Global Index
Quick Reference
3.2.1 limits
There are several ways to change the plot limits: The limits command,
the range command, and mouse clicks or drags. Also, the unzoom
command undoes all mouse zooming operations.
The syntax of the limits command is:
| limits, xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax
Each of the specified limits can be a number, the string "e" to signal
the corresponding extreme value of the data, or nil to leave the limit
unchanged. For example, to set the plot limits to run from 0.0 to the
maximum x in the data plotted, and from the current minimum y value to
the maximum y in the data, you would use:
If both xmin and xmax (or ymin and ymax) are numbers, you can put xmin
greater than xmax (or ymin greater than ymax) to get a scale that
increases to the right (or down) instead of the more conventional
default scale increasing to the left (or up).
As a special case, limits with no arguments is the same as setting all
four limits to their extreme values (rather than the no-op of leaving
all four limits unchanged). Hence, if you can't see what you just
plotted, a very simple way to guarantee that you'll be able to see
everything in the current picture is to type:
If you just want to change the x axis limits, type:
As a convenience, if you just want to change the y axis limits, you
can use the range function (instead of typing three consecutive commas
after the limits command):