Green card: a foreign-language interface for Haskell
Thomas Nordin, Simon Peyton Jones, Alastair Reid,
Malcolm Wallace
**** Note that this document describes
GreenCard as of November 1997 - in particular, it supersedes the Haskell
Workshop 97 paper. There are significant syntax changes, some
simplifications, and some new features to extend the power of DISs.
Note also that it differs from the current Glasgow version of this
document, which failed to adopt some of the changes we agreed here.
Table of Contents
A foreign-language interface provides a way for software components written
in a one language to interact with components written in another.
Programming languages that lack foreign-language interfaces
die a lingering death.
This document describes GreenCard, a foreign-language interface for
the non-strict, purely functional language Haskell. We assume some
knowledge of Haskell and C.
Our goals are limited. We do not set out to solve the foreign-language
interface in general; rather we intend to profit from others' work in
this area. Specifically, we aim to provide the following, in priority order:
A convenient way to call C procedures from Haskell.
A convenient way to write COM(1)
software components in Haskell, and to
call COM components from Haskell.
The ability to call C from Haskell is
an essential foundation. Through it we can access operating system
services and mountains of other software libraries.
In the other direction, should we be able to write a Haskell library
that a C program can use? Yes indeed, but this paper does not
address the question directly. (Some implementations of GreenCard,
e.g. for nhc98, have provided a limited mechanism to allow this.)
Should we support languages other than C? The trite answer is that pretty much
everything available as a library is available as a C library. For
other languages the right thing to do is to interface to a
language-independent software component architecture, rather than to a
raft of specific languages. For the moment we choose COM, but CORBA(2)
might be another sensible choice. (Note also that there is some
current research focussed on using IDL to specify generalised foreign
language interfaces for Haskell.)
While we do not here propose a mechanism to call Haskell from C, it
does make sense to think of writing COM software components in Haskell
that are used by clients. For example, one might write an animated
component that sits in a Web page.
This document, however, describes only /1/, the C interface mechanism.
Even after the scope is restricted to designing a foreign-language
interface from Haskell to C, the task remains surprisingly tricky. At
first, one might think that one could take the C header file
describing a C procedure, and generate suitable interface code to make
the procedure callable from Haskell.
Alas, there are numerous tiresome details that are simply not expressed
by the C procedure prototype in the header file. For example,
consider calling a C procedure that opens a file, passing a character
string as argument. The C prototype might look like this:
int open( char *filename )
Our goal is to generate code that implements a
Haskell procedure with type
open :: String -> IO FileDescriptor
None of these details are mentioned in the C header file. Instead,
many of them are in the manual page for the procedure, while others
(such as parameter lifetimes) may not even be written down at all.
The previous section bodes ill for an automatic system that attempts
to take C header files and automatically generate the "right"
Haskell functions; C header files simply do not contain enough information.
The rest of this paper describes how we approach the problem.
The general idea is to start from the Haskell type definition
for the foreign function, rather than the C prototype. The
Haskell type contains quite a bit more information; indeed, it is
often enough to generate correct interface code. Sometimes, however, it
is not, in which case we provide a way for the programmer to express more details
of the interface. All of this is embodied in a program called "GreenCard".
GreenCard is a Haskell pre-processor. It takes a Haskell module
as input, and scans it for GreenCard directives (which are lines prefixed
by `%'). It produces a new Haskell module as output, and (in
some implementations) a C module as well.
(Figure 1).

Figure 1: The big picture
GreenCard's output depends on the particular Haskell implementation
that is going to compile it. For the Glasgow Haskell Compiler (GHC),
GreenCard generates Haskell code that uses GHC's primitive
`ccall'/`casm' construct to call C.
All of the argument marshalling is
done in Haskell. For Hugs, GreenCard generates a C module to do most
of the argument marshalling, while the generated Haskell code uses
Hugs's `prim' construct to access the generated C stubs.
For nhc98, GreenCard generates a C module to do part of the argument
marshalling, although the majority of it is done in the generated
Haskell code.
For example, consider the following Haskell module:
module M where
%fun sin :: Float -> Float
sin2 :: Float -> Float
sin2 x = sin (sin x)
Everything is standard Haskell except the `%fun' line, which asks
GreenCard to generate an interface to a (pure) C function `sin'.
After the GHC-targeted version of GreenCard processes the file, it looks
like this(3):
(Only GHC aficionados will understand this code. The whole point of
GreenCard is that Joe Programmer should not have to learn how to write
this stuff!)
module M where
sin :: Float -> Float
sin f = unsafePerformPrimIO (
case f of { F# f# ->
_casm_ "%r = sin(%0)" f# `thenPrimIO` \ r# ->
returnPrimIO (F# r#)})
sin2 :: Float -> Float
sin2 x = sin (sin x)
The `%fun' line has been expanded to a blob of gruesome
boilerplate, while the rest of the module comes through unchanged.
