Public Methods
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Protected Methods
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Detailed Description
It's the caption bar of a child frame widget.
Repaint the caption bar in active background colours
Repaint with a new caption bar title
Returns the caption bar height depending on the used font
[slot] Grabs the mouse, a move cursor, sets a move indicator variable to TRUE and keeps the global mouse position in mind
[protected virtual] Draws the caption bar and its title using the settings
[protected virtual] The same as QextMdiChildFrmCaption::slot_moveViaSystemMenu
[protected virtual] Calls maximizePressed of the parent widget (QextMdiChildFrm )
[protected virtual] Restore the normal mouse cursor, set the state variable back to 'not moving'
[protected virtual] Checks if out of move range of the QextMdiChildArea and calls QextMdiChildFrm::move
[protected] Computes a new abbreviated string from a given string depending on a given maximum width