DescriptionTSLICE sets the default argument values for the the $TSLICE$ resource variable: the thread listing "slice" (ie. a portion of the complete thread listing). The value of the TSLICE resource is two numbers and an inclusive flag, where each value is separated by a colon. The first number is the number of messages listed before the current message in the thread slice. The second number is the number of messages listed after the current message. The inclusive flag is either a 1 or 0. If 1, $TSLICE$ will only include in the thread listing messages in the same thread as the current thread. If 0, $TSLICE$ will include messages in neighboring threads if before and/or after count extend beyond the current thread. If the inclusive flag is not set, then 0 will be used. The default values can be overridden by providing different values as arguments to $TSLICE$.
Default Setting0:4:0 Resource VariablesN/A ExamplesThe default setting causes a thread slice to start with the current message. However, you may want to have the current message in the middle so the reader can see message that come before along with after the current message. The following causes the previous two and next two messages to be listed with the current in the middle and only if the messages are part of the current thread: <TSlice> 2:2:1 </TSlice> Version2.2.0 See Also$TSLICE$, TSLICEBEG, TSLICECONTBEG, TSLICECONTEND, TSLICEEND, TSLICEINDENTBEG, TSLICEINDENTEND, TSLICELIEND, TSLICELIENDCUR, TSLICELINONE, TSLICELINONEEND, TSLICELITXT, TSLICELITXTCUR, TSLICESINGLETXT, TSLICESINGLETXTCUR, TSLICESUBJECTBEG, TSLICESUBJECTEND, TSLICESUBLISTBEG, TSLICESUBLISTEND, TSLICETOPBEG, TSLICETOPBEGCUR, TSLICETOPEND, TSLICETOPENDCUR
$Date: 2002/07/27 05:13:11 $ ![]() Copyright © 1998-1999, Earl Hood, mhonarc@mhonarc.org |