If Hugs is the target, the Haskell source file remains unchanged,
but the the Hugs variant of GreenCard generates
output that uses Hugs's primitive mechanisms for calling C.
For the nhc98 target, GreenCard generates something different again.
Much of the GreenCard implementation is, however, shared
between all variants.
GreenCard pays attention only to GreenCard directives, each of which
starts with a `%' at the beginning of a line. All other lines
are passed through to the output Haskell file unchanged.
The syntax of GreenCard directives is given in Figure 2).
The syntax for the dis production is given later
(Figure 3).
decl_1 ... decl_n
n >= 1
%const var
[const_1, ...
Constants, n >= 1
%dis var var_1 ... var_n = dis
n >= 0
%prefix var
Prefix to strip from Haskell function names
%C var
entire line is passed (stripped) to C
%- var
entire line is passed verbatim to C
sig [call] [ccode] [result]
%fun var :: type
Name and type
simple type
var type
type application
type -> type
function type
(type_1, ...
tuple types, n >= 0
list type
%call dis_1 ... dis_n
%fail cexp cexp [result]
In I/O monad
%result dis
var = cv
C Expression
" var "
string excludes " character
C Code
%code var
Figure 2: Grammar for GreenCard
A general principle we have followed is to define a single, explicit
(and hence long-winded) general mechanism, that should deal with just
about anything, and then define convenient abbreviations that save the
programmer from writing out the general mechanism in many common
cases. We have erred on the conservative side in defining such
abbreviations; that is, we have only defined an abbreviation where
doing without it seemed unreasonably long-winded, and where there
seemed to be a systematic way of defining an abbreviation.
GreenCard understands the following directives:
`%fun' begins a procedure specification, which describes
the interface to a single C procedure (Section 5 Procedure specifications).
`%dis' allows the programmer to describe a new
Data Interface Scheme (DIS). A DIS describes how to translate,
or marshall, data from Haskell to C and back again
(Section 6 Data Interface Schemes).
`%const' makes it easy to generate a collection of new Haskell
constants derived from C constants. This can be done with
`%fun', but `%const' is much more concise
(Section 5.6 Constants).
`%prefix' makes it easy to remove standard prefixes from
the Haskell
function name, those are usually not needed since Haskell allows qualified
imports (Section 5.7 Prefixes).
`%C' allows one to write fragments of C code which sit
outside any procedure specifications. (We shall see later
how to include fragments of C code within procedures.) The
entire line of text following this directive is simply copied verbatim
to the generated C module.
Following a GreenCard directive, subsequent leading or trailing
whitespace is in general ignored or trimmed. This applies even to the
`%C' directive. Because there are occasions when
it can be desirable to preserve whitespace in the C code, some
implementations of GreenCard (currently only for nhc98)
allow a special form `%-' which is exactly like
`%C' except that it preserves all whitespace.
All directives (except `%C' and `%-')
can span more than one line, but the continuation lines
must each start with a `%' followed by some whitespace.
Haskell-style comments are permitted in GreenCard directives
(except, for obvious reasons, `%C' and `%-').
For example:
%fun draw :: Int -- Length in pixels
% -> Maybe Int -- Width in pixels
% -> IO ()
In later sections, we shall encounter the specification of
short fragments of literal C code (and indeed, literal Haskell code)
deep within a GreenCard directive. On such occasions, the
literal C code is enclosed within double-quote marks (and the literal
Haskell code is also denoted syntactically). However, within these
fragments one sometimes wishes to make use of the value of a
name bound by a GreenCard DIS macro, rather than the
name itself. Hence, a name used within double-quotes can be
escaped by prefixing it with the `%' character.
When the literal code is generated, these escaped names will be
replaced by the value bound to that name in the current environment.
See Section 7.2 for examples.
The most common GreenCard directive is a procedure specification.
It describes the interface to a C procedure.
A procedure specification has four parts:
- Type signature: `%fun'
(Section 5.1 Type signature).
The `%fun' statement starts a new
procedure specification, giving
the name and Haskell type of the function.
- Parameter marshalling: `%call'
(Section 5.2 Parameter marshalling).
The `%call' statement
tells GreenCard how to translate the Haskell parameters into their
C representations.
- The body: `%code'
(Section 5.3 The body).
