IRC Services Manual
2. Installing and using Services
2-1. System and network requirements
2-2. Installing Services from a binary distribution
2-3. Installing Services from source code
2-4. Configuring Services
2-5. Starting, stopping and controlling Services
Table of Contents
2-1. System and network requirements
In order to run Services, you will need the following:
- A POSIX-compliant operating system. Services is designed
for the Linux operating system, but should function on any POSIX-compliant
(or nearly so) operating system; it is known to work on FreeBSD and
- A supported IRC server (IRCD). Services supports several
different types of IRC servers, as listed in Table 2-1 below. Your IRC
network must be using one of these servers in order to use Services (the
"Services module" column indicates which protocol module is used with that
server; see section 2-4 for details).
Additionally, if you plan to compile Services from the source code, you
will also need the following (note that these are not necessary if you
install from a binary package):
[www.gnu.org] (the GNU C compiler).
Services currently uses some extensions to the C language provided by GCC,
and is unlikely to compile on other compilers. Warning: GCC version
2.96, provided in some Red Hat and related Linux distributions, has bugs
which cause Services to be compiled incorrectly (see
FAQ B.1 for details); early versions in the 3.x
series were also reported to have problems. Please use either version
2.95.3 or version 3.2 or later to compile Services.
make [www.gnu.org], version 3.79 or
later. Services uses complex Makefiles which may or may not work with
other "make" programs, and are known not to work with earlier versions of
GNU make. Note that GNU make may be installed on your system as either
make or gmake; if you're not sure, type make -v
or gmake -v in your shell, and if you get output that looks like
"GNU Make version 3.79.1, by Richard Stallman and Roland McGrath",
then it's installed.
- The Bourne shell or a compatible shell. This should be
installed on your system as /bin/sh. If by any chance the
configure script fails (see section 2-3), try
installing Bash
[www.gnu.org] and using it to run the
configure script.
- Perl
[www.perl.com] may also be needed if you
modify certain files (the language data files in particular).
IRC server (IRCD) name | Services module
[bahamut.dal.net] 1.4.25 and above
| bahamut
| Chunky Monkey IRCD 1.0 and above
| monkey
| DALnet (ircd.dal) 4.4.13 and below
| dalnet
| DALnet (ircd.dal) 4.4.15 and above
| dreamforge
| Dreamforge (ircd.dal 4.6.x)
| dreamforge
| ircd-2.8.x
| rfc1459
| ircd-2.8.x+TS8
| ts8
| ircu (Undernet)
[coder-com.undernet.org] 2.9.x
| undernet-p9
| tr-ircd
[tr-ircd.sourceforge.net] 4.0, 5.0
and above
| trircd
| UltimateIRCD 2.8.1
| dreamforge
| UltimateIRCD 3.0.0
| bahamut
| Unreal
[www.unrealircd.com] 3.1.1 and above
| unreal
Table 2-1. Supported IRC server types
(servers listed in italics have not been tested and are listed
based on user reports)
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2-2. Installing Services from a binary distribution
Binary distributions of Services are provided for Linux systems in the
popular RPM and .deb formats. See the Services home
page to download the latest binary distribution, then install or
upgrade it the same way you would for any other package.
Note that executable files in the binary distributions are compiled
statically, which means that they will work on any modern system regardless
of version, at the cost of requiring slightly more disk space and requiring
an upgrade (or recompile from source) if a bug is found in any of the
system libraries used by Services.
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2-3. Installing Services from the source code
If no binary distribution is available for your platform or you prefer to
compile Services yourself, you will need to install from the source code.
Once you have downloaded the source, you need to:
- Run the configure script. This script checks what
type of system you are running and determines what adjustments to the base
source code are necessary in order to compile. Certain compile-time
options can be set by passing command-line flags to the script; the most
common ones are:
- -ignore-cache (ignore the results of any previous
- -prefix pathname (set default installation location)
- -no-dir-check (skip check for presence of installation
- -use-static-modules (compile using statically-linked
modules, even if dynamic linking is available)
A full list of flags can be obtained with ./configure -help. (If
you prefer the GNU autoconf "--option[=value]"
format, configure will accept that as well, e.g.
"--prefix=/usr".) Note that configure will ignore
environment variables like CC and CFLAGS; use the
appropriate command-line options instead if you need to set these yourself.
