InstallationThe first step to using Report Magic for Analog is to install it. You've probably already downloaded Report Magic (if not see the download page online). Next you need to extract the archive into the directory you wish to install Report Magic in. For specific install instructions for each package choose one of the following: Really Quick StartSo, you want to see what the results are going to look like. Well, depending which package you have do one of the following:
ConfigurationNow, you'd probably like to get some results from your own logs. First, you will need to have Analog installed and configured on your system or server. If you have not done this already, go to the Analog Web Site and follow the instuctions there. While configuring Analog, it is helpful to use the OUTPUT HTML configuration (the default) so you can preview the reports to make sure they contain all the right data. Setting up Analog for use with Report MagicNow that you have Analog running, you will want to create a new Analog configuration file or modify your current one to tell Analog to create Computer Readable Output. (If you are creating a new configuration file for Report Magic, try to get it working in Analog with the standard Analog HTML output first. That way, you know what kind of results you'll be generating and you can isolate any problems with the analysis before you get to the formatting.) There are only two lines that need to be changed (or added) to an Analog configuration to make it work with Report Magic: The first line to change tells Analog what kind of output to create. Find a line with that starts with the word OUTPUT and change it to read as follows. If no such line exists (as in the default configuration) just add this line anywhere in the Analog configuration file.
The next line to change tells Analog where the output is going. We don't want to overwrite any existing Analog reports, and we're not creating HTML output so lets change the line starting with the word OUTFILE to:
(Of course, if you're running Report Magic for Analog in a different directory than Analog, then you'll probably want this file to end up there, so put in any path information necessary.) Having done that, go ahead and run Analog with your new configuration file.
Analog will tell you if there are any problems with the configuration you've
created. If the configuration is good, Analog will create the
MAC USERS: It will be easiest if, after creating your
Setting up Report MagicNext, you'll want to set up the output and formatting options for Report
Magic for Analog. To do this you edit a simple settings file (usually
The following settings tell Report Magic to read in the file
[statistics] File_In = report.dat Frame_File_Out = index.html Active_Column = R [reports] File_Out = reports/ [navigation] File_Out = nav.html [website] Title = My web site statistics report Running Report MagicWhen your settings file is completed, you can run Report Magic for Analog to generate your report files. On Windows just type this on the command line in the Report Magic directory or double click the Report Magic icon:
If you have the source version you can run it from a command line like this (assuming you installed Perl in /usr/bin/perl):
If you have a Mac Binary version just double click the Report Magic icon. When Report Magic is complete you should have a new set of report files in
the Going FurtherReport Magic has a lot of options and configurations. The first things you will probably want to do is change some of the settings to configure the reports to look the way you want. Complete details of all the settings that Report Magic will understand can be found on the page Building your Settings File. If you want to tell Report Magic to use a different settings file than
If you learn better by example, take a look at some of the Samples to get some ideas about customizing your reports. If you have other questions, check the Frequently Asked Questions for the answer. Send questions or comments to Wadsack-Allen Digital Group Support. Report Magic 2.13 Documentation. Copyright © 1999, 2002 Wadsack-Allen. All Rights Reserved. |