The `%code' statement gives the body and it can contain arbitrary C
code. Sometimes
the body consists of a simple procedure call, but it may
also include variable declarations, multiple calls, loops, and so on.
- Result marshalling: `%result', `%fail'
(Section 5.4 Result marshalling).
The result-marshalling statements tell GreenCard how to translate the
result(s) of the call back into Haskell values.
Any of these parts may be omitted except the type signature. If any
part is missing, GreenCard will fill in a suitable statement based on
the type signature given in the `%fun' statement. For example,
consider this procedure specification:
%fun sin :: Float -> Float
GreenCard fills in the missing statements like this(4):
%fun sin :: Float -> Float
%call (float arg1)
%code res1 = sin(arg1);
%result (float res1)
The rules that guide this automatic fill-in are described in Section 5.5 Automatic fill-in.
A procedure specification can define a procedure with no
input parameter, or even a constant (a "procedure" with no
input parameters and no side effects). In the following example, `printBang'
is an example of the former, while `grey' is an example of the latter(5):
%fun printBang :: IO ()
%code printf( "!" );
%fun grey :: Colour
%code r = GREY;
%result (colour r)
All the C variables bound in the `%call' statement or mentioned in the `%result'
statement, are declared by GreenCard and in scope throughout the body. In the
examples above, GreenCard would have declared `arg1',
`res1' and `r'.
The `%fun' statement starts a new
procedure specification.
GreenCard supports two sorts of C procedures: ones that may cause
side effects (including I/O), and ones that are guaranteed to be pure
functions. The two are distinguished by their type signatures.
Side-effecting functions have the result type `IO t' for some type
`t'. If the programmer specifies
any result type other than `IO t',
GreenCard takes this as a promise that the C function is indeed pure,
and will generate code that assumes such.
The procedure specification will expand to the definition of
a Haskell function, whose name is that given in the
`%fun' statement, with two changes: the longest matching
prefix specified with a `%prefix'
(Section 5.7 Prefixes elaborates) statement is
removed from the name and the first letter of the remaining
function name is changed
to lower case. Haskell requires all function names to start
with a lower-case letter (upper case would indicate a data constructor),
but when the C procedure name begins with an upper case letter it is
convenient to still be able to make use of GreenCard's automatic fill-in
facilities. For example:
%fun OpenWindow :: Int -> IO Window
would expand to a Haskell function `openWindow'
that is implemented by
calling the C procedure `OpenWindow'.
%prefix Win32
%fun Win32OpenWindow :: Int -> IO Window
would expand to a Haskell function `openWindow'
that is implemented by
calling the C procedure `Win32OpenWindow'.
The `%call' statement tells GreenCard how to translate the
Haskell parameters into C values. Its syntax is designed to look rather
like Haskell pattern matching, and consists of a sequence of
zero or more Data Interface Schemes (DISs), one for each
(curried) argument in the type signature. For example:
%fun foo :: Float -> (Int,Int) -> String -> IO ()
%call (float x) (int y, int z) (string s)
This `%call' statement binds the C variables
`x', `y', `z', and `s',
in a similar way that Haskell's pattern-matching binds variables to
(parts of) a function's arguments.
These bindings are in scope throughout the body and result-marshalling
In the `%call' statement, `float',
`int', and `string' are
the names of the DISs that are used to translate between Haskell and
C. The names of these DISs are deliberately chosen to be the same as
the corresponding Haskell types (apart from changing the initial
letter to lower case) so that in many cases, including
`foo' above,
GreenCard can generate the `%call' line by itself
(Section 5.5 Automatic fill-in).
In fact there is
a fourth DIS hiding in this example, the `(_,_)' pairing
DIS. DISs are discussed in detail in
Section 6 Data Interface Schemes.
The body consists of arbitrary C code, beginning with `%code'.
The reason for allowing arbitrary C is that C procedures sometimes have
complicated interfaces. They may return results through parameters
passed by address, deposit error codes in global variables, require
`#include''d constants to be passed as parameters, and so on.
The body of a GreenCard procedure specification allows the programmer to
say exactly how to call the procedure, in its native language.
The C code starts a block, and may thus start with declarations that
create local variables. For example:
%code int x, y;
% x = foo( &y, GREY );
Here, `x' and `y' are declared as local
variables. The local C
variables declared at the start of the block scope over the rest of the
body and the result-marshalling statements.
(The C code may also mention values from included C header files, such as
`GREY' above, or use global variables or structures declared
earlier by GreenCard `%C' (or `%-') directives.
Functions return their results using a `%result' statement.
Side-effecting functions -- ones whose result type is `IO t' --
can also use `%fail' to specify the failure value.
