Using search result templates
General templates information
Since version 2.1 UdmSearch users have an ability to customize
the search results (output of search.cgi or search.php). You may do it
by providing template file search.htm, which should be located in /etc/
directory of UdmSearch installation.
Template file is usual HTML file, which is divided into sections.
Keep in mind that you can just open template file in your favourite browser and
get the idea of how the search results will look like.
Each section begins with and ends with
delimiters, which should reside on a separate line.
Each section consists of HTML formatted text with special meta symbols. Meta
symbol is one- or two-letter name with the preceding $ sign (examples: $DX,
$V). Every meta symbol is replaced by it's corresponding string. You can think
of meta symbols as of variables, which will have their appropriate values while
displaying the search results.
Template sections
The following section names are defined:
top This section is included first on every page. You should begin this
section with
and so on. Also, this is a definitive place
to provide a search form. There are two special meta symbols you
may use in this section:
$A - argument for FORM ACTION tag
$Q - your query, escaped to be printed in HTML form.
$q - your query, escaped to be printed in URLs. You may
use it for links to find the same query in other search engines:
![[Powered by UdmSearch]](udmsearch.gif)
restop This section is included just before the search results. It's not a bad
idea to provide some common search results. You can do so by using the
next meta symbols:
$f - number of First document displayed on this page
$l - number of Last document displayed on this page
$t - Total number of found documents
$W - information about the number of word forms found
(e.g. if your query was 'html template' $W can be something like
'html: 10 template: 20')
and about words that was excluded from search
(e.g. 'if: stopword')
Below is an example of 'restop' section:
Displaying documents $f-$l of total $t found.
res This section is used for displaying various information about every
found document. The following meta symbols are used:
$DU Document URL
$DT Document Title
$DR Document Rating (as calculated by UdmSearch)
$DX Document teXt (the first couple of lines to give an idea
of what the document is about).
$DC Document Content-type (for example, text/html)
$DM Document Last-Modified date
$DS Document Size (in bytes)
$DN Document Number (in order of appearance)
$DD Document Description (from META DESCRIPTION tag)
$DK Document Keywords (from META KEYWORDS tag)
$CL Clone List (see section 'clone' for details)
Here is an example of res section:
$DN.$DT [$DR]
$DM, $DS bytes
Description: $DD
Keywords: $DK
clone The contents of this section is included in result just instead of
$CL meta symbol for every document clone found. This is used to
provide all URLs with the same contents (like mirrors etc.).
You can use the same $D* meta symbols here as in 'res' section. Of
course, some information about clone, like $DS, $DR, DX will be the
same so it is of little use to place it here.
Below is an example of 'clone' section.
$DU ($DC) $DM
resbot This is included just after last 'res' section. You usually give a
navigation bar here to allow user go to next/previous results page.
The meta char used is:
$V - naVigator (links to previous/next pages)
Navigator is constructed from the following templates:
Previous page: Printed if current page>0
Prev |
Current Page:
$NN |
Next Page: Printed if there is a next page only
Next |
Middle pages in navigation bar:
$NN |
This is the sample of navigator:
This is an example of 'resbot' section:
notfound As its name implies, this section is displayed in case when
no documents are found. You usually give a little message saying that
and maybe some hints how to make search less restrictive.
Below is an example of notfound section:
Sorry, but search hasn't returned results.
Try to produce less restrictive search query or check words spelling
error This section is displayed in case some internal error occured while
searching. For example, database server is not running or so.
You may provide next meta symbol:
$E - Error text
Example of error section:
An error occured!
There is also a special variables section, in which you can set up
some values for search. Note that database options works only for SQL
backend and do not matter for built-in text files support.
Like in indexer.conf, DBHost takes affect for
natively supported databases only and does not matter for ODBC databases.
In the case of ODBC use DBName to specify ODBC DSN.
Special variables section usually looks like this:
RN is maximum random number generated if you are using $rN meta symbol. N is a
number in range from 0 to MAXRANDOM-1 (defined in search.h, default is 128).
Please provide "RN xxxx" for every $rN which you use in template.
Include in templates
You may also use special $if(enother_template_file_name) meta symbol to
include enother template file into being proccessed one in any part of
template. For example, this will use top.htm as "top" section of search
Using several formats with one template
Since version 3.0.10 UdmSearch allows to define several (up to 100 )
descriptions for the same template part. It is often reasonable, for example,
to describe "Long" and "Short" search results format. To implement this just
write two separate "res" template sections for "Long" and "Short" results
output formats one ofter enother. The sample of different formats usage is
given in search.htm-dist. Note that "res" is not the only part which may be
described twice or more. All template parts may be given several times.
So, it is easy for example, to prepare multi-language templates.
Security issues
WARNING: Since the template file contains such info as password, it is
recommend to give the file proper permissions to protect it from reading
by anyone but you and search program. Otherwise your passwords may leak.