NAMEforum - Interactive Help for MRTG users
SYNOPSISThere is a lot of written documentation for mrtg. But never the less you may have a problem where you can't find the solution. In this case some Human Help may be necessary. With MRTG there are several ways to get Humans to help you.
MAILING-LISTThere are three mailing lists for MRTG available.
THE RULESPlease note, that the memebers of the mrtg mailinglist value politeness highly. This means behave in a way you would like others to behave towards you.
SUBSCRIBINGThese lists are managed by a mailing-list management software (listar). It allows you to subscribe to these lists by sending a message with the subject: subscribe to the following address: listname-request@list.ee.ethz.ch You will then get a message asking you to confirm your subscription. For posting to the lists use the following address listname@list.ee.ethz.ch Note that only people who are subscribed to the list can post. Further information about the usage of the mailing lists is available by sending a message with the subject line help to either one of the request addresses. For past activity there is also a mailing list archive available: http://www.ee.ethz.ch/~slist/mrtg There is also a web interface to manage your mailing-list subscription. http://www.ee.ethz.ch/~slist/lsg2.cgi
NEWSGROUPFor discussion of MRTG or related topics on the Usenet, please send your posts to: news:comp.dcom.net-management Many MRTG users are in this forum and will help you. You can also find an archive of past activity from this Newsgroup on: http://groups.google.com
MRTG JapanThere is a special Mailinglist for MRTG Users in Japan. It carries translations of the traffic from MRTG-ANNOUCNE as well as updates on the Japanese Translation of the MRTG documentation. Go to http://www.mrtg.jp/info/ml.html for further Information. Note that the list is in Japanese.
AUTHORTobias Oetiker <oetiker@ee.ethz.ch> and many contributors |