steps (from one to infinitely many...).