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Quick Reference
1.2.4 Loops
Most loops in Yorick programs are implicit; remember that operations
between array arguments produce array results. Whenever you write a
Yorick program, you should be suspicious of all explicit loops.
Always ask yourself whether a clever use of array syntax could have
avoided the loop.
To illustrate an appropriate Yorick loop, let's revise q_out to
write several values of Q in a single call. Incidentally, this sort
of incremental revision of a function is very common in Yorick program
development. As you use a function, you notice that the surrounding
code is often the same, suggesting a savings if it were incorporated
into the function. Again, a careful job leaves all of the previous
behavior of q_out intact:
| func q_out(Q, file)
if (structof(file)==string) file = create(file);
n = numberof(Q);
for (i=1 ; i<=n ; ++i) {
write, file, "Q = "+pr1(Q(i));
write, file, " theta amplitude";
write, file, theta, damped_wave(theta,Q(i));
return file;
Two new features here are the numberof function, which returns
the length of the array Q, and the array indexing syntax
Q(i), which extracts the i-th element of the array
Q. If Q is scalar (as it had to be before this latest
revision), numberof returns 1, and Q(1) is the same as
Q, so scalar Q works as before.
But the most important new feature is the for loop. It says to
initialize i to 1, then, as long as i remains less than or
equal to n, to execute the loop body, which is a compound of
three write statements. Finally, after each pass, the increment
expression ++i is executed before the i<=n condition is
evaluated. ++i is equivalent to i=i+1; --i means
A loop body may also be a single statement, in which case the curly
braces are unecessary. For example, the following lines will write
the Q=3, Q=2, and Q=1 curves to the file `q.out', then plot
| q_list = [3,2,1]
q_out, q_list, "q.out"
fma; for(i=1;i<=3;++i) plg, damped_wave(theta,q_list(i)), theta
A for loop with a plg body is the easiest way to overlay a
series of curves. After the three simple statement types, for
statements see the most frequent direct use from the keyboard.