Although some commands are available on the menu, it is
faster in the long run to use the keyboard to control
Pathetic Writer. Here are the standard keybindings.
- Home or Ctrl-A
- Move to column 1 on the current line.
- End or Ctrl-E
- Move to the last used position on the current line.
- Ctrl-Space
- Moves the mark to the current position.
- Left arrow or Ctrl-B
- Move one position to the left.
- Right arrow or Ctrl-F
- Move one position to the right.
- Uparrow or Ctrl-P
- Move one position up.
- Downarrow or Ctrl-N
- Move one position down.
- Delete or Ctrl-D
- Delete the contents of the current position.
- g
- Ask for two numbers and jumps to those coordinates.
- o or Ctrl-X Ctrl-F
- Asks for a file name and opens the file with that name as a
Pathetic Writer document.
- s or Ctrl-X Ctrl-S
- Saves the currently open document
using the most recently used filename. If no name has been
given to the document, the name "noname" is used.
- W or Ctrl-X Ctrl-W
- Asks for a filename and saves the currently open document
using that filename.
- q or Ctrl-X Ctrl-C
- Quits from Pathetic Writer. If there are any changes that have not
been saved, Pathetic Writer asks if they should be saved.
- v
- Copies the contents of the block to the current position.
- Ctrl-X Ctrl-X
- Swaps point and mark.
- Alt-X or (
- Asks for the name of a command to execute. This is useful
for commands that do not have keybindings or that take
- < or Alt-<
- Move to the beginning of the buffer.
- > or Alt->
- Move to the end of the buffer.
- PgUp or Alt-V
- Move the document up one windowful.
- PgDown or Ctrl-V
- Move the document down one windowful.
- b
- Move the document left one windowful.
- f
- Move the document right one windowful.
- P
- Move point to line one.
- N
- Move point to the last used line.
- ? or Ctrl-?
- Prints information about the contents of the current position.
- Space
- Sets the block to the area between mark and the current position.
- Ctrl-X k
- Kill the current buffer.
- Ctrl-X b
- Change to another buffer.
- Ctrl-X 2
- Split the current window vertically.
- Ctrl-X 1
- Delete all windows except the current one.
- Ctrl-X 0
- Delete the current window.
- F1 or Ctrl-H c
- Display the online help for Pathetic Writer. F1 is marginally
Ulric Eriksson - February 1997 - ulric@siag.nu