FastCGI Developer's Kit Index Page
FastCGI Developer's Kit
FastCGI Technical White Paper Motivates FastCGI, then
explains the FastCGI interface, FastCGI application roles, the FastCGI application library, server
support for FastCGI, and FastCGI performance.
Understanding FastCGI Application Performance Why FastCGI applications
often run faster than applications coded directly to Web server APIs.
FastCGI Developer's Kit
How to configure and build the kit for your development platform.
How to write applications using the libraries in the kit.
Documents cgi-fcgi, a tool in the kit that allows you to develop and test FastCGI
applications using a Web server that lacks FastCGI support.
Open Market FastCGI 1.0 Programmer's Guide
Programmer-oriented documentation for developers of applications that run on the Open Market's
Secure WebServer 2.0. The content overlaps considerably with Section 3 of the Developer's Kit
FCGI_Accept.3, FCGI_Finish.3, FCGI_SetExitStatus.3, FCGI_StartFilterData.3, and cgi-fcgi.1
Integrating FastCGI with Perl How to build FastCGI support into the Perl
interpreter and how to write FastCGI applications in Perl.
Integrating FastCGI with Tcl How to build FastCGI support into the Tcl
interpreter and how to write FastCGI applications in Tcl.
Integrating FastCGI with Java How to build Web server applications in
Java using FastCGI.
FastCGI: A High-Performance Gateway Interface Position paper
presented at the workshop "Programming the Web -- a search for APIs", Fifth International
World Wide Web Conference, 6 May 1996, Paris, France. A short paper, addressed to an audience of
technical specialists.
FastCGI Specification document.
Defines the interface between a FastCGI application and a Web server that supports FastCGI. This is
dry stuff, not needed for writing applications!
include .h files for the FastCGI libraries.
libfcgi .c files for the FastCGI libraries.
examples Several example FastCGI programs.
perl The FastCGI Perl module, FCGI.pm.
java The FastCGI Java library.
cgi-fcgi The CGI-to-FastCGI bridge source code.
© 1996, Open Market, Inc.