![]() binder2nd<AdaptableBinaryFunction>
DescriptionBinder2nd is a function object adaptor: it is used to transform an adaptable binary function into an adaptable unary function. Specifically, if f is an object of class binder2nd<AdaptableBinaryFunction>, then f(x) returns F(x, c), where F is an object of class AdaptableBinaryFunction and where c is a constant. Both F and c are passed as arguments to binder2nd's constructor. [1]The easiest way to create a binder2nd is not to call the constructor explicitly, but instead to use the helper function bind2nd. ExampleFinds the first positive number in a list.list<int> L; ... list<int>::iterator first_positive = find_if(L.begin(), L.end(), bind2nd(greater<int>(), 0)); assert(first_positive == L.end() || *first_positive > 0); DefinitionDefined in the standard header functional, and in the nonstandard backward-compatibility header function.h.Template parameters
Model ofAdaptable Unary FunctionType requirementsAdaptableBinaryFunction must be a model of Adaptable Binary Function.Public base classesunary_function<AdaptableBinaryFunction::first_argument_type, AdaptableBinaryFunction::result_type> Members
New membersThese members are not defined in the Adaptable Unary Function requirements, but are specific to binder2nd.
[1] Intuitively, you can think of this operation as "binding" the second argument of a binary function to a constant, thus yielding a unary function. This is a special case of a closure. See alsoThe function object overview, binder1st, Adaptable Unary Function, Adaptable Binary Function![]() ![]() Copyright © 1999 Silicon Graphics, Inc. All Rights Reserved. TrademarkInformation