- Envariable
- Element
- Command-line Option
The resource MIMEFILTERS is used to hook in user specifed filters
into MHonArc. The MIMEFILTERS resource can only be set via the
MIMEFILTERS element. The syntax for each line of the
the MIMEFILTERS element is as follows:
content-type; routine-name; file-of-routine
The definition of each semi-colon-separated value is as follows:
- content-type
The MIME content-type the filter processes. An explicit
content-type (base/subtype) or a base content-type (base/*)
can be specified.
- routine-name
The actual routine name of the filter. The name
should be fully qualified by the package it is defined in
(e.g. "mypackage::filter ").
- file-of-routine
The name of the file that defines
routine-name. If the file is not a full
pathname, MHonArc finds the file by looking in the
standard include paths of Perl, and the paths specified by the
Whitespace is stripped out for each filter specification.
If you want to write your own filter for use in MHonArc,
you need to know the Perl programming language. The following
information assumes you know Perl.
As of v2.5 of MHonArc, the API for filters is different from
v2.4.x, and earlier. The following describes the v2.5 API for
The default filters provided by MHonArc are described
in the Default Settings section.
Function Interface of Filter
MHonArc interfaces with MIME filters by calling a routine
with a specific set of arguments. The prototype of the interface
routine is as follows:
sub filter {
my($fields_hash_ref, $body_data_ref, $is_decoded, $filter_args) = @_;
# Filter code here
# The last statement should be the return value, unless an
# explicit return is done. See the following for the format of the
# return value.
Parameter Descriptions
$fields_hash_ref |
A reference to hash of message/part header
fields. Keys are field names in lowercase
and values are array references containing the
field values. For example, to obtain the
content-type, if defined, you would do:
Values for a fields are stored in arrays since
duplication of fields are possible. For example,
the Received: header field is typically repeated
multiple times. For fields that only occur once,
then array for the field will only contain one
$body_data_ref |
Reference to body data. It is okay for the
filter to modify the text in-place.
$is_decoded |
Boolean flag if body data has been decoded.
This is normally true unless some non-standard
content-transfer-encoding is used. See
to register decoders for various content-transfer-encodings.
$filter_args |
This is an optional argument string that may be used to modify the
behavior of the filter. The format of this string is determined by the filter
itself. The value of the string is set by the
MIMEARGS resource.
Return Value
The return value is treated as a list. The first item of the list
is a string representing the HTML markup to insert in the HTMLized
message. An empty string, or undef may be returned to tell MHonArc
that the routine was unable to filter data.
Any other list items are treated as names of any files that were
generated by the filter. MHonArc needs to keep track if any
extra files that a filter may generate in order for MHonArc to
delete those files if the message gets removed from the archive.
If you want MHonArc to treat the data as filtered, but not
have anything displayed on the page, just return a string with
a single space character.
If the filter creates a subdirectory with files, the filter
only needs to return the subdirectory in the return list. If
the message gets removed, MHonArc will delete the entire
Filter Writing Tips
The following recommendations/tips are given to help you write
Qualify your filter in its own package. This eliminates possible
variable/routine conflicts with MHonArc.
If the filter creates derived files (like the image filters),
you may use the variable $mhonarc::OUTDIR
to determine the
location of the mail archive.
Do not include
$mhonarc::OUTDIR as part as the
filename that is returned to MHonArc. If the filter
does create files, just return the base name.
Look at the default filters contained in the distribution
of MHonArc. You can use these as templates for writing
your own.
Make sure your Perl source file ends with a true statement
(like "1; "). MHonArc just performs a
on the file, and if the file does not return
true, Perl will abort execution.
Test your filter before production use.
Using C
If a MIME filter requires the utilization of a C program, or
other non-Perl executable, a Perl wrapper must be written for the
program in-order to interface with MHonArc. The wrapper must
follow the conventions described in
Writing Filters.
