Public Methods
Protected Slots
Protected Members
Private Members
Detailed DescriptionA special kind of KMainWindow that is able to have dockwidget child widgets (and member of the dockwidget class set). The main widget should be a KDockWidget where other KDockWidget can be docked to the left, right, top, bottom or to the middle. Note: dock to the middle means to drop on a dockwidget and to unite them to a new widget, a tab control. That tab widget is a KDockTabCtl . Furthermore, the KDockMainWindow has got the KDocManager and some data about the dock states. If you've got some dockwidgets, you can dock them to the dockmainwindow to initialize a start scene: Here an example:
Docking is fully dynamical at runtime. That means you can always move dockwidgets via drag and drop. And last but not least you can use the popupmenu for showing or hiding any controlled dockwidget of this class and insert it to your main menu bar or anywhere else.
Constructs a dockmainwindow. It calls its base class constructor and does additional things concerning to the dock stuff:
[virtual] Destructs a dockmainwindow.
Returns the dockmanager of this. (see KDockManager) Returns: pointer to the wanted dockmanager
Sets a new main dockwidget. Additionally, the toolbar is re-initialized. Parameters:
Returns the main dockwidget. Returns: pointer to the main dockwidget
This is one of the most important methods! The KDockMainWindow creates a new dockwidget object here that usually should encapsulate the user's widget. The new dockwidget is automatically taken under control by the dockmanager of the dockmainwindow. Parameters:
Returns: a pointer to the new created dockwidget
Saves the current dock window layout into a DOM tree below the given element.
Reads the current dock window layout from a DOM tree below the given element.
It writes the current dock state in the given section of KConfig. Parameters:
It reads the current dock state from the given section of KConfig. Parameters:
It runs through all dockwidgets which are under control of the dockmanager and calls show() for every encapsulated widget and show() for the dockwidget itself if it is not in tab mode. Additionally, if the main dockwidget is not a QDialog, it will be shown.
Returns a popup menu that contains entries for all controlled dockwidgets making hiding and showing them possible. Returns: the wanted popup menu
This method shows the given dockwidget. The clue is that it also considers the dockwidget could be a tab page and must set to be the activate one. Parameters:
This method hides the given dockwidget. Parameters:
This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience. It differs from the above function only in what argument(s) it accepts.
This method calls the base class method. If the given widget inherits KDockWidget, applyToWidget(this) is called. Parameters:
[signal] Signals a certain dockwidget is undocked now.
[protected slots slot] Called whenever one of the dockwidgets of this has been undocked.