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3.1.6 pli
Digitized images are usually specified as a two dimensional array of
values, assuming that these values represent colors of an array of
square or rectangular pixels. By making appropriate x and y mesh
arrays, you could plot such images using the plf function, but the pli
command is dramatically faster and more efficient:
plots the image with (x0,y0) as the corner nearest z(1,1)
and (x1,y1) the corner nearest z(M,N), assuming z is an M by
N array of image pixel values. The optional x0, y0, x1, y1 arguments
default to 0, 0, M, N.
As of yorick 1.5, z may also be a 3 by M by N array of type char in
order to make a true color filled mesh. The first index of z is (red,
green, blue), with 0 minimum intensity and 255 maximum.