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3.4.3 Encapsulated PostScript
If your system includes the ghostscript program from project GNU, you
can use it to make Encapsulated PostScript (EPS) files from Yorick
PostScript output. Yorick's eps command will do this, although it
forks Yorick in order to start ghostscript, which is a bad idea if
Yorick has grown to a large size. (The gist browser which is part of
the Yorick distribution can make an inferior EPS file; you can change
eps to use gist if you need to.) When you see the picture you want
on your screen, type:
to create an EPS file called `yowza.epsi' containing that picture.
If you don't want to fork Yorick, you can also use the hcps command,
which creates a PostScript file containing just the current picture; you
can then run ps2epsi by hand to convert this to an EPS file.
Page layout programs such as FrameMaker or xfig can import EPS files
generated by Yorick. You can then use the page layout program to
resize the Yorick graphic, place other text or graphics around it (as
for a viewgraph), and even add arrows to call out features of your
plot. This is the easiest way to make finished, publication quality
graphics from Yorick output. You may be able to produce satisfactory
results using Yorick alone, but the page layout programs will always
have fancier graphical user interfaces -- they are and will remain
better for page layout than Yorick.
My recommendation to set up for high quality output is this:
| func hqg(onoff)
hqg, 0
turn on and off high quality graphics output. You should
refrain from using plot or axis titles; add them with your
page layout program. You will also need to distinguish
curves by means of line type as hq turns off alphabetic
curve markers.
if (is_void(onoff) || onoff) {
window, style="vg.gs", legends=0;
pldefault, marks=0, width=4;
} else {
window, style="work.gs", legends=0;
pldefault, marks=1, width=0;