G. Pape socklog socklog - configurationThe socklog-unix service listens on the unix domain socket /dev/log. Usually this service replaces the syslogd system log daemon. The socklog-inet service listens on the UDP port Usually this service replaces syslogd's support for remote logging. The socklog-klog service reads kernel messages from /proc/kmsg on Linux or /dev/klog on BSD. Usually this service replaces klogd on Linux or syslogd on BSD. The socklog-ucspi-tcp service listens on the TCP port, this is a server for socklog network logging, a different remote logging concept. The socklog-notify handles log event notification, scheduled notification of specified log entries. How to configure the socklog servicesThe socklog-unix serviceThe socklog-inet service The socklog-klog service The socklog-ucspi-tcp service The socklog-notify service Removing socklog services The socklog-unix serviceBefore starting the socklog-unix service, you will have to make two decisions:
# socklog-conf unix nobody logIf you are replacing another service providing system logging through the socket /dev/log, such as syslogd, stop this service now and ensure that it will not be restarted on runlevel change or system reboot. Tell svscan about the new service: # ln -s /etc/socklog/unix /service/socklog-unixWait five seconds for the service to start and then check the log directories, e.g.: # less /var/log/socklog/main/currentOptionally configure the socklog-unix service by editing the corresponding run scripts:
It is possible to replace the unix domain dgram socket listener socklog-unix with a unix domain stream socket listener using the ucspi mode of socklog and ucspi tools such as ucspi-unix and ucspi-icp. Create a service directory /etc/socklog/ucspi-unix with a subdirectory log and the correspnding run scripts:
# cd /service/socklog-unix # rm /service/socklog-unix # svc -dx . logCheck carefully that all log directories you stated in /etc/socklog/ucspi-unix/log/run exist and are writable to the corresponding user. Then link the socklog-ucspi-unix service directory to svscan's service directory: # ln -s /etc/socklog/ucspi-unix /service/socklog-ucspi-unixWait five seconds for the service to start and then check the log directories. The socklog-inet serviceBefore starting the socklog-inet service, you will have to make two decisions:
# socklog-conf inet nobody logIf you are replacing another service providing system logging through the syslog UDP port 514, such as syslogd, stop this service now and ensure that it will not be restarted on runlevel change or system reboot. Tell svscan about the new service: # ln -s /etc/socklog/inet /service/socklog-inetWait five seconds for the service to start and then check the log directory: # less /var/log/socklog-inet/main/currentOptionally configure the socklog-inet service by editing the corresponding run scripts:
The socklog-klog serviceBefore starting the socklog-klog service, you will have to make two decisions:
# socklog-conf klog nobody logIf you are replacing another service providing kernel logging, such as klogd on Linux or syslogd on BSD, stop this service now and ensure that it will not be restarted on runlevel change or system reboot. Tell svscan about the new service: # ln -s /etc/socklog/klog /service/socklog-klogWait five seconds for the service to start and then check the log directory: # less /var/log/socklog-klog/main/currentOptionally configure the socklog-klog service by editing the corresponding run scripts:
The socklog-ucspi-tcp serviceBefore starting the socklog-ucspi-tcp service, you will have to make two decisions:
# socklog-conf ucspi-tcp nobody logTell svscan about the new service: # ln -s /etc/socklog/ucspi-tcp /service/socklog-ucspi-tcpWait five seconds for the service to start and then check the log directory: # less /var/log/socklog-ucspi-tcp/main/currentOptionally configure the socklog-ucspi-tcp service by editing the corresponding run scripts:
The socklog-notify serviceBefore starting the socklog-notify service, you will have to make two decisions:
# socklog-conf notify log admTell svscan about the new service: # ln -s /etc/socklog/notify /service/socklog-notifyWait five seconds for the service to start, you can test the service with: # echo test | tai64n > /var/log/socklog/.notifyOptionally configure the socklog-notify service by editing the corresponding run script:
Gerrit Pape <pape@smarden.org> $Id: configuration.html,v 1.22 2002/05/31 12:38:49 pape Exp $ |