Note on using alternate C compilers: If you specify a particular
C compiler using the -cc option, or if GCC is not installed on
your system, you will also need to specify any necessary options using the
-cflags option. In particular, Services uses a feature of C known
as "pointer aliasing", which is technically forbidden by the C standard but
necessary for clean programming. Some compilers attempt to optimize based
on the assumption that pointer aliasing is not used; if your compiler does
this, you will need to tell it not to (the option for GCC that does this is
When the script starts up, it will first ask for the directories in
which you want to install the Services program and data files. By default,
these are /usr/local/sbin and /usr/local/lib/ircservices,
respectively (if you have run configure before, the pathnames you
used last time will be used here instead); press Enter to accept the
default for each, or enter the path you want to use for installation. If
you change the program installation directory, a "good" data directory
pathname will be generated from the path you gave. Finally, if you use the
-prefix pathname command-line option, then these questions
will be skipped, and the program and data installation directories will be
set to pathname/sbin and pathname/lib/services
After setting the installation directories, configure will
check your system and print out status messages as it proceeds. At the
end, if no errors occur, it will print out a message telling you to
proceed with compilation.
- Edit defs.h and the Makefile, if necessary.
There are a few settings at the top of these files which can be changed as
needed. Usually, however, there is no need to change them, and you can
proceed directly to compilation.
One case in which you may want to modify a setting is if you run a
regional network which uses a language other than English as its primary
language; in this case, you can change the DEF_LANGUAGE setting in
defs.h to your local langauge.
- Compile the program. Run the command make (or
gmake, depending on your system) from the top-level directory.
Compilation time will vary depending on your system; on the author's
Pentium II (400MHz, 896MB RAM) system, compiling the entire program takes
approximately one minute.
- Install the program and data files. Run the command make
install (or gmake install) and the program and data files
will be copied to their destinations. The program file is installed as
ircservices in the program installation directory; the data
installation directory will contain sample configuration files (see
section 2-4), language data files, the
convert-db utility, and (if you compiled
modules with dynamic linking, which is the default on systems which support
it) module files.
Note that if you are compiling the program as the same user you will
install as, you can just use the single command make install to
compile and install in one step.
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2-4. Configuring Services
Once Services has been installed, it must be configured for your
network. Services uses two text files to control its behavior:
ircservices.conf and modules.conf. ircservices.conf
contains settings that affect Services as a whole, such as the remote
server to connect to; modules.conf contains settings that apply to
individual modules, such as NickServ and ChanServ.
When Services is installed, two sample files,
example-ircservices.conf and example-modules.conf, are
installed in the data directory; if you are installing Services for the
first time, you should start out by copying or renaming these files to
ircservices.conf and modules.conf respectively. Each file
contains detailed information about all possible settings, which can also
be found in Appendix A. When setting up Services for
the first time, you should at least check these settings:
File | Setting and syntax | Description
| RemoteServer host[:port] password
| Sets the server to which Services connects and the password used to
| ircservices.conf
| ServerName name
| Sets the server name Services will use on the IRC network.
| ircservices.conf
| ServerDesc description
| Sets the server description provided by Services.
| ircservices.conf
| ServiceUser user@host
| Sets the username and hostname used by Services clients. You may
want to set this to an E-mail address at which users can ask
questions about Services or your IRC network.
| ircservices.conf
| LoadModule module-name
| Loads the specified module. The example configuration file lists
all of the possible modules; select which ones you want to load or
not load. In particular, make sure you select the correct protocol
module and enter its name in the line which reads
LoadModule protocol/(insert protocol name here)
or Services will not be able to start.
| modules.conf
| Module protocol/protocol-name
| Change this line (the first Module line in the file) so it
contains the same protocol module you specified in
| modules.conf
| FromAddress user@host
| mail/main module: Sets the E-mail address used as the
sender on outgoing mail. Set this to an address at which users can
contact you with questions about Services.
| modules.conf
| FromName "name"
| mail/main module: Set this to the "name" you want to use
as the sender on outgoing mail. If you don't want a name (just the
E-mail address), leave this setting commented out.
| modules.conf
| ServicesRoot nick
| operserv/main module: Set this to the nickname which
should be granted Services root (super-user) privileges.
| modules.conf
| ListenTo address:port
| httpd/main module: Sets the ports which the Services HTTP
server will listen to. See the documentation for details.