The `%result' statement takes a single DIS that describes how to translate
one or more C values back into a single Haskell value. For example:
%fun sin :: Float -> Float
%call (float x)
%code ans = sin(x);
%result (float ans)
As in the case of the `%call' statement, the `float'
in the `%result'
statement is the name of a DIS, chosen as before to coincide with the
name of the type. A single DIS, `float', is used to denote
both the translation
from Haskell to C and that from C to Haskell, just as a data constructor
can be used both to construct a value and to take one apart (in pattern matching).
All the C variables bound in the `%call' statement, the
`%result' statement, and all those
bound in declarations at the start of the body, scope over all
the result-marshalling statements (i.e. `%result' and `%fail').
In a result-marshalling statement an almost arbitrary C expression, enclosed in
double quotes, can be used in place of a C variable name. The above
example could be
written more briefly
like this(6):
%fun sin :: Float -> Float
%call (float x)
%result (float "sin(x)")
A side effecting function returns a result of type `IO t' for some type
`t'. The `IO' monad supports exceptions, so
GreenCard allows them to be raised.
The result-marshalling statements for a side-effecting call consists
of zero or more `%fail' statements, each of which conditionally raise
an exception in the `IO' monad, followed by a single `%result'
statement that returns successfully in the `IO' monad.
Just as in Section 5.4 Result marshalling, the `%result' statement gives
a single DIS that describes how to construct
the result Haskell value, following successful completion of a side-effecting
operation. For example:
%fun windowSize :: Window -> IO (Int,Int)
%call (window w)
%code struct WindowInfo wi;
% GetWindowInfo( w, &wi );
%result (int "wi.x", int "wi.y")
Here, a pairing DIS is used, with two `int' DISs inside it. The
arguments to the `int' DISs are C record selections, enclosed in
double quotes; they extract the relevant information from the
`WindowInfo' structure that was filled in by the `GetWindowInfo'
The `%fail' statement has two fields, each of which is either a C
variable or a C expression, enclosed in double quotes. The first field is a
boolean-valued expression that indicates when the call should fail;
the second is a `(char *)'-value that indicates what sort of failure
occurred. If the boolean is true (i.e. non zero) then the call fails
with a `UserError' in the `IO' monad containing the specified string.
For example:
%fun fopen :: String -> IO FileHandle
%call (string s)
%code f = fopen( s );
%fail "f == NULL" "errstring(errno)"
%result (fileHandle f)
The assumption here is that `fopen' puts its error code in the global
variable `errno', and `errstring' converts that error number to a string.
`UserError's can be caught with `catch', but exactly which error
occurred must be encoded in the string, and parsed by the
error-handling code. This is rather slow, but errors are meant to be
Any or all of the parameter-marshalling, body, and result-marshalling
statements may be omitted. If they are omitted, GreenCard will
"fill in" plausible statements instead, guided by the function's
type signature. The rules by which GreenCard does this filling in
are as follows:
A missing `%call' statement is filled in with a DIS for each
curried argument. Each DIS is constructed from the corresponding argument
type as follows:
A tuple argument type generates a tuple DIS, with the same algorithm applied to
the components.
All other types generate a DIS macro application
(Section 6.1 Forms of DISs).
The DIS macro name is derived from
the type of the corresponding argument, except that the first letter
of the type is changed to lower case. The DIS macro is applied to
as many argument variables as required by the arity of the DIS
The automatically-generated argument variables are named
left-to-right as `arg1', `arg2', `arg3', and so on.
If the body is missing, GreenCard fills in a body of the form:
r = f(a_1,a_2,...a_n);
`f' is the function name given in the type signature.
`a_1,...,a_n' are the argument names extracted from the
`%call' statement.
`r' is the variable name for the variable
used in the `%result' statement. (There should only
be one such variable if the body is automatically filled in.)
A missing `%result'
statement is filled in by a `%result' with a DIS constructed from
the result type in the same way
as for a `%call'. The result variables are named
`res1', `res2', `res3', and so on.
GreenCard never fills in `%fail' statements.
Some C header files define a large number of constants of a particular type.
The `%const' statement provides a convenient abbreviation
to allow these constants to be imported into Haskell.
For example:
%const PosixError [EACCES, ENOENT]
This statement is equivalent to the following `%fun' statements:
%fun EACCES :: PosixError
%fun ENOENT :: PosixError
After the automatic fill-in has taken place we would obtain:
%fun EACCES :: PosixError
%result (posixError "EACCES")
%fun ENOENT :: PosixError
%result (posixError "ENOENT")
Each constant is made available as a Haskell value of the specified
type, converted into Haskell by the DIS macro for that type.
