InstallationThe following section describes how to install MHonArc on your system.
System RequirementsThe following is required inorder to use MHonArc:
Downloading MHonArcThe homepage for MHonArc is <http://www.mhonarc.org/>. The homepage list various sites that you can download MHonArc. If you are familiar with Comprehensive Perl Archive Network (CPAN), MHonArc can be downloaded from <http://www.perl.com/CPAN/authors/id/EHOOD/>. MHonArc is distributed in the following formats:
where X.X.X represents the version number. Alternate distribution formats for MHonArc may be available, like Linux RPM. Alternate distribution formats are not covered in this document. Extracting the MHonArc DistributionAfter downloading MHonArc, it is best to move the file to a temporary location for extraction. To extract the distribution under Unix-like systems, use one of the following commands based upon the distribution format you downloaded:
For Win32 systems, you can use a program like WinZip to extract the tar-gzip or zip formats. If using Cygwin, you can use the Unix-based extraction methods. After extraction, the subdirectory MHonArcX.X.X will have been created containing all the files comprising MHonArc.
You will now want to change your current directory to MHonArcX.X.X for the next step. Installing with install.meProvided in the MHonArc distribution is a Perl program, install.me that will install MHonArc on your system. To run the program, type the following at your shell prompt: shell> perl install.me
The installation program will ask you a series of questions on where the perl executable is and where to put MHonArc files. Just hit <CR> to accept the default values listed in ()'s. Note, the default values are determined by the configuration of perl on your system. If you choose the defaults, you may need to possess root/admin privileges to have a successful install. install.me can take several options on the command-line to affect what is done during installation. The following is the list of options available: -afs : Skip permission checks (useful if AFS) -batch : Run in batch mode (do not ask questions) -binpath <path> : Directory path to install programs/scripts -docpath <path> : Directory path to install documentation -help : A message summarizing options available -libpath <path> : Directory path to install library files -filelist <file> : List of files to install (def="FILELIST") -manpath <path> : Directory path to manpages -nobin : Do not install programs -nodep : Skip module dependency check -nodoc : Do not install documentation -nolib : Do not install library files -noman : Do not install manpages -perl <pathname> : Pathname of perl interpreter -prefix <path> : Set prefix for installation directories For example, if you do not want to install the documentation, do the following: shell> perl install.me -nodoc Later on, if you decide you want to install the documentation, but not re-install the other files, do the following: shell> perl install.me -nobin -nolib -noman If you want to install files relative to your home directory, do the following: shell> perl install.me -prefix $HOME install.me Notes
The Perl 5 WayOf course, you can install MHonArc the standard way under Perl 5: shell> perl Makefile.PL shell> make shell> make install If you want to install in a specific directory, try: shell> perl Makefile.PL PREFIX=/tmp/myperl5 shell> make shell> make install
Win32 Notes
Alternate Operating SystemsIn many cases, the install.me program will work for other operating systems. Please contact the author on any success stories for other operating systems, and please send any patches, if required. Manual InstallationIf install.me will not work properly for your system, here are the steps to install MHonArc manually:
Post Installation ConfigurationAfter installation, you may want to do some site-specific configuration. Default Resource FileYou have the ability to create a default resource file to make site-wide defaults for MHonArc. See the DEFRCFILE resource on valid pathname locations for the default resource file. For more information on what can be put in a resource file, see the Resources section.
Site Initialization LibraryIf you do not know Perl, ignore this section. When MHonArc opens an archive for processing, MHonArc will attempt to execute the instructions in the file mhasiteinit.pl. This file allows you to make site customizations not possible through a default resource file. mhasiteinit.pl should be placed in the MHonArc library directory as specified during installation. A sample mhasiteinit.pl file is provied in the examples directory of the distribution to get you started, which includes comments on some of the things you can do with mhasiteinit.pl. Resource File EditingIf you are a Vim user, <http://www.vim.org/>, a syntax file for MHonArc resource files is included in the examples directory: mhonarc.vim. Vim is known to run on a variety of operating systems, and is free software. To use mhonarc.vim, copy mhonarc.vim to an appropriate location and add something like the following to your .vimrc file: au BufNewFile,BufRead *.mrc so $HOME/share/vim/syntax/mhonarc.vim Of course, change the pathname to mhonarc.vim to wherever you copied it to. Now, any file with .mrc extension will put Vim into MHonArc resource file highlighting mode. The mode is best used with color-capable terminals.
$Date: 2002/05/27 20:07:10 $ ![]() Copyright © 1997-2002, Earl Hood, mhonarc@mhonarc.org |