// Copyright (c) 1999-2000 David Muse
// See the COPYING file for more information.
#include <rudiments/genericsocket.h>
// The serversocket class allows you to write programs that can talk to other
// programs over TCP connections.
// The class supports TCP connections over Inet and Unix domain sockets.
// Inet sockets allow clients and servers on different machines to talk over a
// network. Unix sockets allow clients and servers on the same machine to
// talk. Inet sockets can be used by clients and servers on the same machine
// but Unix sockets generally perform better.
// The serversocket class provides methods for setting up sockets and accepting
// client connections. Its parent class: genericsocket, provides methods for
// reading and writing data and error management.
// If you need to listen on more than 1 socket at a time, you should use the
// serversocketpool class.
class serversocket : public genericsocket {
// Simple Socket Initialization Interface:
// The following 3 methods provide a simplified interface to
// socket initialization.
// If you need to set socket options or do anything special
// between the discrete steps of socket initialization, you
// should use a combination of the methods following these 2.
int listenOnInetPort(unsigned short int port, int backlog);
// Listen on inet port: "port" and allow
// "backlog" connections to pile up before
// refusing them.
// Entering a value of 0 for the "port" causes
// the server to listen on an arbitrary port.
// The getPort() method can be used later to
// discover this port.
// Returns 1 on success and 0 on failure.
int listenOnUnixPort(char *port, mode_t mode, int backlog);
// Listen on unix port: "port" and allow
// "backlog" connections to pile up before
// refusing them. Set the permissions on
// "port" to "permissions".
// Returns 1 on success and 0 on failure.
// Complex Socket Initialization Interface:
// The following 7 methods provide discrete control over socket
// initialization.
// If you need to set socket options or do anything special
// between the discrete steps of socket initialization, you
// should use a combination of these methods.
int initInetPort(unsigned short int port);
// Associates the socket with inet port "port".
// Returns 1 on success and 0 on failure.
int initUnixPort(char *port, mode_t mode);
// Associates the socket with unix port "port".
// Returns 1 on success and 0 on failure.
int lingerOnClose(int timeout);
// Instructs the connection to the client to stay open
// for "timeout" seconds even after closeSocket()
// is called if the client hasn't received all of the
// data yet.
// Returns 1 on success and 0 on failure.
int reuseAddresses();
// Allows sockets in the TIME_WAIT state to be reused
// Returns 1 on success and 0 on failure.
int bindSocket();
// Associates the socket with an address.
// Returns 1 on success and 0 on failure.
int listenForClientConnection(int backlog);
// Waits until a client connects then places
// that connection in queue. Up to "backlog"
// connections may be queued before future
// conenctions are refused.
// Returns 1 on success and 0 on failure.
genericsocket *acceptClientConnection();
// Removes the client connection from the queue
// and associates a new socket with that
// connection. Communication with the client
// may be done over this new socket.
// Returns a genericsocket on success and NULL
// on failure.
int stopListening();
// Disconnects the server process from the
// port it's listening on.
unsigned short int getPort();
// Returns the inet port number that
// the socket is listening on. If the
// port has not been set or if the
// socket is a unix socket, 0 is
// returned instead.
static int getClientAddress(genericsocket *sock,
char *buffer);
// Writes the address of the client at
// the other end of "sock" to "buffer".
#include <rudiments/private/serversocket.h>