(It is up to the programmer to write a `%dis' definition for the
macro -- see Section 6.2 DIS macros.)
There are variant ways of declaring constants within the
`%const' directive. Firstly, the type-name can be replaced
by a DIS-name if you wish. Secondly, you may find the Haskell constant
names `eACCES' and `eNOENT' somewhat ugly,
so you may associate a different Haskell name with each C constant name.
%const PosixError [
% errAccess = "EACCES",
% errNoEnt = "ENOENT"
% ]
In C it is common practice to give all function names in a library the same
prefix, to minimize the impact on the common namespace. In Haskell we use
qualified imports to achieve the same result. To simplify the conversion of
C style namespace management to Haskell the
`%prefix' statement specifies which
prefixes to remove from the Haskell function names.
module OpenGL where
%prefix OpenGL
%prefix gl
%fun OpenGLInit :: Int -> IO Window
%fun glSphere :: Coord -> Int -> IO Object
This would define the two procedures init and sphere which would be implemented
by calling OpenGLInit and glSphere respectively.
It is often useful to be able to write arbitrary lines of C code outside
any procedure specification, for instance to include a header file,
define the layout of a C structure, or declare a C global variable.
The `%C' directive
(with its whitespace-preserving variant `%-')
is provided expressly for this purpose.
For example, either of
%C #include <header.h>
%-#include <header.h>
tells GreenCard to arrange that a specified
C header file will be included by the C code it generates.
As another example, for simple convenience one might wish to add data or
type declarations directly to the generated C module, rather than in a
separate header file. Thus:
%-struct _iocb {
%- int fd;
%- void *buf;
%- int pos;
%- unsigned flags;
%-typedef struct _iocb *FILE
A Data Interface Scheme, or DIS, tells GreenCard how to
translate from a Haskell data type to a C data type, and vice versa.
var arg_1 ... arg_n
Macro application
(dis_1, ... ,dis_n)
Tuple, n >= 0
Cons arg_1 ... arg_n
Constructor, n >= 0
Cons {
field_1 = arg_1
, ... ,
field_n = arg_n
Named fields, n >= 1
arg_1 ... arg_n
User-defined functions, n >= 1
%%Var cv
Base DIS
declare cexp cv in dis
Type-cast DIS
Variable / C Expression
Variable bound in %dis
Figure 3: Grammar of DISs
The syntax of DISs is given in Figure 3. It is
designed to be similar to the syntax of Haskell patterns.
A DIS takes one of the following forms:
The application of a DIS macro to zero or more arguments.
Like Haskell functions, a DIS macro starts with a lower-case
letter. DIS macros are described in
Section 6.2 DIS macros.
Some standard DIS macros include `int',
`float', `double'; the full set is given in
Section 7 Standard DISs. For example:
%fun foo :: This -> Int -> That
%call (this x y) (int z)
%code r = c_foo( x, y, z );
%result (that r)
In this example `this' and `that' are
DIS macros defined elsewhere.
The application of a Haskell data constructor to zero or more DISs.
For example:
newtype Age = Age Int
%fun foo :: (Age,Age) -> Age
%call (Age (int x), Age (int y))
%code r = foo(x,y);
%result (Age (int r))
As the `%call' line of this example illustrates, tuples
are understood as data constructors,
including their special syntax. Haskell named-field syntax is also supported.
For example:
data Point = Point { px,py::Int }
%fun foo :: Point -> Point
%call (Point { px = int x, py = int y })
GreenCard does not attempt to perform type inference; it simply assumes
that any DIS starting with an upper case letter is a data constructor,
and that the number of argument DISs matches the arity of the constructor.
The application of a user function to one or more DISs.
This form allows one to use an arbitrary data transformation written in
Haskell, usually to simplify a value of some complicated type down to a
collection of values of types that C can understand. Noting that
DISs can be used bi-directionally, it is necessary to provide the names
of two Haskell functions; one for marshalling, the other for
unmarshalling. For example:
data T = Zero | Succ T
from_t :: T -> Int
to_t :: Int -> T
%fun square :: T -> T
%call (<from_t/to_t> (int x))
%code r = square( x );
%result (<from_t/to_t> (int r))
Here, the function `from_t' is applied to
`square''s argument (converting it to an integer)
before it crosses the fence into C. Likewise, the result from C
is converted back to type `T' by the function
`to_t' after being returned to the Haskell world.
(The reason for giving both function names in the
`%call' and `%result' lines when only one
will be used in either case, is that the DIS may be hidden inside a
macro, and of course the same macro can be used in either position.)
