Class Jabber::Protocol::XMLElement
Utility class to create valid XML strings
Construct an XMLElement for the supplied tag
and attributes
tag: | [String] XML tag
attributes: | [Hash = {}] The attribute hash[attribute]=value
Adds an attribute to this element
Adds data to this element
Sets the namespace for this tag
Adds cdata to this element
Returns the parent element
Adds a child to this element of the supplied tag
tag: | [String] The element tag
attributes: | [Hash = {}] The attributes hash[attribute]=value
return: | [Jabber::Protocol::XMLElement] newly created
child element
Adds arbitrary XML data to this object
Recursively builds the XML string by traversing this element's children.
format: | [Boolean] True to pretty-print (format) the output string
indent: | [Integer = 0] The indent level (recursively more)
Climbs to the top of this elements parent tree and then returns the
return: | [String] The XML string of this element (from the topmost parent).