class QextMdiMainFrm
Base class for all your special main frames.
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It contains the child frame area (QMainWindow's central widget) and a child view taskbar
for switching the MDI views. Most methods are virtual functions for later overriding.
Basically, this class provides functionality for docking/undocking view windows and
manages the taskbar. Usually the programmer just need to know about this class and the child view class.
Your program mainwidget should inherit QextMdiMainFrm. Then usually you'll just need
addWindow() and removeWindowFromMdi() to control the views.
class MyMainWindow : public QextMdiMainFrm
{ .... };
MyMainWindow mainframe;
mainframe->addWindow(view1); // put it under MDI control
Most public and protected methods of this class are for program calls of the actions
the user could click.
Dynamic switching the MDI mode can be done via switchToChildframeMode(), switchToToplevelMode(),
switchToTabPageMode() or fakeSDIApplication() or asked via mdiMode(), isFakingSDIApplication().
This class provides already the "Window" menu needed in common MDI applications. Just
insert it in your main menu:
Synchronize the positions of the MDI control buttons inserted in your mainmenu:
You can dynamically change the shape of the attached MDI views using setFrameDecorOfAttachedViews().
Additionally, here's a hint how to restore the mainframe's settings from config file:
#ifdef NO_KDE2 // KDE2 comes with its own style
int guiStyle = config->readIntEntry( "mainmodule session", "GUI style", 0);
mainframe->setGUIStyle( guiStyle);
// restore MDI mode (toplevel, childframe, tabpage)
int mdiMode = config->readIntEntry( "mainmodule session", "MDI mode", QextMdi::ChildframeMode);
switch (mdiMode) {
case QextMdi::ToplevelMode:
int childFrmModeHt = config->readIntEntry( "mainmodule session", "Childframe mode height", desktop()->height() - 50);
mainframe->resize( m_pMdiMainFrm->width(), childFrmModeHt);
case QextMdi::ChildframeMode:
case QextMdi::TabPageMode:
int childFrmModeHt = m_pCfgFileManager->readIntEntry( "mainmodule session", "Childframe mode height", desktop()->height() - 50);
mainframe->resize( m_pMdiMainFrm->width(), childFrmModeHt);
// restore a possible maximized Childframe mode
bool maxChildFrmMode = config->readBoolEntry( "mainmodule session", "maximized childframes", true);
The maximized-Childframe mode means that currently all views are maximized in Childframe mode's application desktop.
This class provides placing algorithms in Childframe mode. Call tilePragma(), tileAnodine(), tileVertically(),
cascadeWindows(), cascadeMaximized(), expandVertical(), expandHorizontal() for those actions.
activateView(QextMdiChildView*) and activateView(int index) set the appropriate MDI child view as the active
one. It will be raised, gets an active MDI frame and gets the focus. Call activeView() to find out what the
current MDI view is.
Use detachWindow() and attachWindow() for docking the MDI views to desktop and back.
Connect accels of your program with activatePrevWin(), activateNextWin() and activateView(int index).
Note: QextMdiChildViews can be added in 2 meanings: Either as a normal child view (usually containing
user document views) or as a tool-view (usually containing status, info or control widgets).
The tool-views can be added as floating dockwidgets or as stay-on-top desktop windows in tool style.
Here's an example how you can suggest things for the adding of views to the MDI control via flags:
m_mapOfMdiWidgets.insert( pWnd, mh);
unsigned int mdiFlags = QextMdi::StandardAdd;
if( !bShow)
mdiFlags |= QextMdi::Hide;
if( !bAttach)
mdiFlags |= QextMdi::Detach;
if( bMinimize)
mdiFlags |= QextMdi::Minimize;
if( bToolWindow)
mdiFlags |= QextMdi::ToolWindow;
if (m_pMdiMainFrm->isFakingSDIApplication()) {
if (bAttach) { // fake an SDI app
mdiFlags |= QextMdi::Maximize;
else {
m_pMdiMainFrm->addWindow( pWnd, QPoint(20, 20), QextMdi::AddWindowFlags(mdiFlags));
m_pMdiMainFrm->addWindow( pWnd, QextMdi::AddWindowFlags(mdiFlags));
Further note: Pay attention to the fact that when you click on the close button of MDI views that their
close event should be redirected to closeWindow(). Otherwise the mainframe class will
not get noticed about the deleted view and a dangling pointer will remain in the MDI control. The
closeWindow() or the removeWindowFromMdi() method is for that issue. The difference is closeWindow()
deletes the view object. So if your application wants to control that by itself, call removeWindowFromMdi()
and call delete by yourself. See also QextMdiChildView::closeEvent() for tat issue.