Default Setting
It is important to have an explicit entry for
application/octet-stream for handling unknown
application/octet-stream; m2h_external::filter; mhexternal.pl
application/*; m2h_external::filter; mhexternal.pl
application/x-patch; m2h_text_plain::filter; mhtxtplain.pl
audio/*; m2h_external::filter; mhexternal.pl
chemical/*; m2h_external::filter; mhexternal.pl
model/*; m2h_external::filter; mhexternal.pl
image/*; m2h_external::filter; mhexternal.pl
message/delivery-status; m2h_text_plain::filter; mhtxtplain.pl
message/external-body; m2h_msg_extbody::filter; mhmsgextbody.pl
message/partial; m2h_text_plain::filter; mhtxtplain.pl
text/*; m2h_text_plain::filter; mhtxtplain.pl
text/enriched; m2h_text_enriched::filter; mhtxtenrich.pl
text/html; m2h_text_html::filter; mhtxthtml.pl
text/plain; m2h_text_plain::filter; mhtxtplain.pl
text/richtext; m2h_text_enriched::filter; mhtxtenrich.pl
text/setext; m2h_text_setext::filter; mhtxtsetext.pl
text/tab-separated-values; m2h_text_tsv::filter; mhtxttsv.pl
text/x-html; m2h_text_html::filter; mhtxthtml.pl
text/x-setext; m2h_text_setext::filter; mhtxtsetext.pl
video/*; m2h_external::filter; mhexternal.pl
x-sun-attachment; m2h_text_plain::filter; mhtxtplain.pl
The following describes the behavior of each filter.
The filter extracts the data into a separate file and puts
a hyperlink to the file into the HTMLized message. The following
is an example how the link is formatted:
Description: Blue ball GIF icon
The description text is retrieved from the Content-Disposition
message header field, if defined. If not defined, a generic description
will be provided based on the specified content-type of the data.
If the useicon filter argument has been specified for the
filter, the following format will be used:
Description: Blue ball GIF icon
The actual icon used is based upon the ICONS
By default, the filter ignores any filename specification
given in the message when writing the data to disk.
A unique filename with an extenstion based upon sub-type is
m2h_external::filter can take the
excludeexts=ext1,... |
A comma separated list of message specified filename extensions
to exclude. I.e. If the filename extension matches an extension
in excludeexts, the content will not be written. The return markup
will contain the name of the attachment, but no link to the data.
This option is best used with application/octet-stream to exclude
unwanted data that is not tagged with the proper content-type. The
m2h_null::filter can be used to
exclude content by content-type.
ext=ext |
Use ext as the filename extension.
The filter already has a large list of extensions for various
content-types. Use this argument if you process a
content-type not recognized by the filter.
forceattach |
Force images to never be displayed inline, overriding any
Content-Disposition setting.
forceinline |
Force images to be displayed inline, overriding any
Content-Disposition setting.
frame |
Draw a frame around the attachment link.
iconurl="url" |
Use "url" as the url for the icon to use
if the useicon option is set.
This option will override any setting defined by the
ICONS resource.
The double quotes are required.
inline |
Inline image data by default if content-disposition not defined.
inlineexts=ext1,... |
A comma separated list of message specified filename
extensions to treat as possible inline data.
Applicable when content-type is not image/* and
usename or usenameext is in effect.
type="description" |
Use "description" as type description of the
data. The double quotes are required.
The filter already has a large list of descriptions for various
content-types. Use this argument if you process a
content-type not recognized by the filter.
subdir |
Place derived file in a subdirectory of the archive.
The subdirectory will be called "msgMSGNUM".
This option may be useful if usename is
specified to avoid security and name conflict problems.
target=name |
Set the TARGET attribute of anchor link to file
Default value is undefined (ie. no TARGET attribute will be
useicon |
Include a content-type icon with the hyperlink to
the derived file. The icon used is the value of the
iconurl option or the icon
defined by the ICONS resource.
usename |
Use (file)name attribute for determining name
of derived file. Use this option with caution
since it can lead to filename conflicts and
security problems (however, see the subdir
usenameext |
Use (file)name attribute for determining the extension
of derived file. Use this option with caution
since it can lead to
security problems (however, see the subdir
All arguments should be separated by at least one space.
