The domains file tells analog which country is represented by each domain.
You can tell analog where to find your domains file with a command like
Normally you don't need this command, because if there is a domains file in
your language, it should be selected automatically. But the
DOMAINSFILE command can be useful if you want to use a domains file
in a new language, for example.
If the name of the file doesn't include a directory, it will be
looked for wherever analog normally expects to find its language files.
You should have got a domains file with the program, but if you've lost it,
you can download one from
It should contain on each line a domain code, followed by a number, followed
by its location, like this:
ad 2 Andorra
ae 3 United Arab Emirates
It does not need to be in alphabetical order, though humans may prefer it that
way. Subdomains do not go in the domains file: you can list them in the Domain
Report using the SUBDOMAIN command.
The number beside each domain represents how many
levels deep an "organisation" is
considered to be, for the purposes of the Organisation Report. For example,
consider the hostname The organisation is, at the second level, so Andorra has a 2 in the above
list. But in the UAE, a host looks like
There is an extra level in the hierarchy, so the UAE has its organisations at
level 3.
There are some problems with this. A few countries have organisations at both
levels 2 and 3 (for example and In those cases I've favoured false negatives over
false positives by using the bigger number. (Also there is a correction which
will make most of them right again: the first component is always removed from
a hostname of three or more components.) For other
countries, I don't have enough information to tell what the level should
be. I've just given those a 1. Do let me know if
you have any more information, or corrections, for the numbers.
For numerical addresses, the organisation is considered to be at level 2 if
the first component is 24, 61-68, 80-81 or 128-255; and otherwise at level 1.
Again this is only an approximation -- for example, many organisations use two
adjacent blocks of numbers, or subdivided blocks -- but it's the best we can
do without looking up every address we come across. (Note that you can always
see more detail using the SUBORG
Only domains which occur in the domains file will get
their own line in the
Domain Report: the rest are probably spurious, and will be accumulated
together as "unknown domains". If analog couldn't find the domains file, then
all the domains will be unknown. If you have
turned on, you can see which domains were unknown.
Lines starting with a hash (#) in the domains file are considered
to be comments.