friend class QextMdiChildView
| QextMdiChildView |
[private] friend class QextMdiTaskBar
| QextMdiTaskBar |
[private] [protected] [protected] [protected] [protected] [protected] [protected] [protected] [protected] [protected] [protected] QMenuBar * m_pMainMenuBar
| m_pMainMenuBar |
[protected] KMenuBar * m_pMainMenuBar
| m_pMainMenuBar |
[protected] QPixmap * m_pUndockButtonPixmap
| m_pUndockButtonPixmap |
[protected] QPixmap * m_pMinButtonPixmap
| m_pMinButtonPixmap |
[protected] QPixmap * m_pRestoreButtonPixmap
| m_pRestoreButtonPixmap |
[protected] QPixmap * m_pCloseButtonPixmap
| m_pCloseButtonPixmap |
[protected] QToolButton * m_pUndock
| m_pUndock |
[protected] QToolButton * m_pMinimize
| m_pMinimize |
[protected] QToolButton * m_pRestore
| m_pRestore |
[protected] QToolButton * m_pClose
| m_pClose |
[protected] QPoint m_undockPositioningOffset
| m_undockPositioningOffset |
[protected] [protected] bool m_bMaximizedChildFrmMode
| m_bMaximizedChildFrmMode |
[protected] int m_oldMainFrmHeight
| m_oldMainFrmHeight |
[protected] int m_oldMainFrmMinHeight
| m_oldMainFrmMinHeight |
[protected] int m_oldMainFrmMaxHeight
| m_oldMainFrmMaxHeight |
[protected] [protected] bool m_bSDIApplication
| m_bSDIApplication |
[protected] KDockWidget* m_pDockbaseAreaOfDocumentViews
| m_pDockbaseAreaOfDocumentViews |
[protected] [protected] QDomDocument* m_pTempDockSession
| m_pTempDockSession |
[protected] bool m_bClearingOfWindowMenuBlocked
| m_bClearingOfWindowMenuBlocked |
[protected] QTimer* m_pDragEndTimer
| m_pDragEndTimer |
[protected] QextMdiMainFrm ( QWidget* parentWidget, const char* name = "", WFlags flags = WType_TopLevel | WDestructiveClose)
| QextMdiMainFrm |
~QextMdiMainFrm ()
| ~QextMdiMainFrm |
bool isInMaximizedChildFrmMode ()
| isInMaximizedChildFrmMode |
Returns whether the application's MDI views are in maximized state or not.
Returns the MDI mode. This can be one of the enumerations QextMdi::MdiMode.
Returns the focused attached MDI view.
Returns a popup menu filled according to the MDI view state. You can override this
method to insert additional entries there. The popup menu is usually popuped when the user
clicks with the right mouse button on a taskbar entry. The default entries are:
Undock/Dock, Restore/Maximize/Minimize, Close and an empty sub-popup ( windowPopup() )
menu called Operations.
Returns a popup menu with only a title "Window". You can fill it with own operations entries
on the MDI view. This popup menu is inserted as last menu item in taskBarPopup() .
void applyOptions ()
| applyOptions |
Called in the constructor (forces a resize of all MDI views)
Returns the QextMdiChildView belonging to the given caption string.
Returns whether this MDI child view is under MDI control (using addWindow() ) or not.
bool event (QEvent* e)
| event |
Catches certain Qt events and processes it here.
Currently, here this catches only the QextMdiViewCloseEvent (a QextMDI user event) which is sent
from itself in childWindowCloseRequest() right after a QextMdiChildView::closeEvent() .
The reason for this event to itself is simple: It just wants to break the function call stack.
It continues the processing with calling closeWindow() .
You see, a close() is translated to a closeWindow() .
It is necessary that the main frame has to start an MDI view close action because it must
remove the MDI view from MDI control, additionally.
This method calls QMainWindow::event , additionally.
void setSysButtonsAtMenuPosition ()
| setSysButtonsAtMenuPosition |
If there's a main menubar given, it will create the 4 maximize mode buttons there (undock, minimize, restore, close).
int taskBarHeight ()
| taskBarHeight |
Returns the height of the taskbar.
void setUndockPositioningOffset ( QPoint offset)
| setUndockPositioningOffset |
Sets an offset value that is used on detachWindow() . The undocked window
is visually moved on the desktop by this offset.