The following table shows the default list of content-types with the
filename extension used and a short
description that m2h_external::filter
Content-type | Extension | Description |
application/astound |
asd |
Astound presentation |
application/envoy |
evy |
Envoy file |
application/fastman |
lcc |
fastman file |
application/fractals |
fif |
Fractal Image Format |
application/iges |
iges |
IGES file |
application/mac-binhex40 |
hqx |
Mac BinHex archive |
application/mathematica |
ma |
Mathematica Notebook document |
application/mbedlet |
mbd |
mbedlet file |
application/ms-excel |
xls |
MS-Excel spreadsheet |
application/ms-powerpoint |
ppt |
MS-Powerpoint presentation |
application/ms-project |
mpp |
MS-Project file |
application/msword |
doc |
MS-Word document |
application/octet-stream |
bin |
Binary data |
application/oda |
oda |
ODA file |
application/pdf |
pdf |
Adobe PDF document |
application/pgp |
pgp |
PGP message |
application/pgp-signature |
pgp |
PGP signature |
application/postscript |
ps |
PostScript document |
application/rtf |
rtf |
RTF file |
application/sgml |
sgml |
SGML document |
application/studiom |
smp |
Studio M file |
application/timbuktu |
tbt |
timbuktu file |
application/vis5d |
v5d |
Vis5D dataset |
application/vnd.framemaker |
fm |
FrameMaker document |
application/vnd.hp-hpgl |
hpg |
HPGL file |
application/vnd.lotus-1-2-3 |
123 |
Lotus 1-2-3 |
application/vnd.lotus-approach |
apr |
Lotus Approach |
application/vnd.lotus-freelance |
prz |
Lotus Freelance |
application/vnd.lotus-organizer |
org |
Lotus Organizer |
application/vnd.lotus-screencam |
scm |
Lotus Screencam |
application/vnd.lotus-wordpro |
lwp |
Lotus WordPro |
application/vnd.mif |
mif |
Frame MIF document |
application/vnd.ms-excel |
xls |
MS-Excel spreadsheet |
application/vnd.ms-powerpoint |
ppt |
MS-Powerpoint presentation |
application/vnd.ms-project |
mpp |
MS-Project file |
application/vnd.stardivision.calc |
sdc |
StarCalc spreadsheet |
application/vnd.stardivision.chart |
sds |
StarChart document |
application/vnd.stardivision.draw |
sda |
StarDraw document |
application/vnd.stardivision.impress |
sdd |
StarImpress presentation |
application/vnd.stardivision.impress-packed |
sdp |
StarImpress packed file |
application/vnd.stardivision.mail |
smd |
StarMail mail file |
application/vnd.stardivision.math |
smf |
StarMath document |
application/vnd.stardivision.writer |
sdw |
StarWriter document |
application/vnd.stardivision.writer-global |
sgl |
StarWriter global document |
sxc |
OpenOffice Calc spreadsheet |
stc |
OpenOffice Calc template |
sxd |
OpenOffice Draw document |
std |
OpenOffice Draw Template |
sxi |
OpenOffice Impress presentation |
sti |
OpenOffice Impress template |
sxm |
OpenOffice Math documents |
sxw |
OpenOffice Writer document |
sxg |
OpenOffice Writer global document |
stw |
OpenOffice Write template |
application/winhlp |
hlp |
WinHelp document |
application/wordperfect5.1 |
wp |
WordPerfect 5.1 document |
application/x-asap |
asp |
asap file |
application/x-bcpio |
bcpio |
BCPIO file |
application/x-bzip2 |
bz2 |
BZip2 compressed data |
application/x-compress |
Z |
Unix compressed data |
application/x-cpio |
cpio |
CPIO file |
application/x-csh |
csh |
C-Shell script |
application/x-dot |
dot |
dot file |
application/x-dvi |
