color attributes control the color of lines, filled areas, and text.
Colors may be specified by pre-defined name, by RGB specification,
by gray level specification,
or HSB specification (PostScript only).
Hatch patterns may also be used as colors, for rectangular areas
such as bars.
In addition, when rendering in PNG, GIF, or EPS, the special color
transparent may be used to create images with transparent background
(transparent is the default for EPS).
Almost all of the examples in the gallery use colors;
one is
A number of named colors have been defined. These include:
predefined equivalent
color name R G B values
---------- ------------
white 1 1 1
black 0 0 0
red 1 0 0
magenta 1 .3 .5
tan1 .9 .83 .79
tan2 .7 .6 .6
coral 1 .6 .6
claret .7 .3 .3
pink 1.0 .8 .8
orange 1 .62 .14
redorange 1 .5 0
lightorange 1 .80 .60 ;
yellow 1 1 0
yellow2 .92 .92 0
dullyellow 1 .9 .6
yelloworange 1 .85 0
brightgreen 0 1 0
green 0 .7 0
teal .0 0.5 .2
drabgreen .6 .8 .6
kelleygreen .3 .6 .3
yellowgreen .6 .9 .6
limegreen .8 1 .7
brightblue 0 0 1
blue 0 .4 .8
powderblue .7 .7 1
skyblue .7 .8 1
cobaltblue .6 .6 1
darkblue 0 0 .60
oceanblue 0 .5 .8
purple .47 0 .47
lightpurple .67 .3 .67
lavender .8 .7 .8
Example: color: blue
If none of the pre-named colors suit,
a custom RGB specification in the form of
rgb(R,G,B) may be used.
R, G, B are values from 0.0 to 1.0 (1.0 is brightest)
specify the red, green and blue components.
No embedded spaces are allowed.
The values may be separated by a comma (as above), or by color (:), dash (-), or
pipe (|).
Example: color: rgb(0.4,0.84,0.37)
A gray-level specification in the form of
gray(G) or just G,
where G is 0.0-1.0 grey level (1.0 is white).
No embeddded spaces are allowed.
The values may be separated by a comma (as above), or by color (:), dash (-), or
pipe (|).
Please note that PostScript printers can vary considerably
as to the relative darkness of a rendered grey area.
Example: color: gray(0.8)
HSB color specifications are valid only with PostScript / EPS.
An HSB (hue saturation and brightness) specification in the form of
where R, G, B are values from 0.0 to 1.0.
No embedded spaces are allowed.
The values may be separated by a comma (as above), or by color (:), dash (-), or
pipe (|).
CMYK color specifications are valid only with PostScript / EPS.
A CMYK (cyan, magenta, yellow, black) specification in the form of
where C, M, Y, and K are values from 0.0 through 1.0.
No embedded spaces are allowed.
The values may be separated by a comma (as above), or by color (:), dash (-), or
pipe (|).
Hatch patterns may be used as colors to fill rectangular areas
such as bars. These are most useful when rendering in PostScript
for monochrome hard copy, for situations where the available
gray-level gradations do not provide enough distinct variations.
Hatch patterns are specified in the form of hatchn
where n is 1 - 9. hatch1 is the lightest and
hatch9 is the darkest. The hatch line color is always black.
Hatch patterns may only be used to fill rectangular areas such as bars;
they won't work for pie graphs or rangesweeps.
 data display engine
Copyright Steve Grubb