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3.8 Writing new plotting functions
You may want to plot something not directly supported by one of the
plotting primitive functions. Usually, you can write your own
plotting function to perform such a task. As an example, suppose you
want to plot a histogram -- that is, instead of a smooth curve
connecting a series of (x,y) points, you want to draw a line
consisting of a horizontal segment at each value of y, joined by
vertical segments (this is sometimes called a Manhattan plot for its
resemblance to the New York City skyline).
You quickly realize that to draw a histogram, you really need the x
values at the vertical segments. This function works:
| func plh(y,x)
yy = xx = array(0.0, 2*numberof(y));
yy(1:-1:2) = yy(2:0:2) = y;
xx(2:-2:2) = xx(3:-1:2) = x(2:-1);
xx(1) = x(1);
xx(0) = x(0);
plg, yy, xx;
Notice that the x array must have one more element that the y array;
otherwise the assignment operations to xx will fail for lack of
A more sophistocated version would include the possibility for the
caller to pass plh the keywords accepted by the plg function. Also,
you might want to allow y to have one more element than x instead of x
one more than y, in order to start and end the plot with a vertical
segment instead of a horizontal segment. Here is a more complete
version of plh:
| func plh(y,x,marks=,color=,type=,width=)
/* DOCUMENT plh, y, x
plot a histogram (Manhattan plot) of Y versus X. That is,
the result of a plh is a set of horizontal segments at the Y
values connected by vertical segments at the X values. If X
has one more element than Y, the plot will begin and end with
a horizontal segment; if Y has one more element than X, the
plot will begin and end with a vertical segment. The keywords
are a subset of those for plg.
KEYWORDS: marks, color, type, width
swap = numberof(x)<numberof(y);
if (swap) { yy = y; y = x; x = yy; }
yy = xx = array(0.0, 2*min(numberof(y),numberof(x)));
yy(1:-1:2) = yy(2:0:2) = y;
xx(2:-2:2) = xx(3:-1:2) = x(2:-1);
xx(1) = x(1);
xx(0) = x(0);
if (swap) { y = yy; yy = xx; xx = y }
plg, yy, xx, marks=marks, color=color, type=type, width=width;
The point of an interpreted language is to allow you to easily alter
the user interface to suit your own needs. Designing an interface for
a wide variety of users is much harder than designing one for your own
use. (The first version of plh might be adequate for your own use; I
wouldn't release less than the second version to a larger public.)
Linking your routines to the Yorick help command via a document
comment is useful even if never anticipate anyone other than yourself
will use them. Public interface routines should always have a
document comment.