dvi |
TeX dvi file |
application/x-earthtime |
etc |
Earthtime file |
application/x-envoy |
evy |
Envoy file |
application/x-excel |
xls |
MS-Excel spreadsheet |
application/x-gtar |
gtar |
GNU Unix tar archive |
application/x-gzip |
gz |
GNU Zip compressed data |
application/x-hdf |
hdf |
HDF file |
application/x-javascript |
js |
JavaScript source |
application/x-ksh |
ksh |
Korn Shell script |
application/x-latex |
latex |
LaTeX document |
application/x-maker |
fm |
FrameMaker document |
application/x-mif |
mif |
Frame MIF document |
application/x-mocha |
moc |
mocha file |
application/x-msaccess |
mdb |
MS-Access database |
application/x-mscardfile |
crd |
MS-CardFile |
application/x-msclip |
clp |
MS-Clip file |
application/x-msmediaview |
m14 |
MS-Media View file |
application/x-msmetafile |
wmf |
MS-Metafile |
application/x-msmoney |
mny |
MS-Money file |
application/x-mspublisher |
pub |
MS-Publisher document |
application/x-msschedule |
scd |
MS-Schedule file |
application/x-msterminal |
trm |
MS-Terminal |
application/x-mswrite |
wri |
MS-Write document |
application/x-net-install |
ins |
Net Install file |
application/x-netcdf |
cdf |
Cdf file |
application/x-ns-proxy-autoconfig |
proxy |
Netscape Proxy Auto Config |
application/x-patch |
patch |
Source code patch |
application/x-perl |
pl |
Perl program |
application/x-pointplus |
css |
pointplus file |
application/x-salsa |
slc |
salsa file |
application/x-script |
script |
A script file |
application/x-sh |
sh |
Bourne shell script |
application/x-shar |
shar |
Unix shell archive |
application/x-sprite |
spr |
sprite file |
application/x-stuffit |
sit |
Macintosh archive |
application/x-sv4cpio |
sv4cpio |
SV4Cpio file |
application/x-sv4crc |
sv4crc |
SV4Crc file |
application/x-tar |
tar |
Unix tar archive |
application/x-tcl |
tcl |
Tcl script |
application/x-tex |
tex |
TeX document |
application/x-texinfo |
texinfo |
TeXInfo document |
application/x-timbuktu |
tbp |
timbuktu file |
application/x-tkined |
tki |
tkined file |
application/x-troff |
roff |
Troff document |
application/x-troff-man |
man |
Unix manual page |
application/x-troff-me |
me |
Troff ME-macros document |
application/x-troff-ms |
ms |
Troff MS-macros document |
application/x-ustar |
ustar |
UStar file |
application/x-wais-source |
src |
WAIS Source |
application/x-zip-compressed |
zip |
Zip compressed data |
application/zip |
zip |
Zip archive |
audio/basic |
snd |
Basic audio |
audio/echospeech |
es |
Echospeech audio |
audio/microsoft-wav |
wav |
Wave audio |
audio/midi |
midi |
MIDI audio |
audio/wav |
wav |
Wave audio |
audio/x-aiff |
aif |
AIF audio |
audio/x-epac |
pae |
epac audio |
audio/x-midi |
midi |
MIDI audio |
audio/x-mpeg |
mp2 |
MPEG audio |
audio/x-pac |
pac |
pac audio |
audio/x-pn-realaudio |
ra |
PN Realaudio |
audio/x-wav |
wav |
Wave audio |
chemical/chem3d |
c3d |
Chem3d chemical test |
chemical/chemdraw |
chm |
Chemdraw chemical test |
chemical/cif |
cif |
CIF chemical test |
chemical/cml |
cml |
CML chemical test |
chemical/cmsl |
cml |
Chemical Structure Markup |
chemical/cxf |
cxf |
Chemical Exhange Format file |
chemical/daylight-smiles |
smi |
SMILES format file |
chemical/embl-dl-nucleotide |
emb |
EMBL nucleotide format file |
chemical/gaussian |
gau |
Gaussian data |