The whole `<../..>' construct is treated
by analogy to the two uses of constructors: on the one hand for
pattern-matching (taking apart a value), and on the other for
constructing a value.
The user functions can have any name at all: in fact, the
syntax simply encloses two fragments of arbitrary Haskell to be applied
to the succeeding arguments. One may specify a partially applied function,
or anything else (excluding uses of the `/' and `>'
symbols - so lambda abstractions are not possible unfortunately). The
user-defined DIS may of course also bind more than one parameter (in which
case, to preserve symmetry of marshalling and unmarshalling, the functions
are always treated as uncurried). For example:
data Polar = P Dist Vector
%dis polar a b = <polar_to_cart/cart_to_polar> (int a) (int b)
polar_to_cart :: Polar -> (Int, Int)
cart_to_polar :: (Int, Int) -> Polar
Notice that all the example marshalling functions
have pure types (e.g. `from_t' has type
`T -> Int' rather than `T -> IO Int').
Sometimes one wants to write a marshalling function that is internally
stateful. For example, it might pack a `[Char]' into a
`ByteArray', by allocating a `MutableByteArray'
and filling it in with the characters one at a time. This can be done using
`runST', or even `unsafePerformIO'.
(This is a GHC-specific comment; so far as GreenCard is concerned it
is simply up to the programmer to supply suitably-typed marshalling functions.)
A C type cast. Occasionally one wishes to declare and use a
C variable at a type which differs slightly from the type produced by
a standard DIS, although it shares the same machine representation. The
`declare "ctype" var in dis' form of declaration can be used to
perform the necessary type-conversion in C. Examples:
%fun foo :: Int -> IO ()
%call (declare "unsigned" x in int x)
data T = MkT Int
%fun baz :: T -> IO ()
%call (declare "c_t" x in MkT (int x))
The application of a base DIS to exactly one variable.
This is the primitive form of a DIS - the way all values actually get passed
across the Haskell-C boundary. Base DISs denote a fixed set of
primitive types known to both C and Haskell (such as `int' and
`Int' respectively), and consist of the Haskell typename
prefixed by `%%' (e.g. `%%Int').
Because the exact set of base
DISs may vary slightly between compilers, it is recommended that programmers
use the standard DIS macros listed in Section 7 in
preference to the base DISs. The base form is noted here primarily for
As an example, here is the fully expanded DIS for
floats in GHC, which also deals with unboxing. (Note that other compilers
do not treat unboxing in this way, hence the recommendation to use the
standard DIS.)
%fun sin :: Float -> Float
%call (declare "float" x in (F# (%%Float x)))
%code r = sin(x);
%result (declare "float" r in (F# (%%Float r)))
It would be unbearably tedious to have to write out complete DISs in
every procedure specification, so GreenCard supports DIS
macros in much the same way that Haskell provides functions.
(The big difference is that DIS macros can be used in "patterns" --
such as `%call' statements -- whereas Haskell functions cannot.)
DIS macros allow the programmer to define abbreviations for commonly-occurring
DISs. For example:
newtype This = MkThis Int (Float, Float)
%dis this x y z = MkThis (int x) (float y, float z)
Along with the `newtype' declaration the programmer can
write a `%dis' declaration that defines the DIS macro
`this' in the obvious manner.
DIS macros are simply expanded out by GreenCard before it generates code.
So for example, if we write:
%fun f :: This -> This
%call (this p q r)
GreenCard will expand the call to `this':
%fun f :: This -> This
%call (MkThis (int p) (float q, float r))
(In fact, `int' and `float' are also DIS macros
defined in GreenCard's standard prelude,
so the `%call' line is further
expanded to something like:
%fun f :: This -> This
%call (MkThis ((declare "int" p in I# (%%Int p))
% (declare "float" q in F# (%%Float q),
% declare "float" r in F# (%%Float r))))
The fully expanded calls describe the marshalling code in full detail; you can
see why it would be inconvenient to write them out literally on each occasion!)
Notice that DIS macros are automatically bidirectional; that is,
they can be used to convert Haskell values to C and vice versa.
For example, we can write:
%fun f :: This -> This
%call (this p q r)
%code f( p, q, r, &a, &b, &c);
%result (this a b c)
The form of DIS macro definitions, given in
Figure 3, is very
simple. The formal parameters can only be variables (not patterns),
and the right hand side is simply another DIS. Only first-order DIS
macros are permitted.
Note however that the quoting/escape mechanism for literal code
enables one to use the value of a macro variable within
a fragment of C code (or Haskell code).
