###################################################################### # # broker.conf - Configuration file for the # @THIS_BROKER_NAME@ Broker # # @CONTACT_MESSAGE@ # ###################################################################### # # The Indexer-Type is the type of indexing subsystem to use. # This should always be the first option in this file. # The possible values are: Glimpse, Swish or WAIS. # Indexer-Type @THIS_BROKER_INDEXER_TYPE@ # # The Broker-Directory is the Unix pathname of where this Broker lives. # Broker-Directory @THIS_BROKER_DIR@ # # The Port is the Unix socket number to which the Broker will listen. # # If you change this, also change it in $HARVEST_HOME/brokers/Brokers.conf # Port @THIS_BROKER_PORT@ # # The Broker-Home-Page is the URL pathname that points to the Home Page. # This URL will be included in the query result set to the user. You # don't need to include the http://Web-Server portion of the URL. # Broker-Home-Page /Harvest/brokers/@THIS_BROKER_SHORT_NAME@/ # # The Web-Server is hostname on which your HTTP server serving the Broker # objects is running. # Web-Server @THIS_HTTP_HOST@ # # The Web-Path is the pathname where Broker-Directory is visible under # the WWW server. # Web-Path /Harvest/brokers/@THIS_BROKER_SHORT_NAME@ # # The Description-Tag is the Attribute name (all lowercase) of the # one-line "object descriptions" that are displayed in query result sets. # The default Description-Tag is "description". # Description-Tag @THIS_BROKER_DESCRIPTION@ # # The Collection-Time is the "24-hour" time on which collections are # performed. The time format time is "hh:mm", where hh is 00-23, # and mm is 00-59. Collections may take a long amount of time, # so set your collection time during non-peak hours. # Collection-Time @THIS_BROKER_COLLECT@ # # The Admin-Password is the password used for the administration # interface. The default is none. # Admin-Password @THIS_BROKER_PASSWORD@ # # The Admin-Process is a program which is run on startup and on exit. # The broker.conf filename is passed as an argument. The default is none. # Admin-Process @THIS_BROKER_ADMIN_PROCESS@ ###################################################################### # You probably don't need to change anything below here... ###################################################################### # # The Collection-Configure-File is the pathname to the configure file that # specifies collections. Defaults to Broker-Directory/admin/Collection.conf # Collection-Configure-File @THIS_BROKER_DIR@/admin/Collection.conf # # The Clean-Rate is the rate at which the Broker performs garbage # collection on its registry. This includes removing expired objects # from the Broker. This rate is in seconds. The default is 43200, # which is every 12 hours. # Clean-Rate 43200 # # The Collection-Rate is the rate at which the Broker performs collections. # A collection is when the Broker contacts other Gatherers or Brokers to # retrieve objects from them. This rate is in seconds. The default # is 86400, which is every 24 hours. It is recommended that the value # be some multiple of 24 hours. # Collection-Rate 86400 # # The Log-Key is the initial setting of what events should or should not # be logged. An easier interface for turning on/off logging is through # the Administrative Interface HTML form. The default is 0xffffffff which # denotes to log everything. # # Symbol Mask String # L_UPDATE 0x00000001 #L_UPDATE_S "UPDATE" # L_DELETE 0x00000002 #L_DELETE_S "DELETE" # L_REFRESH 0x00000004 #L_REFRESH_S "REFRESH" # L_QUERY 0x00000008 #L_QUERY_S "QUERY" # L_QUERY_R 0x00000010 #L_QUERY_RS "QUERY-RETURN" # L_CLEAN 0x00000020 #L_CLEANS_S "CLEANER-ON"?? # L_COLTNG 0x00000040 #L_COLTNG_S "COLLECTION" # L_ADMINC 0x00000080 #L_ADMINC_S "ADMIN" # L_ADMINC_R 0x00000100 #L_ADMINC_RS "ADMIN-RETURN" # L_BULK 0x00000200 #L_BULK_S "BULK-TRANSFER" # L_BULK_R 0x00000400 #L_BULK_RS "BULK-RETURN" # L_CLEANS 0x00000800 #L_CLEAN_S "CLEANED"?? # L_QUERYERR 0x00001000 # L_BULKERR 0x00002000 # L_COMPRESS 0x00004000 #L_COMPRESS_S "COMPRESSING-REGISTRY" # L_GID 0x00008000 #L_GID_S "GATHERER-ID" # L_CONNECT 0x00010000 #L_CONNECT_S "CONNECTION" # Log-Key 0xffffffff # # The Terse-Logging flag will direct the broker to log very terse # information (e.g., rather than log the URL and Gatherer-ID for # each item, it only logs the OID number). If terse logging is # activated, then you need the admin/Registry file to cross-correlate # the OID numbers with the URL and other information about the item. # # The default is not to use terse logging. # # To turn on terse logging, use: # # Terse-Logging on # Terse-Logging off # # The Fast-Start flag will direct the broker to forgo the costs # of performing consistency checks to speed up the startup costs. # On startup, the broker will normally stat(2) each database object # to verify that it exists before adding it to the registry. # This causes heavy filesystem usage for large brokers. # # The