chemical/gaussian-input |
gau |
Gaussian input data |
chemical/gaussian-log |
gal |
Gaussian log |
chemical/gcg8-sequence |
gcg |
GCG format file |
chemical/genbank |
gen |
GENbank data |
chemical/jcamp-dx |
jdx |
Jcamp chemical spectra test |
chemical/kinemage |
kin |
Kinemage |
chemical/macromodel-input |
mmd |
Macromodel chemical test |
chemical/mdl-molfile |
mol |
MOL mdl chemical test |
chemical/mdl-rdf |
rdf |
RDF chemical test |
chemical/mdl-rxn |
rxn |
RXN chemical test |
chemical/mdl-sdf |
sdf |
SDF chemical test |
chemical/mdl-tgf |
tgf |
TGF chemical test |
chemical/mif |
mif |
MIF chemical test |
chemical/mmd |
mmd |
Macromodel data |
chemical/mopac-input |
mop |
MOPAC data |
chemical/ncbi-asn1 |
asn |
NCBI data |
chemical/pdb |
pdb |
Protein Databank data |
chemical/rosdal |
ros |
Rosdal data |
chemical/xyz |
xyz |
Xmol XYZ data |
image/bmp |
bmp |
Windows bitmap |
image/cgm |
cgm |
Computer Graphics Metafile |
image/fif |
fif |
Fractal Image Format image |
image/g3fax |
g3f |
Group III FAX image |
image/gif |
gif |
GIF image |
image/ief |
ief |
IEF image |
image/ifs |
ifs |
IFS image |
image/jpeg |
jpg |
JPEG image |
image/pbm |
pbm |
Portable bitmap |
image/pgm |
pgm |
Portable graymap |
image/png |
png |
PNG image |
image/tiff |
tif |
TIFF image |
image/vnd |
dwg |
VND image |
image/wavelet |
wi |
Wavelet image |
image/x-cmu-raster |
ras |
CMU raster |
image/x-pbm |
pbm |
Portable bitmap |
image/x-pcx |
pcx |
PCX image |
image/x-pgm |
pgm |
Portable graymap |
image/x-pict |
pict |
Mac PICT image |
image/x-pnm |
pnm |
Portable anymap |
image/x-portable-anymap |
pnm |
Portable anymap |
image/x-portable-bitmap |
pbm |
Portable bitmap |
image/x-portable-graymap |
pgm |
Portable graymap |
image/x-portable-pixmap |
ppm |
Portable pixmap |
image/x-ppm |
ppm |
Portable pixmap |
image/x-rgb |
rgb |
RGB image |
image/x-xbitmap |
xbm |
X bitmap |
image/x-xbm |
xbm |
X bitmap |
image/x-xpixmap |
xpm |
X pixmap |
image/x-xpm |
xpm |
X pixmap |
image/x-xwd |
xwd |
X window dump |
image/x-xwindowdump |
xwd |
X window dump |
message/news |
822 |
News post |
message/rfc822 |
822 |
Mail message |
model/iges |
iges |
IGES model |
model/mesh |
mesh |
Mesh model |
model/vrml |
wrl |
VRML model |
text/enriched |
rtx |
Text-enriched document |
text/html |
html |
HTML document |
text/plain |
txt |
Text document |
text/richtext |
rtx |
Richtext document |
text/setext |
stx |
Setext document |
text/sgml |
sgml |
SGML document |
text/tab-separated-values |
tsv |
Tab separated values |
text/x-speech |
talk |
Speech document |
video/isivideo |
fvi |
isi video |
video/mpeg |
mpg |
MPEG movie |
video/msvideo |
avi |
MS Video |
video/quicktime |
mov |
QuickTime movie |
video/vivo |
viv |
vivo video |
video/wavelet |
wv |
Wavelet video |
video/x-sgi-movie |
movie |
SGI movie |
This filter is designed to process message/external-body
The filter attempts to translate the external-body paramaters
into a linked URL with some descriptive information,
if provided. The following access-types are supported:
only supported if the local-file option is specified.
m2h_msg_extbody::filter can take the
local-file |
Support LOCAL-FILE access-type. This option
is best used for internal local mail archives
where it is known that readers will have
direct access to the file.
