janosvm man pagejanosvm - a virtual machine to execute Java(tm) bytecodes. SYNOPSISjanosvm [options...] classname [arguments...] DESCRIPTIONjanosvm loads and executes the bytecode in the class classname, starting with the main method (which must be static and public). Any arguments given after classname are passed to the main method. Additional classes are loaded as needed. Unlike other virtual machines, the JanosVM supports multi- ple, separate processes (called "teams" in JanosVM) within a single VM. Based on KaffeOS (and thus Kaffe), the JanosVM supports per-team separate heaps, per-team garbage collection threads, inter-team thread migration, safe cross-team reference objects, and a spiffy tutorial. Designed to support asynchronous termination of uncoopera- tive or malicious Java applications, the JanosVM provides robust and scalable multi-process support within a single Java virtual machine. OPTIONS-help Give a short usage message. -version Print the version number. -fullversion Print verbose version info. -ss size Set the maximum stack size to size -ms size Set the initial heap size to size -mx size Set the maximum heap size to size -as size Set the heap increment to size -classpath path Override the default search path for class files with path. -addclasspath path Appends the given path to the current classpath setting. Multiple instances of this flag may be given. Set property to the given value. Some properties are used by the VM at startup. All can be fetched at runtime through the method System.getProperty(). -noverify Do not verify any bytecode. -noclassgc Disable garbage collection of classes. -jar The startup class, classname, names a JAR file. -v Enable verbose output. -verbosegc Print messages during garbage collection. -verbosejit Print messages during JIT code generation. -verbosemem Print detailed memory allocation statistics. -vmstats flag{,flag} Turn on VM statistcs. Use ``-vmstats list'' for a list of available flags. -name name Register this VM instance as name. This is useful when the JVM is going to be the target of JSI mes- sages since you can just use the registered name instead of a whole protocol and address specifica- tion. -jsiprovider name Specify where the jsi provider should listen. The format of name is a protocol name followed by a colon and then some implementation dependent address data. For example, to listen on TCP port 10000 of the current machine (sloane.sd6.gov), you would use -jsiprovider tcp:sloane.sd6.gov/10000. Currently, only one provider is allowed at a time. -jsitcpport port Specify a TCP based JSI provider that should listen on port . Basically, a fast alternative to the above. -jsifile name Setup a JSI link through files with name as their basename. This option can be used multiple times. Use file for initial configuration of the JanosVM. -noexit The JanosVM continues even if only non-dameon threads are running. Useful for JSI-controlled VMs that would otherwise exit. -vmdebug flag{,flag} Enable VM debugging. Use ``-vmdebug list'' to get a list of available flags. -nodeadlock Disable deadlock detection. -Xxprof Enable cross language profiling. See FAQ/FAQ.xpro- filer for details. -Xxprof_syms filename Name of the profiling symbols file. Defaults to kaffe-jit-symbols.s. -Xxprof_gmon filename Base name for gmon files. Defaults to xgmon.out -Xxprof_format formatname Undocumented. -Xxdebug Generate a debugging symbols file usable by gdb. See FAQ/FAQ.xdebugging for details. -Xxdebug_file format name Name of the debugging symbols file. Defaults to xdb.as. -Xfeedback The file name to write feedback data to. ENVIRONMENTCLASSPATH A colon-separated list of directories in which to search for .class files. KAFFEHOME Base directory of kaffe installation. KAFFE_DEBUG Optional value naming the debugger to start JanosVM up under. Performs debugger-specific initializa- tion to ensure that the JanosVM command line is LD_LIBRARY_PATH A colon-separated list of directories in which to search for libraries. See ld.so(1) for details. This needs to be set if Kaffe's shared libraries are installed in a location not part of the dynamic loader's default search path. FILESThere are native libraries, jar files, class files, shell scripts and libtool files used by the JanosVM at runtime. NOTESJava is a registered trademark of Sun Microsystems, Inc. JanosVM is available at http://www.cs.utah.edu/flux/janos/. See that page for information on mailing lists. The JanosVM is based on Kaffe, http://www.kaffe.org/, a freely-available GPL'd Java Virtual Machine. AUTHORThe JanosVM was written by the Flux Group at the Univer- sity of Utah. Kaffe was originally written by Tim Wilkinson <tim@transvirtual.com>, 1996. Many, many others have con- tributed to the Kaffe project. COPYINGThe JanosVM is distributed under the GNU GPL. For full details, see the file license.terms in the source distri- bution for full details. Man(1) output converted with man2html |