If you don't want to know about the inner structure of the QextMDI system, you can use
this iterator to handle with the MDI view list in a more abstract way.
The iterator hides what special data structure is used in QextMDI.
Deletes an QextMdiIterator created in the QextMDI library (needed for the windows dll problem).
Returns a popup menu that contains the MDI controlled view list.
Additionally, this menu provides some placing actions for these views.
Usually, you insert this popup menu in your main menubar as "Window" menu.
void setBackgroundColor ( const QColor &c)
| setBackgroundColor |
Sets a background colour for the MDI view area widget.
void setBackgroundPixmap ( const QPixmap &pm)
| setBackgroundPixmap |
Sets a background pixmap for the MDI view area widget.
void setDefaultChildFrmSize ( const QSize& sz)
| setDefaultChildFrmSize |
Sets a size that is used as the default size for a newly to the MDI system added QextMdiChildView .
By default this size is 600x400. So all non-resized added MDI views appear in that size.
QSize defaultChildFrmSize ()
| defaultChildFrmSize |
Returns the default size for a newly added QextMdiChildView. See setDefaultChildFrmSize() .
void setMinimumSize ( int minw, int minh)
| setMinimumSize |
Do nothing when in Toplevel mode
int childFrameModeHeight ()
| childFrameModeHeight |
Returns the Childframe mode height of this. Makes only sense when in Toplevel mode.
void setMenuForSDIModeSysButtons ( KMenuBar* = 0)
| setMenuForSDIModeSysButtons |
Tells the MDI system a QMenu where it can insert buttons for
the system menu, undock, minimize, restore actions.
If no such menu is given, QextMDI simply overlays the buttons
at the upper right-hand side of the main widget.
void setMenuForSDIModeSysButtons ( QMenuBar* = 0)
| setMenuForSDIModeSysButtons |
[virtual] int frameDecorOfAttachedViews ()
| frameDecorOfAttachedViews |
Returns: the decoration of the window frame of docked (attached) MDI views
void fakeSDIApplication ()
| fakeSDIApplication |
An SDI application user interface is faked:
- an opened view is always maximized
- buttons for maximized childframe mode aren't inserted in the main menubar
- taskbar and windowmenu are not created/updated
bool isFakingSDIApplication ()
| isFakingSDIApplication |
Returns: if we are fake an SDI application (fakeSDIApplication())
bool eventFilter (QObject *obj, QEvent *e )
| eventFilter |
void findRootDockWidgets (QList<KDockWidget>* pRootDockWidgetList, QValueList* pPositionList)
| findRootDockWidgets |
void addWindow ( QextMdiChildView* pView, int flags = QextMdi::StandardAdd)
| addWindow |
[virtual slot]
One of the most important methods at all!
Adds a QextMdiChildView to the MDI system. The main frame takes it under control.
You can specify here whether:
- the view should be attached or detached.
- shown or hidden
- maximized, minimized or restored (normalized)
- added as tool view (stay-on-top and toplevel) or added as document-type view.
void addWindow ( QextMdiChildView* pView, QPoint pos, int flags = QextMdi::StandardAdd)
| addWindow |
[virtual slot]
See the method above for more details. Additionally, it moves to point pos.
void addWindow ( QextMdiChildView* pView, QRect rectNormal, int flags = QextMdi::StandardAdd)
| addWindow |
[virtual slot]
See the method above for more details. Additionally, it sets the geometry.
[virtual slot]
Removes a QextMdiChildView from the MDI system and from the main frame`s control.
Note: The view will not be deleted, but it's getting toplevel (reparent to 0)!
void closeWindow (QextMdiChildView *pWnd, bool layoutTaskBar = TRUE)
| closeWindow |
[virtual slot]
Removes a QextMdiChildView from the MDI system and from the main frame`s control.
Note: The view will be deleted!
void slot_toggleTaskBar ()
| slot_toggleTaskBar |
[virtual slot]
Switches the QextMdiTaskBar on and off.
[virtual slot]
Makes a main frame controlled undocked QextMdiChildView docked.
Doesn't work on QextMdiChildView which aren't added to the MDI system.
Use addWindow() for that.
[virtual slot]
Makes a docked QextMdiChildView undocked.
The view window still remains under the main frame's MDI control.