This filter is designed to process text/enriched, or
text/richtext, data. The following table summarizes the
translation of text/enriched commands to HTML tags:
Text/Enriched Command | HTML Translation |
<Bold> |
<B> |
<Italic> |
<I> |
<Underline> |
<U> |
<Fixed> |
<TT> |
<Smaller> |
<Bigger> |
<BIG> |
<FontFamily><Param>family</Param> |
<FONT face="family"> |
<Color><Param>color</Param> |
<FONT color="color"> |
<Center> |
<P align="center"> |
<FlushLeft> |
<P align="left"> |
<FlushRight> |
<P align="right"> |
<FlushBoth> |
<P align="both"> (not supported in HTML) |
<ParaIndent> |
<Excerpt> |
<Lang> |
Stripped |
If the text/enriched contains non-ASCII character, the filter will
convert the characters to the appropriate entity references.
Only the ISO-8859-[1-10] character sets are recognized.
If you are worried about security, it is recommended that you disable
support of text/html messages in your mail archives. There is no
guarantee that this filter is robust enough to eliminate all possible
exploits that can occur with HTML data.
This filter is designed to process text/html, or
text/x-html, data.
The filter modifies HTML documents so they can be
included into the message pages without causing invalid markup
to occur. The following modification are done to HTML documents when
processed by MHonArc:
The HEAD element is removed. Since some elements within the HEAD
element may be relevant to the rest of the document, the following is
done when removing the HEAD element:
- The title will be extracted and prepended
to the body data.
- Any BASE URL will be propogated to any relative URLs in the
Any markup related to scripting is removed for security
reasons. The following tags are removed:
The following attributes are removed:
The allowscript option can be
be used to override this behavior (see below).
cid: URLs are resolved, if possible. Therefore,
if image data related to the HTML document is included with the message,
the URLs will be modified to the filenames of the images that were
m2h_text_html::filter can take the
allowcomments |
Preserve any comment declarations. Comment declarations
are sometimes used to contain executable commands, like for
server-side includes. Normally, comment declarations are munged
to protect against potential exploits, but this option will
disable that behavior. Use this options with EXTREME
allownoncidurls |
Preserve URL-based attributes that are not cid: URLs.
Normally, any URL-based attribute -- href, src,
background, classid, data, longdesc
-- will be stripped if it is not a cid: URL. This is to prevent
malicious URLs that verify mail addresses for spam purposes, secretly
set cookies, or gather some statistical data automatically with the
use of elements that cause browsers to automatically fetch data:
allowscript |
Preserve any markup associated with scripting.
This includes elements and attributes related to scripting. This option
can cause security problems for your archive since someone can introduce
foreign client-side code. Use this options with EXTREME
attachcheck |
Honor attachment disposition. By default,
all text/html data is displayed inline on
the message page. If attachcheck is specified
and Content-Disposition specifies the data as
an attachment, the data is saved to a file
with a link to it from the message page.
CAUTION: If attachcheck is specified, the HTML
data is saved "as-is". For example, no stripping of scripting-based
markup is performed and no resolution of cid URLs are performed.
nofont |
Remove font tags.
notitle |
Do not print extracted title at the beginning of converted
output. Since this filter strips out HEAD markup so the document
can be included into the message page, this filter will extract
the title and print the title of the document before the document
body. The notitle argument disables this behavior.