This feature is very powerful, as shown in Section
6.2.0 Marshalling complex structures.
The full power of DIS macros becomes apparent when one attempts to
map between a structured Haskell type and a structured C type. For
example, let us study a Haskell `ColourPoint' type:
data ColourPoint = CP Int Int Colour
data Colour = Red | Green | Blue | ...
for which we happen to want a representation in C as a
`struct colourpoint':
struct colourpoint {
int x;
int y;
enum colour c;
It requires just two small DIS macros to capture the mapping:
%dis colourPoint cp =
% declare "struct colourpoint" cp in
% CP (int "%cp.x") (int "%cp.y") (colour "%cp.c")
%dis colour x =
% declare "enum colour" x in
% <fromEnum/toEnum> (int x)
Using these, it is then very easy to implement the required interfaces
to foreign functions which manipulate coloured points:
%fun translate :: Int -> Int -> ColourPoint -> IO ColourPoint
%call (int xrel) (int yrel) (colourpoint p)
%code p.x += xrel;
% p.y += yrel;
% render(&p);
%result (colourpoint "p")
Note that in this example, the return value is actually the same
structure as the argument value (destructively updated). It is
for this reason that the final `p' is quoted as a
C literal - it prevents the `declare' clause of the
DIS macro from generating a second (overlapping) declaration of the
variable in C. Here is a different example where it is more obvious
that the literal-C argument to the `colourPoint' DIS
should not generate a variable declaration:
%fun nullPoint :: ColourPoint
%result (colourPoint "{0,0,RED}")
How does GreenCard use these DISs to convert between Haskell values
and C values? We give an informal algorithm here, although most
programmers should be able to manage without knowing the details.
To convert from Haskell values to C values, guided by a DIS,
GreenCard does the following:
First, GreenCard recursively rewrites all DIS macro applications,
replacing left hand side by right hand side, with actual variables
substituted for formals.
Next, GreenCard works from outside in, as follows:
For a data-constructor DIS (in either positional or named-field form),
GreenCard generates a Haskell pattern-match to take the value apart.
For a user-defined DIS, GreenCard generates a call to the DIS's
`from_t' function.
For a type-cast DIS, GreenCard pushes the type declaration inwards
towards the use of the variable it declares.
For a base DIS, GreenCard does no translation.
All variables remaining in the final expression must lie inside a base
DIS. If this is not the case, then an error has occurred (probably
the omission of a macro definition).
Finally, any variable used in the expanded DIS expression (and which
has a C type-declaration clause attached) generates the appropriate
declaration in C, and the variable is initialised with the value
provided by Haskell. (In GHC, the value is unboxed and available
directly. In Hugs or nhc98, the value is extracted from the stack.)
Much the same happens in the other direction, except that GreenCard calls
the `to_t' function when inside a user-defined DIS, and builds
a value with a data constructor, rather than taking it apart. Again,
C variables are declared of the appropriate types, although of course a
literal C expression in a result does not generate a declaration.
Figure 4 gives the DIS macros
that GreenCard provides as a "standard prelude".
standard DIS
Haskell type
C type
int i
char c
bool b
0 for False, 1 for True
float f
double d
string s
Persistence not required in either direction
addr a
An immovable C address
foreign f r
r is the finalisation routine
stable s
int is just an index into the stable pointer table.
Figure 4: Standard DISs
Several of the provided DISs involve types that go beyond standard
`Addr' is a type large enough to contain a machine address.
The Haskell garbage collector treats it as a non-pointer, however.
`ForeignObj' is a type designed to contain a reference to
a foreign resource of some kind: a `malloc''d structure,
a file descriptor, an X-windows
graphic context, or some such. The size of this reference is assumed
to be that of a machine address. When the Haskell garbage collector
decides that a value of type `ForeignObj' is unreachable,
it calls the object's finalisation routine, which was given as an
address in the argument of the DIS. The finalisation routine is passed
the object reference as its only argument.
The `stable' DIS maps a value of any type onto a C
`int'. The `int' is
actually an index into the stable pointer table, which is treated
as a source of roots by the garbage collector. Thus the C procedure can
effectively get a reference into the Haskell heap.
When `stable' is used
to map from C to Haskell, the process is reversed.
Almost all DISs work on single-constructor data types.
It is much less obvious how to translate values of multi-constructor
data types to and from C. In fact, the right way to do it is through
user-defined DISs. We illustrate how with a DIS for the
`Maybe' type.
