CGIWrap - Frequently Asked Questions
- How do I subscribe/unsubscribe from the CGIWrap mailing list?
- To subscribe, send a note containing "subscribe" to
- To unsubscribe, send a note containing "unsubscribe" to
cgiwrap-users-request@lists.sourceforge.net from the
account that is subscribed to the list.
- If you are unable to subscribe or unsubscribe, send a note to
me at nneul@umr.edu. Please do
not send subscribe/unsubscribe messages to the list.
- More information on the mailing list is available here.
- How do I send a message to the mailing list?
- Any mail sent to
will be sent to the mailing list, however, you have to be
subscribed to the list. I will occasionally hand approve
messages to the list if I see one from a non-subscriber,
but you need to subscribe to the list.
- What is on topic for the mailing list?
- anything cgiwrap related
- use of cgiwrap with ssi/cgi/various servers/tricks/etc
- Discussion of any cgiwrap incompatibilities with other
scripts, etc.
- cgi security questions and issues related or not related to cgiwrap.
- Anything else that comes up that is of interest to a large
number of cgiwrap users.
- I am getting the error about the server userid.
- CGIwrap needs to be configured with the userid that your
web server is running as. For apache based servers, this is the userid
that is listed on the "User" line in httpd.conf. You specify this
when configuring CGIWrap using the --with-httpd-user option.
- I am getting the error "Can't ... ". How can I fix this?
- CGIwrap needs to be installed set-uid to root. Log in as
root, change to the server's cgi-bin directory, and issue the commands:
chown root cgiwrap
chmod 4755 cgiwrap
- How do I use CGIwrap with server side includes
- This is not supported by all web servers, but with Apache, use:
<!--#include virtual="/cgi-bin/cgiwrap/user/script...."-->
- One of the problems is that this often is a security hole unless you can
enable server side exec/virtual include only of executables that are in
ExecCGI capable directories. Some people have made patches that will
allow this to work. Ask on the list for details.
- I am getting the error "setgroups() failed!". What is wrong?
- This occurs when CGIwrap is unable to set auxilliary groups.
Auxilliary groups are groups that a user is a member of in /etc/group,
that are not the user's primary group in /etc/passwd. Two things you
can do here are to make sure CGIwrap is installed correctly (has to be
setuid root to be able to set auxilliary groups.), or disable setting
auxilliary groups.
- ld.so.1: /net/bin/perl: fatal: /usr/lib/libintl.so.1: can't map file: errno=12
- This indicates that you installed cgiwrap with resource limiting (with rlimit support)
but the limits are set too low. There isn't enough memory for perl to load. Keep
in mind that unix applications usually use alot of virtual memory, even though
their resident size is small.
- I am getting a 500 Server Error, how can I debug my script?
- CGIwrap supports a debugging mode which can help to debug
scripts. To use it, call CGIwrap via the URL http://.../cgiwrapd/...
instead of http://.../cgiwrap/....
- I am getting the error execv() failed
- This generally results from either having the wrong path to perl,
or having control-M's after the path to perl. This is usually
a result of uploading the script in binary mode instead of ascii.
You can fix this by re-uploading the script in ascii mode, or
using vi/perl/etc. to get rid of the control-M's in the file.
- For some situations, simply adding " -- " to the end of the
first line of the script will cause the error to go away, sometimes
- How do I use cgiwrapd on a Cobalt RaQ?
cgiwrapd is still there, it just isn't directly obvious how to use it.
If you normally call your script as
you can call it as
to run it under cgiwrapd. Basically they ScriptAlias "cgiwrapDir" to
the directory where cgiwrap is installed.
Chris Adams