Undoes the last action. Text next to the word indicates what this action was. You can undo an unlimited number of steps.
Redoes the last action. This menu item is only available if you just undid one or more actions.
Removes the currently selected GUI element (or elements) from its form and puts it into the clipboard. You can then paste it back into the same or another form with the menu item. You can also paste the clipboard contents into any text editor to get an XML-like description of the GUI element, even though this will rarely be useful.
This menu item is not available if no GUI element is currently selected.
Copies the currently selected GUI element (or elements) from its form into the clipboard. You can then paste it into the same or another form with the menu item. You can also paste the clipboard contents into any text editor to get an XML-like description of the GUI element, even though this will rarely be useful.
This menu item is not available if no GUI element is currently selected.
Pastes the GUI element (or elements) that is currently in the clipboard into the currently active form. The position is the position the GUI element had before it was copied (relative to its form at that time) plus a little offset so that you can paste a GUI element multiple times without the individual copies completely covering each other.
This menu item is only available if the clipboard contains a GUI element that was copied there from Qt Designer.
Removes the currently selected GUI element (or elements) from its form without putting it into the clipboard.
Selects all GUI elements in the currently active form.
Checks whether the accelerators in the currently active form are consistent; i.e., that no accelerator is used twice.
Opens the dialog that lets you edit the slots for the currently active form and add new slots.
Opens the dialog that shows you the connections between signals and slots on the currently active form and lets you edit them.
Opens a dialog that lets you make certain settings that apply only to the currently active form.
Opens a dialog that lets you make settings that apply to Qt Designer as a whole.