Create a new connection to the FAM daemon. Aliases: Fam::Connection.open Fam::Connection.open2 Examples: # connect and tell FAM the application is named 'foo' fam = Fam::Connection.new 'foo' # just connect fam = Fam::Connection.new
Create a new connection to the FAM daemon. Aliases: Fam::Connection.open Fam::Connection.open2 Examples: # connect and tell FAM the application is named 'foo' fam = Fam::Connection.new 'foo' # just connect fam = Fam::Connection.new
Create a new connection to the FAM daemon. Aliases: Fam::Connection.open Fam::Connection.open2 Examples: # connect and tell FAM the application is named 'foo' fam = Fam::Connection.new 'foo' # just connect fam = Fam::Connection.new
Constructor for Fam::Connection object. This method is currently empty. You should never call this method directly unless you're instantiating a derived class (ie, you know what you're doing).
Monitor a directory. Returns a Fam::Request object, which is used to identify the monitor associated with events. Aliases: Fam::Connection#monitor_dir Fam::Connection#directory Fam::Connection#dir Examples: req = fam.monitor_directory '/tmp'
Monitor a file. Returns a Fam::Request object, which is used to identify the monitor associated with events. Aliases: Fam::Connection#file Examples: req = fam.monitor_file '/var/log/messages'
Monitor a collection. Aliases: Fam::Collection#monitor_col Fam::Collection#col Examples: req = fam.monitor_col 'download/images', 1, '*.jpg'
Suspend (stop monitoring) a monitor request. Aliases: Fam::Connection#suspend Examples: fam.suspend_monitor req fam.suspend req
Resume (start monitoring) a monitor request. Aliases: Fam::Connection#resume Examples: fam.resume_monitor req fam.resume req
Cancel a monitor request. Note: this method invalidates the specified monitor request. Aliases: Fam::Connection#cancel Examples: fam.cancel_monitor req fam.cancel req
Get the next event from the event queue, or block until an event is available. Aliases: Fam::Connection#next_ev Fam::Connection#ev Examples: ev = fam.next_event
Are there any events in the queue? Aliases: Fam::Connection#pending Examples: puts 'no events pending' unless fam.pending?
Set the debug level of a Fam::Connection object. Note: This method is implemented in the bindings, but not in FAM itself. Aliases: Fam::Connection#debug Examples: fam.debug = Fam::Debug::VERBOSE
Get the file descriptor of a Fam::Connection object. Note: This method allows you to wait for FAM events using select() instead of polling via Fam::Connection#pending and Fam::Connection#next_event; see the second example below for more information. Aliases: Fam::Connection#get_descriptor Fam::Connection#descriptor Fam::Connection#get_fd Examples: # simple use fd = fam.fd # wrap the FAM connection descriptor in an IO object for use in a # select() call io = IO.new fam.fd, 'r' select [io], , , 10 |