Joystick routines
int install_joystick(int type);
void remove_joystick();
int poll_joystick();
extern int num_joysticks;
extern JOYSTICK_INFO joy[n]; typedef struct JOYSTICK_INFO { int flags; - status flags for this joystick int num_sticks; - how many stick inputs? int num_buttons; - how many buttons? JOYSTICK_STICK_INFO stick[n]; - stick state information JOYSTICK_BUTTON_INFO button[n]; - button state information } JOYSTICK_INFO;The button status is stored in the structure: typedef struct JOYSTICK_BUTTON_INFO { int b; - boolean on/off flag char *name; - description of this button } JOYSTICK_BUTTON_INFO;You may wish to display the button names as part of an input configuration screen to let the user choose what game function will be performed by each button, but in simpler situations you can safely assume that the first two elements in the button array will always be the main trigger controls. Each joystick will provide one or more stick inputs, of varying types. These can be digital controls which snap to specific positions (eg. a gamepad controller, the coolie hat on a Flightstick Pro or Wingman Extreme, or a normal joystick which hasn't yet been calibrated), or they can be full analogue inputs with a smooth range of motion. Sticks may also have different numbers of axis, for example a normal directional control has two, but the Flightstick Pro throttle is only a single axis, and it is possible that the system could be extended in the future to support full 3d controllers. A stick input is described by the structure: typedef struct JOYSTICK_STICK_INFO { int flags; - status flags for this input int num_axis; - how many axis do we have? JOYSTICK_AXIS_INFO axis[n]; - axis state information char *name; - description of this input } JOYSTICK_STICK_INFO;A single joystick may provide several different stick inputs, but you can safely assume that the first element in the stick array will always be the main directional controller. Information about each of the stick axis is stored in the substructure: typedef struct JOYSTICK_AXIS_INFO { int pos; - analogue axis position int d1, d2; - digital axis position char *name; - description of this axis } JOYSTICK_AXIS_INFO;This provides both analogue input in the pos field (ranging from -128 to 128 or from 0 to 255, depending on the type of the control), and digital values in the d1 and d2 fields. For example, when describing the X-axis position, the pos field will hold the horizontal position of the joystick, d1 will be set if it is moved left, and d2 will be set if it is moved right. Allegro will fill in all these values regardless of whether it is using a digital or analogue joystick, emulating the pos field for digital inputs by snapping it to the min, middle, and maximum positions, and emulating the d1 and d2 values for an analogue stick by comparing the current position with the centre point. The joystick flags field may contain any combination of the bit flags:
JOYFLAG_UNSIGNED Note for people who spell funny: in case you don't like having to type "analogue", there are some #define aliases in allegro/joystick.h that will allow you to write "analog" instead.
const char *calibrate_joystick_name(int n);
int calibrate_joystick(int n); int i;int save_joystick_data(const char *filename); After all the headache of calibrating the joystick, you may not want to make your poor users repeat the process every time they run your program. Call this function to save the joystick calibration data into the specified configuration file, from which it can later be read by load_joystick_data(). Pass a NULL filename to write the data to the currently selected configuration file. Returns zero on success.
int load_joystick_data(const char *filename);
int initialise_joystick();