Tri Peaks

Golf type. 1 deck. No redeal.


Move all cards to the waste stack.

Quick Description

Much like Relaxed Golf, only with a Pyramid related layout.


Build singly on the waste stack up or down regardless of suit.

Only the top card is available for play. When no more moves are possible, click on the talon to deal a new card.

Sequences wrap around, i.e. Twos and Kings may be placed on Aces and Queens and Aces may be placed on Kings.


There is a simple scoring system here - you debit $120 for each game ($5 for each of the 24 cards in the talon) and for every card you bear off, you get $1, $2, $3,... credit, depending on the length of your current streak.
Each cleared peak gains $15 bonus, and there's an additional $30 if you manage to clear all three peaks.
Your balance is reset whenever you select a different game. Loaded games and manually entered game numbers don't count.

Autodrop is disabled for this game.

General rules

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