6/8/98 - First inklings of the pl2sd and sd2pl routines
to test the VM. I made sure the CRC routines worked and worked
out the module format.
6/9/98 - Understood that the SD, then VM and then ASM/Lang/GC
environ is a long path
6/11/98 - Got my Objective-C libraries to generate SimpleData (SD)
dumps of objective-C object trees.
I built an app to run the VM and debugged it.
6/12/98 - Actually finished that stuff and had a reader of the SD format
6/15/98 - Had the linker portion running. (morning)
6/24/98 - Get a C based SD to Bubl objects routine
working, get a C based Linker (build a malloc and collector, routines that
will take SD and build a Bubl Objects- runtime), runtime to manipulate
the objects via C, Linker...
Get malloc working.
Get symbol table hash working
Get sd2bubl routine working in C
Get GC working
Get runtime working
Get VM working
Get VM kicking a little more
For a full compiler:
Get an assembler working, then get a compiler working.
The assembler should be able to describe a Bubl module.
After the assembler, there will be the Compiler.
Milestone 1: The bare minimum
Milestone 2: Put the OS to work
7/8/98 - First creation