The utilities described here are not essential for running the filter,
but may be found useful.
Archiving Utility
Command |
Description |
A simple utility for organising the storage and disposal
of rejected messages. |
Requirements |
Rejected messages to be saved in WORK_DIR/rejects
Input |
Output |
Method |
On its first invocation, the utility creates a set of subdirectories
within WORK_DIR/rejects as follows:
+---------+---------+-------- - - - --------+
| | | |
Arc-yesterday | | |
Arc-2-days-ago | |
Arc-3-days-ago |
....... |
Then, and on every subsequent invocation, it -
Deletes any files in Arc-7-days-ago;
Moves any files in Arc-6-days-ago into Arc-7-days-ago;
Moves any files in Arc-5-days-ago into Arc-6-days-ago;
Moves any files in Arc-yesterday into Arc-2-days-ago;
Moves any non-zero-size files1
in rejects into Arc-yesterday.
Recommended Use |
Run once every 24 hours (e.g. as a "cron" job), at a time when the
volume of mail traffic is likely to be low.
Notes |
- Files representing messages in progress are likely to have zero size,
unless the message length exceeds 64kB. In the latter case, it is
possible that a file could be moved while it is being written to.
If this results in a disk write failure, it will be noted in the
system log file, unless the message is rejected, in which case the
usual "Rejected message" record will appear.
- The maximum size of the log file mf-archive.log is
regulated by the MAX_LOG variable in the script
(500 lines as supplied).
Analysis Utility
Command |
Description |
Analyzes the previous day's rejected messages and produces a report
showing the number of times each suspect text string1
caused a message to be rejected.
Requirements |
The utility requires:
- The previous day's rejected messages to be saved in the
directory rejects/Arc-yesterday (as done by the
Archiving Utility).
- An analysis directory in which to save its reports.
Input |
Output |
Method |
The filter program inserts
into the rejected messages, showing which suspect string pattern(s)
have caused them to be rejected. This utility -
- Reads the list of suspect text patterns from string-list.conf.
- Scans the saved messages, counting the number of times each pattern
occurs, preceded by the token ":_", at the beginning of a line
(i.e. in a note inserted by the filter program2).
- Saves a report in a file such as analysis.20-Jul-2000
Recommended Use |
Run once every 24 hours (e.g. as a "cron" job), after running the
Archiving Utility.
Notes |
- This utility will not count messages that have been rejected
because of a suspiciously long Date header.
A suspect string matching a pattern such
as name=\".*\.vbs\" will often occur twice in a message,
once in a Content-Type header and once in a Content-
Disposition header. The utility will count both of these.
A note warning of this is included in the report.
- It is of course possible, though unlikely, that the ":_"
token, followed by text matching a "literal" pattern like
"Jokes", could occur by chance at the beginning of a line in
a message which has been rejected for some other reason.
The utility would count this and give a slightly misleading
Memory Monitoring Utility
Command |
Description |
Records the filter's memory usage. |
Requirements |
Input |
Output |
Method |
Runs the Unix "ps" command and uses awk to extract the memory
usage field. Appends the date and time and writes the data
into a log file.
Recommended Use |
Run as a background process as required.
Notes |
The maximum size of the log file mf-memory.log is
regulated by the MAX_LOG variable in the script
(500 lines as supplied).
Ray's Mail Filter Home Page
Installing the Filter
Configuring the Filter
Running the Filter
08 March 2001