Timer routines
Allegro can set up several virtual timer functions, all going at different speeds. Under DOS it will constantly reprogram the clock to make sure they are all called at the correct times. Because they alter the low level timer chip settings, these routines should not be used together with other DOS timer functions like the djgpp uclock() routine. Under other platforms, they are usually implemented using threads, which run parallel to the main thread. Therefore timer callbacks on such platforms will not block the main thread when called, so you may need to use appropriate synchronisation devices (eg. mutexes, semaphores, etc.) when accessing data that is shared by a callback and the main thread. (Currently Allegro does not provide such devices.)
int install_timer();
void remove_timer();
int install_int(void (*proc)(), int speed);
int install_int_ex(void (*proc)(), int speed); SECS_TO_TIMER(secs) - give the number of seconds between each tick MSEC_TO_TIMER(msec) - give the number of milliseconds between ticks BPS_TO_TIMER(bps) - give the number of ticks each second BPM_TO_TIMER(bpm) - give the number of ticks per minuteIf there is no room to add a new user timer, install_int_ex() will return a negative number, otherwise it returns zero. There can only be sixteen timers in use at a time, and some other parts of Allegro (the GUI code, the mouse pointer display routines, rest(), the FLI player, and the MIDI player) need to install handlers of their own, so you should avoid using too many at the same time. If you call this routine without having first installed the timer module, install_timer() will be called automatically. Your function will be called by the Allegro interrupt handler and not directly by the processor, so it can be a normal C function and does not need a special wrapper. You should be aware, however, that it will be called in an interrupt context, which imposes a lot of restrictions on what you can do in it. It should not use large amounts of stack, it must not make any calls to the operating system, use C library functions, or contain any floating point code, and it must execute very quickly. Don't try to do lots of complicated code in a timer handler: as a general rule you should just set some flags and respond to these later in your main control loop. In a DOS protected mode environment like djgpp, memory is virtualised and can be swapped to disk. Due to the non-reentrancy of DOS, if a disk swap occurs inside an interrupt handler the system will die a painful death, so you need to make sure you lock all the memory (both code and data) that is touched inside timer routines. Allegro will lock everything it uses, but you are responsible for locking your handler functions. The macros LOCK_VARIABLE (variable), END_OF_FUNCTION (function_name), END_OF_STATIC_FUNCTION (function_name), and LOCK_FUNCTION (function_name) can be used to simplify this task. For example, if you want an interrupt handler that increments a counter variable, you should write: volatile int counter;and in your initialisation code you should lock the memory: LOCK_VARIABLE(counter); LOCK_FUNCTION(my_timer_handler);Obviously this can get awkward if you use complicated data structures and call other functions from within your handler, so you should try to keep your interrupt routines as simple as possible.
void remove_int(void (*proc)());
int install_param_int(void (*proc)(void *), void *param, int speed);
int install_param_int_ex(void (*proc)(void *), void *param, int speed);
void remove_param_int(void (*proc)(void *), void *param);
int timer_can_simulate_retrace()
void timer_simulate_retrace(int enable); - You can't use the retrace simulator in SVGA modes. It will work with some chipsets, but not others, and it conflicts with most VESA implementations. Retrace simulation is only reliable in VGA mode 13h and mode-X. - Retrace simulation doesn't work under win95, because win95 returns garbage when I try to read the elapsed time from the PIT. If anyone knows how I can make this work, please tell me! - Retrace simulation involves a lot of waiting around in the timer handler with interrupts disabled. This will significantly slow down your entire system, and may also cause static when playing samples on SB 1.0 cards (because they don't support auto-initialised DMA: SB 2.0 and above will be fine). Bearing all those problems in mind, I'd strongly advise against relying on the retrace simulator. If you are coding in mode-X, and don't care about your program working under win95, it is great, but it would be a good idea to give the user an option to disable it. Retrace simulation must be enabled before you use the triple buffering functions in a mode-X resolution. It can also be useful for simple retrace detection, because the polling vsync() function can occasionally miss retraces if a soundcard or timer interrupt occurs at exactly the same time as the retrace. When retrace interrupt simulation is enabled, vsync() will check the retrace_count variable rather than polling the VGA, so it won't miss retraces even if they are masked by other interrupts.
int timer_is_using_retrace()
extern volatile int retrace_count; The speed of retraces varies depending on the graphics mode. In mode 13h and 200/400 line mode-X resolutions there are 70 retraces a second, and in 240/480 line modes there are 60. It can be as low as 50 (in 376x282 mode) or as high as 92 (in 400x300 mode).
extern void (*retrace_proc)();
void rest(long time);
void rest_callback(long time, void (*callback)())