The Trf logo
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The history of the logo is simple: I wrote a demo application for
distribution as part of the Tcl Windows installation on the
Tcl/Tk Consortium CD ROM project, and to distinguish it from
the other demos a logo was required.
I am not so good at painting things, but (geometric) construction
is no problem. Especially if a computer language can be used to do
this. Because of this my tool of choice was povray, a 3D rendering
application, and additionally ImageMagick to combine the gear wheel with
the tcl logo.
The associations I had in my mind while doing the logo were:
gears transform between different levels of speed, trf transforms
between representation of data.
The small gear is the driver, the big gear is driven, so the big
gear is slower, but with more power.
trf encryption (a separate package, see TrfCrypt)
empowers the user at expense of communication speed
- trf empowers tcl
The base of trf is hooked into the inner gears of tcl
(the I/O-Subsystem).
© Andreas Kupries
Last update at Mon Aug 20 22:52:27 PDT 2001