Page LayoutThe section describes the layout of the pages created by MHonArc. Each page's layout is controled by resources (see Section Resources). Layout resources can be changed as you see fit to achieve the appearence you desire for your mail archives. NotationTo simplify the description of the various pages created by MHonArc, the following notation is used:
Main Index PageThe main index is normally the default index of an archive. The main index list messages by date, subject, author, or message number. Since date listing is the default, the main index is commonly referred to as the date index. Main index page resource layoutIDXPGSSMARKUP IDXPGBEGIN LISTBEGIN (AUTHORBEGIN | DAYBEGIN | SUBJECTBEGIN)? LITEMPLATE+ (AUTHOREND | DAYEND | SUBJECTEND)? LISTEND DOC? IDXPGEND Thread Index PageThe thread index list messages by thread. Threads are based upon In-Reply-To and References fields of messages and by same Subjects. The layout of a thread index page is more complicated than the main index layout since threading is more complex. Also, MHonArc tries to provide the greatest flexibility for customizing thread listing layout. Thread index page resource layoutTIDXPGSSMARKUP TIDXPGBEGIN THEAD ((TTOPBEGIN TSUBLISTBEG ((TLITXT [possible subthread listing] TLIEND)| (TLINONE [possible subthread listing] TLINONEEND))+ (TSUBJECTBEG ((TLITXT [possible subthread listing] TLIEND)| (TLINONE [possible subthread listing] TLINONEEND))+ TSUBJECTEND)? TSUBLISTEND TTOPEND) | TSINGLETXT)* [message w/o references or follow-ups] TFOOT DOC? TIDXPGEND If the previous is not confusing enough, there are four other resources for controlling the thread index page layout: TCONTBEGIN, TCONTEND, TINDENTBEGIN, TINDENTEND. If the multiple page resource is set, it is possible that a thread can span more than one page. These resources are used to restart a thread that has been clipped due to a page boundary. Message PageThe message page contains a single message converted to HTML and archive navigational links. Message page resource layoutMSGPGSSMARKUP MSGPGBEGIN MSGHEAD TOPLINKS SUBJECTHEADER Converted message header HEADBODYSEP Converted message body MSGBODYEND (FOLUPBEGIN FOLUPLITXT+ FOLUPEND)? (REFSBEGIN REFSLITXT+ REFSEND)? BOTLINKS MSGFOOT MSGPGEND
Message pages also contain comment declarations. Some of the comment declarations are vital markers to allow MHonArc to properly edit the message when needed during updates. Converted message headerThe format of converted message headers are determined by the following resource layout: FIELDSBEG (LABELBEG label text LABELEND FLDBEG field text FLDEND)* FIELDSEND
Converted message bodyThe formatting of message body data is controled by filter routines. See the MIMEFILTERS resource page for more information. Thread slicesMHonArc supports the ability to include thread listings on messages pages via the $TSLICE$ resource variable. The formatting of the $TSLICE$ resource variable is controled by the following resources: TSLICEBEG, TSLICECONTBEG, TSLICECONTEND, TSLICEEND, TSLICEINDENTBEG, TSLICEINDENTEND, TSLICELIEND, TSLICELIENDCUR, TSLICELINONE, TSLICELINONEEND, TSLICELITXT, TSLICELITXTCUR, TSLICESINGLETXT, TSLICESINGLETXTCUR, TSLICESUBJECTBEG, TSLICESUBJECTEND, TSLICESUBLISTBEG, TSLICESUBLISTEND, TSLICETOPBEG, TSLICETOPBEGCUR, TSLICETOPEND, and TSLICETOPENDCUR The structure of the resources parallels the thread resource layout structure described for the thread index page, and the above thread slice resources will default to the corresponding non-tslice resources, allowing you to provide a consistent look to all thread listings without having to define two sets of resources. One key difference to the TSLICE* resources is the ability to customize the look for current message item in the the slice listing. I.e. You can actually highlight, grey-out, etc, the current message to give the reader a visual cue of where they are in the thread. See TSLICETOPBEGCUR for an example.
$Date: 2002/06/27 00:06:14 $ ![]() Copyright © 1997-1999, Earl Hood, mhonarc@mhonarc.org |