Table 2-2. Commonly used configuration directives
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2-5. Starting, stopping and controlling Services
Services can be started by simply running the ircservices
program from a shell prompt. Upon starting, Services will parse its
command-line arguments and the ircservices.conf file, then open
the log file; if there are no errors, it will then print a short message to
the terminal, put itself in the background and return control to the shell.
If an error does occur, Services will print an error message and exit.
Several command-line options can be used to modify Services' behavior or
override settings in the ircservices.conf configuration file; these
are summarized in table 2-3 below. The command-line option -help
can be used to get a list of all available options.
Option | Meaning
| Print list of available options
| -dir=pathname
| Use pathname as the data directory instead of the
compiled-in default
| -remote=host[:port]
| Connect to the specified server; overrides RemoteServer
| -log=filename
| Write logging information to filename; overrides
LogFilename setting
| -debug
| Starts Services in debug mode; using this option multiple times
will produce more debugging output
| -readonly
| Starts Services in read-only mode; databases and log file will not
be written to
| -nofork
| Do not fork (go into the background) after initialization
| -noexpire
| Disable expiration of database entries (nicknames, channels,
autokills, etc.)
| -noakill
| Disable autokill checking (autokill list can still be modified)
| -forceload
| Attempt to load corrupted databases as much as possible
| -import=filename
| Import data into Services' databases (see section
Table 2-3. ircservices command-line options
Once in the background, Services will load language files and modules,
then try to connect to the remote server specified in ircservices.conf
(or on the command line). If any errors occur during these steps, an error
message will be printed to the log file and Services will terminate. If
Services appears to start up correctly but does not connect to your IRC
network, check the log file for any errors that may have occurred.
Once Services successfully connects to your IRC network, it will
continue running until either:
- the remote server closes the connection (for example, because of a
/SQUIT command);
- an OperServ RESTART,
QUIT command is received; or
- a termination signal (SIGINT [^C],
fatal program errors) is received.
In any of these cases (except in the case of a SIGKILL signal,
which Services cannot detect), an appropriate message will be written to
the log file describing why Services terminated.
The debug output level and read-only setting can be modified while
Services is running using the OperServ
SET command as needed, and other
OperServ commands can be used to monitor the status of Services or (as
mentioned above) shut down or restart Services.
While it is running, Services will periodically save modified data
(newly registered nicknames and channels, modified settings, and so on) to
disk. This is done in such a way that even if Services crashes while
writing the data, the previous contents of the databases will remain intact.
However, should the database files become corrupt (whether because of a bug
in Services or as the result of hardware failure or tampering), the
-forceload command-line option can be used to recover as much data
as possible from the corrupted data file. It is also strongly
recommended that you make regular backups of your data files, to reduce
potential damage from such problems.
If the contents of the ircservices.conf or modules.conf
configuration files are changed, Services can be instructed to reread the
files with either the OperServ
REHASH command or the
SIGHUP signal. If no errors are found in the configuration files,
Services' settings will be updated with the new configuration file
contents. Modules can also be loaded and unloaded this way without
restarting Services by adding or removing LoadModule directives in
ircservices.conf; however, modules will not be able to be unloaded
if other loaded modules depend on them. (For example, since the ChanServ
module depends on NickServ being available, you cannot remove the NickServ
module while leaving the ChanServ module loaded. You can, however, unload
both of them at once.)
If the system Services runs on supports periodic execution of programs,
such as via the cron utility, you can use the supplied script
ircservices-chk, installed in the same directory as the
ircservices executable, to ensure that Services comes back up
quickly if it should crash or otherwise terminate unexpectedly. (Of
course, you will need to disable this check if you ever shut down Services
intentionally!) On a typical Unix system, the following line, when added
using the crontab utility, will cause the ircservices-chk
script to be run once every five minutes (here,
/path/to/ircservices-chk represents the full path to the
ircservices-chk script):
0,5,10,15,20,25,30,35,40,45,50,55 * * * * /path/to/ircservices-chk
If you need to pass options to the ircservices executable,
simply add them after ircservices-chk in the line above. You can
also prevent the script from generating output (which would be sent to you
by mail) by adding the -q option after ircservices-chk
and before any other options.
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Table of Contents |
Previous section: About IRC Services |
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Next section: Overview of Services features