This filter is designed to process text/plain messages and
messages with no MIME information. The
filter is also used to process text messages of an unknown
The default behavior of the filter is wrap the data in
the HTML PRE element and escape special characters. It will
also convert text that looks like a URL into a hyperlink.
If the data contains non-ASCII character, the filter will
convert the characters to the appropriate entity reference.
The functions registered via the
to handle character set processing.
m2h_text_plain::filter can take the
asis=set1:... |
Colon separated lists of charsets to leave as-is.
Only HTML special characters will be converted into entities.
The default is "us-ascii:iso-8859-1".
attachcheck |
Honor attachment disposition. By default,
all text/plain data is displayed inline on
the message page. If attachcheck is specified
and Content-Disposition specifies the data as
an attachment, the data is saved to a file
with a link to it from the message page.
default=charset |
Character set to use as the default if no character set
is defined for the message. If option not specified,
"us-ascii" is used.
inlineexts=ext1,... |
A comma separated list of message specified filename
extensions to treat as inline data.
Applicable only when uudecode is specified.
htmlcheck |
Check if message is actually an HTML message
(to get around abhorrent MUAs). The message
is treated as HTML if the first non-whitespace
data looks like the start of an HTML document.
keepspace |
Preserve all spaces if the nonfixed
option is specified. All spaces and tabs will be translated to the
equivalent number of entity references.
maxwidth=# |
Force the maximum width of lines to be # characters
in length. Any lines longer than # characters will be
nonfixed |
Do not wrap message text in the HTML PRE element. This will
cause text to be rendered in the default font (which is normally
proportionally spaced). Each line of the message will have
a <BR> appended in order to preserve the line representation
of the message.
nourl |
Do not hyperlink URLs.
quote |
Italicize quoted message text.
target=name |
Set the TARGET attribute of an anchor links generated from
hyperlinking URLs.
usename |
When decoding uuencoded data, use the full filename specified
when write the data to disk instead of just the filename extension.
Note: Be aware that there are potential security problems when
using this option.
uudecode |
Decode any embedded uuencoded data. Including uuencoded data
within messages was a way to trasmit binary data
via email before MIME was developed. The inclusion of uuencoded
data is deprecated within email, but is still common in the
USENET (binary) newsgroups. Note, specifying uudecode
adds extra
overhead in the processing of text messages, including messages without
any uuencoded data.
Uuencoded data is treated as application/octet-stream
data for purposes of checking if the data should be excluded when
checked against the MIMEEXCS resource.
Therefore, if application/octet-stream data is listed
in MIMEEXCS, uuencoded data will be excluded.
All arguments should be separated by at least one space.
This filter converts text/setext and text/x-setext messages
to HTML.
This filter converts text/tab-separated-values to HTML. The
tabular data will be converted into an HTML table.
This filter can be used to exclude message content from archives.
You can register this filter to any content-type you do not want
to store in your archives. For example, the following resource setting
excludes all images:
image/*; m2h_null::filter; mhnull.pl
The markup returned by this filter displays the a one line description
of what was excluded. Examples:
<<attachment: HelloWorld.jpg>>
<<inline: image/jpg>>
If the disposition is available, it will be shown. If a filename
was specified, it will be shown. If there was no filename, the
content-type is shown.
Resource Variables
The following code is an example filter for converting
text/tab-separated-values into an HTML table:
package m2h_text_tsv;
sub filter {
my($fields, $data, $isdecode, $args) = @_;
my($field, $line, $ret);
$$data =~ s/^\s+//;
$ret = "<table border=1>\n";
foreach $line (split(/\r?\n/, $$data)) {
$ret .= "<tr>";
foreach $field (split(/\t/, $line)) {
$ret .= "<td>$field</td>";
$ret .= "</tr>\n";
$ret .= "</table>\n";
See Also
$Date: 2002/10/21 16:55:19 $
Copyright © 1997-2001 Earl Hood, mhonarc@mhonarc.org