The definition of a `maybe' DIS is:
%dis maybeInt default x = <fromMaybe %default/toMaybe %default> (int x)
fromMaybe def (Nothing) = def
fromMaybe def (Just x) = x
toMaybe def x
| def == x = Nothing
| otherwise = Just x
where `default' is a Haskell expression which represents
the `Nothing' value. Note how we use the `%'
character to unquote the bound variable `default'
within a context where it would otherwise be treated as literal Haskell.
In the following example, the function `foo' takes an argument of type
`Maybe Int'. If the argument value is `Nothing' it will bind `x' to
`0'; if it is `Just a' it will bind `x' to the value of `a'. The
return value will be `Just r' unless `r == -1' in which case it will
be `Nothing'.
%fun foo :: Maybe Int -> Maybe Int
%call (maybeInt 0 x)
%code r = foo(x);
%result (maybeInt -1 r)
GreenCard "connects" with code in other modules in two ways:
GreenCard reads the source code of any modules imported (recursively) by
the module being processed. It extracts `%dis' function
definitions (only) from these modules. This provides an easy mechanism
for GreenCard
to import DIS macros defined elsewhere. (Note however that GreenCard
does not provide any namespace management, so it is up to the
programmer to ensure that DIS macros from different modules do not share the
same name. Note also that if a DIS macro uses a data constructor,
that constructor must be exported/imported correctly.)
It is often important to arrange that a C header file is
when the C code fragments in GreenCard directives are compiled.
The `%C' directive makes this possible.
Most Haskell compilers invoke GreenCard automatically when they are
given a source file with the extension `.gc'.
However, the general syntax for invoking GreenCard as a stand-alone
program is:
greencard [options] [filename]
GreenCard reads from standard input if no filename is given. The options
can be any of these:
--target TARGET
Generate code for a particular Haskell compiler. Possible values of
TARGET are currently `ghc', `Hugs', and `nhc'.
- --version
Print the version number, then exit successfully.
- -h
Print a usage message listing all available options, then exit successfully.
- -v
Print more information while processing the input.
- -d
Print even more information while processing the input.
- -iDIRS
--include-dir DIRS
Search the directories named in the colon (`:') separated
list for imported files. The directories will be searched in a left to
right order, after the current directory.
- -g
Generates code that can use callbacks to Haskell. This makes the
generated code slower. (Only meaningful for GHC.)
A Portable C Interface for Standard ML of New Jersey, by Lorenz
Huelsbergen, describes the implementation of a general interface to C for SML/NJ.
Simplified Wrapper and Interface Generator (SWIG) generate interfaces
from (extended) ANSI C/C++ function and variable declarations. It can generate
output for Tcl/Tk, Python, Perl5, Perl4 and Guile-iii. SWIG lives at
@url{ beazley/SWIG/}
Foreign Function Interface GENerator (FFIGEN) is a tool that parses
C header files and presents an intermediate data representation suitable for
writing backends. FFIGEN lives at
@url{ lth/ffigen/}
Header2Scheme is a program which reads C++ header files and compiles
them into C++ code. This code implements the back end for a Scheme interface
to the classes defined by these
header files. Header2Scheme can be found at:
@url{ kbrussel/Header2Scheme/}
Here we summarise aspects of GreenCard that are less than ideal, and
indicate possible improvements.
- Automatic DIS generation.
Pretty much every `newtype' or single-constructor
declaration that is involved in a foreign language call needs a
corresponding `%dis' definition. Maybe this
`%dis' definition should be automated. On the other
hand, there are many fewer data types than procedures, so perhaps
it isn't too big a burden to define a `%dis' for each.
- Error handling.
The error handling provided by `%fail' is fairly
rudimentary. It isn't obvious how to improve it in a systematic manner.
Microsoft's Common Object Model (COM)
is a language-independent software component architecture. It allows
objects written in one language to create objects written in another, and
to call their methods. The two objects may be in the same address space,
in different address spaces on the same machine, or on separate
machines connected by
a network. OLE is a set of conventions for building components on top of COM.
CORBA is a vendor-independent competitor of COM.
Only GHC aficionados will understand this code. The whole point of GreenCard
is that Joe Programmer should not have to learn how to write this stuff.
The details of
the filled-in statements will make more sense after reading the rest
of Section 5 Procedure specifications
When there are no parameters, the
`%call' line must be omitted. The second
example can also be shortened by writing a C expression in
the `%result' statement; see Section 5.4 Result marshalling.
It can be written more briefly still
by using automatic fill-in
(Section 5.5 Automatic fill-in).
This example also shows one way to interface to C
procedures that manipulate structures.
This document was modified heavily by Malcolm Wallace Nov/Dec 1997, from
an original document generated on 21 March 1997 using the
translator version 1.51.