default is not to use the fast starting. # # To turn on the fast starting, use: # # Fast-Start on # Fast-Start off # # The Index-Type is the type of indexing. There are 3 types of indexing: # "Full", "Incremental", and "Per-Object". Per-Object indexing is NOT # recommended. Administration Note: if Incremental indexing is chosen, # a manual full indexing is recommended once every 2-3 collections. This # is to prevent the index from becoming too fragmented. Manual indexing # can be done through the Administrative Interface HTML form. # The default is "Full" indexing. # Index-Type Full # # The Dead-Entry-Limit is the maximum number of expired/replaced registry # entries allowed before garbage collecting the registry file. If disk # space is a concern a low limit is recommended. The default is 6000. # Dead-Entry-Limit 6000 # # The Event-Queue-Limit is the maximum number of incoming requests allowed # at any one time. The default is 15. # Event-Queue-Limit 15 # # The Read-Query-Timeout is a timeout when reading query requests. # Long queries can get segmented as they move through the TCP/IP # layers. This timeout is needed to make sure we have the whole # query, and not just part of it. # # The value is specified in microseconds and the default is 500000 # which corresponds to 0.5 seconds. # # If you have a busy Broker with short query strings (say less than # 500 bytes) then it should be safe to set this value to zero. On the # other hand, If your log.broker seems to contain a lot of incomplete # queries then increase this value. # Read-Query-Timeout 500000 ####################################################################### # The Swish tags below will only apply if you choose Swish as your engine ####################################################################### # # The Swish tag is the pathname to the SWISH program # Swish @THIS_BROKER_SWISH@ ####################################################################### # The Glimpse tags below will only apply if you choose Glimpse as your engine ####################################################################### # # The Glimpse tag is the pathname to the glimpse program. # Glimpse @THIS_BROKER_GLIMPSE@ # # The GlimpseIndex tag is the pathname to the glimpseindex program. # If you'd like to add some extra flags to the glimpseindex command # (i.e., ``-n'' to index numbers) use the 'GlimpseIndex-Flags' tag. # GlimpseIndex @THIS_BROKER_GLIMPSEINDEX@ GlimpseIndex-Flags -n -M 20 # # The GlimpseServer tag is the pathname to the glimpseserver program. # Set to 'false' to disable GlimpseServer. # GlimpseServer @THIS_BROKER_GLIMPSESERVER@ # # The GlimpseServer-Host is the host on which the glimpseserver is running. # GlimpseServer-Host @THIS_BROKER_GLIMPSE_HOST@ # # The Glimpse-MaxLife is the longest amount of time a Glimpse query is # permitted to take. The default is 15 minutes. In seconds. # # 300 is 5 minutes. Glimpse-MaxLife 300 # # If GlimpseServer-Restart is positive, then the glimpseserver will # be restarted every N queries. The default is 0 - not to restart # glimpseserver. # GlimpseServer-Restart 1000 # # The GlimpseIndex-Option tag determines how you want glimpse to # optimize for space/time efficiency. Your choices are: # # Fast-Search Builds a large index with faster searches (the default) # Medium Builds a medium index with medium searches # Small-Index Builds a small index with slower searches # # Only is meaningful if Glimpse in your indexing/search subsystem. # GlimpseIndex-Option Fast-Search ####################################################################### # The WAIS tags below will only apply if you choose WAIS as your engine ####################################################################### # # WAIS-Flavor is the type of WAIS system. Valid values are: # WAIS, freeWAIS, or Commercial-WAIS. # WAIS-Flavor @THIS_BROKER_WAIS_FLAVOR@ # # WAIS-Database is the name of the WAIS database that is generated if you # elect to have WAIS as your indexer/search engine # WAIS-Database @THIS_BROKER_SHORT_NAME@ # # WAIS-Port is the port number that the waisserver will run on. # WAIS-Port @THIS_BROKER_WAIS_PORT@ # # WAIS-Host is the host that the waisserver will run on. # WAIS-Host @THIS_BROKER_WAIS_HOST@ # # WAIS-Log is the log file to which waisserver will log. # WAIS-Log @THIS_BROKER_DIR@/waisserver.log # # WAIS-Index is the path to your waisindex program. # WAIS-Index @THIS_BROKER_WAISINDEX@ # # WAIS-Search is the path to your waissearch program. # WAIS-Search @THIS_BROKER_WAISSEARCH@ # # WAIS-Server is the path to your waisserver program. # WAIS-Server @THIS_BROKER_WAISSERVER@ # # WAIS-Delete is the path to your waisdelete program. For WAIS, Inc. only. # WAIS-Delete @THIS_BROKER_WAISDELETE@ # # WAIS-Lookup is the path to your waislookup program. For WAIS, Inc. only. # WAIS-Lookup @THIS_BROKER_WAISLOOKUP@ # # WAIS-Parse is the path to your waisparse program. For WAIS, Inc. only. # WAIS-Parse @THIS_BROKER_WAISPARSE@