Below are the build directions for EMBOSS (European Molecular Biology Software Suite) on Mac OS X. EMBOSS needs libgd and X11R6 and libgd needs libpng and libjpeg. Below are build directions for the whole shootin' match. Things have been built such that headers, libraries, binaries, and man pages are installed in /usr/local/[include|lib|bin|man]. This doesn't seem to be the Mac OS X way, but people smarter than me claim this is the UNIX way, so that's the way I set things up. Lines beginning with "#" are comments. Lines beginning with nothing are commands executed from the terminal. I used a build of Mac OS X and developer tools that are of an unmentionable version number so I hope this works on 10.0.4 (which I no longer have available to me). Good luck!! # Login as user with Administrator privileges # Launch Terminal application # sudo to root sudo -s # Make local directories mkdir /usr/local mkdir /usr/local/bin mkdir /usr/local/include mkdir /usr/local/lib mkdir /usr/local/man mkdir /usr/local/man/man1 # Make a working directory and change directory to it mkdir ~/scratch cd ~/scratch # Get and install XFree86 wget -r cd sh # Answer "y" to all of the questions, but the last one # Do you wish to have this link installed (y/n)? [n] # Add X11 to PATH and MANPATH for all users echo 'setenv PATH "${PATH}:/usr/X11R6/bin"' > /usr/share/init/tcsh/path echo 'setenv MANPATH "${MANPATH}:/usr/X11R6/man:/usr/local/man"' /usr/share/init/tcsh/path # Get and install XDarwin cd ~/scratch wget cp XDarwin1.0a1.tgz / cd / tar zxvf XDarwin1.0a1.tgz rm XDarwin1.0a1.tgz # Get and install libpng cd ~/scratch wget tar zxvf libpng-1.0.12.tar.gz cd libpng-1.0.12 cp scripts/makefile.macosx Makefile # Patch Makefile echo "11,12c11,12" Makefile.diff echo "< ZLIBLIB=../zlib" Makefile.diff echo "< ZLIBINC=../zlib" Makefile.diff echo "---" Makefile.diff echo "> ZLIBLIB=/usr/lib" Makefile.diff echo "> ZLIBINC=/usr/include" Makefile.diff patch Makefile Makefile.diff make make test make install # Get and install libjpeg cd ~/scratch wget tar zxvf jpegsrc.v6b-src.tar.gz cd jpeg-6b ./configure make make test make install make install-lib # Get and install libgd cd ~/scratch wget tar zxvf gd-2.0.1.tar.gz cd gd-2.0.1 # Patch Makefile and gdcache.h echo "43c43" gdcache.h.diff echo "< #include " gdcache.h.diff echo "---" gdcache.h.diff echo "> /*#include */" gdcache.h.diff patch gdcache.h gdcache.h.diff echo "7c7" Makefile.diff echo "< COMPILER=gcc" Makefile.diff echo "---" Makefile.diff echo "> COMPILER=cc" Makefile.diff echo "17c17" Makefile.diff echo "< CFLAGS=-g -DHAVE_LIBPNG -DHAVE_LIBJPEG -DHAVE_LIBFREETYPE" Makefile.diff echo "---" Makefile.diff echo "> CFLAGS=-g -DHAVE_LIBPNG -DHAVE_LIBJPEG -DHAVE_LIBFREETYPE -DHAVE_XPM" Makefile.diff echo "26c26" Makefile.diff echo "< LIBS=-lgd -lpng -lz -ljpeg -lfreetype -lm" Makefile.diff echo "---" Makefile.diff echo "> LIBS=-lgd -lpng -lz -ljpeg -lfreetype -lxpm -lm" Makefile.diff echo "33c33" Makefile.diff echo "< INCLUDEDIRS=-I. -I/usr/include/freetype2 -I/usr/include/X11 -I/usr/X11R6/include/X11 -I/usr/local/include " Makefile.diff echo "---" Makefile.diff echo "> INCLUDEDIRS=-I. -I/usr/X11R6/include/freetype2 -I/usr/X11R6/include -I/usr/X11R6/include/X11 -I/usr/local/include -I/usr/include" Makefile.diff echo "39c39" Makefile.diff echo "< LIBDIRS=-L/usr/local/lib -L/usr/lib/X11 -L/usr/X11R6/lib" Makefile.diff echo "---" Makefile.diff echo "> LIBDIRS=-L/usr/lib -L/usr/local/lib -L/usr/lib/X11 -L/usr/X11R6/lib" Makefile.diff echo "46c46" Makefile.diff echo "< INSTALL_LIB=/usr/lib" Makefile.diff echo "---" Makefile.diff echo "> INSTALL_LIB=/usr/local/lib" Makefile.diff echo "49c49" Makefile.diff echo "< INSTALL_INCLUDE=/usr/include" Makefile.diff echo "---" Makefile.diff echo "> INSTALL_INCLUDE=/usr/local/include" Makefile.diff patch Makefile Makefile.diff make install # Ignore error # make: *** [] Error 1 make libgd.a cp -r libgd.a /usr/local/lib ranlib /usr/local/lib/libgd.a # Get and install EMBOSS cd ~/scratch wget tar zxvf EMBOSS-2.0.1.tar.gz cd EMBOSS-2.0.1 cp /usr/libexec/config.* . ./configure make make install # Exit from sudo exit