[virtual slot]
Someone wants that the MDI view to be closed. This method sends a QextMdiViewCloseEvent to itself
to break the function call stack. See also event() .
void closeAllViews ()
| closeAllViews |
[virtual slot]
Close all views
void iconifyAllViews ()
| iconifyAllViews |
[virtual slot]
Iconfiy all views
void closeActiveView ()
| closeActiveView |
[virtual slot]
Closes the view of the active (topchild) window
void switchToToplevelMode ()
| switchToToplevelMode |
[virtual slot]
Undocks all view windows (unix-like)
void finishToplevelMode ()
| finishToplevelMode |
[virtual slot] void switchToChildframeMode ()
| switchToChildframeMode |
[virtual slot]
Docks all view windows (Windows-like)
void finishChildframeMode ()
| finishChildframeMode |
[virtual slot] void switchToTabPageMode ()
| switchToTabPageMode |
[virtual slot]
Docks all view windows (Windows-like)
void finishTabPageMode ()
| finishTabPageMode |
[virtual slot] void showViewTaskBar ()
| showViewTaskBar |
[virtual slot]
Shows the view taskbar. This should be connected with your "View" menu.
void hideViewTaskBar ()
| hideViewTaskBar |
[virtual slot]
Hides the view taskbar. This should be connected with your "View" menu.
void fillWindowMenu ()
| fillWindowMenu |
[virtual slot]
Update of the window menu contents.
void cascadeWindows ()
| cascadeWindows |
[virtual slot]
Cascades the windows without resizing them.
void cascadeMaximized ()
| cascadeMaximized |
[virtual slot]
Cascades the windows resizing them to the maximum available size.
void expandVertical ()
| expandVertical |
[virtual slot]
Maximizes only in vertical direction.
void expandHorizontal ()
| expandHorizontal |
[virtual slot]
Maximizes only in horizontal direction.
void tilePragma ()
| tilePragma |
[virtual slot]
Tile Pragma
void tileAnodine ()
| tileAnodine |
[virtual slot]
Tile Anodine
void tileVertically ()
| tileVertically |
[virtual slot]
Tile Vertically
void setFrameDecorOfAttachedViews ( int frameDecor)
| setFrameDecorOfAttachedViews |
[virtual slot]
Sets the decoration of the window frame of docked (attached) MDI views
void setEnableMaximizedChildFrmMode (bool bEnable)
| setEnableMaximizedChildFrmMode |
[virtual slot]
If in Childframe mode, we can switch between maximized or restored shown MDI views
void activateNextWin ()
| activateNextWin |
[virtual slot]
Activates the next open view
void activatePrevWin ()
| activatePrevWin |
[virtual slot]
Activates the previous open view
void activateView (int index)
| activateView |
[virtual slot]
Activates the view with the tab page index (TabPage mode only)
void resizeEvent (QResizeEvent * )
| resizeEvent |
[protected virtual]
void createTaskBar ()
| createTaskBar |
[protected virtual]
Creates a new MDI taskbar (showing the MDI views as taskbar entries) and shows it.
void createMdiManager ()
| createMdiManager |
[protected virtual]
Creates the MDI view area and connects some signals and slots with the QextMdiMainFrm widget.
void addToolWindow ( QWidget* pWnd, KDockWidget::DockPosition pos = KDockWidget::DockNone, QWidget* pTargetWnd = 0L, int percent = 50, const QString& tabToolTip = 0, const QString& tabCaption = 0)
| addToolWindow |
[protected virtual]
Usually called from addWindow() when adding a tool view window. It reparents the given widget
as toplevel and stay-on-top on the application's main widget.
void blockClearingOfWindowMenu ( bool bBlocked)
| blockClearingOfWindowMenu |
prevents fillWindowMenu() from m_pWindowMenu->clear(). You have to care for it by yourself.
This is useful if you want to add some actions in your overridden fillWindowMenu() method.
[protected slots virtual slot]
Sets the focus to this MDI view, raises it, activates its taskbar button and updates
the system buttons in the main menubar when in maximized (Maximize mode).
void taskbarButtonRightClicked (QextMdiChildView *pWnd)
| taskbarButtonRightClicked |
[protected slots virtual slot]
Activates the MDI view (see activateView() ) and popups the taskBar popup menu (see taskBarPopup() ).
void switchOffMaximizeModeForMenu (QextMdiChildFrm* oldChild)
| switchOffMaximizeModeForMenu |
[protected slots slot]
Turns the system buttons for maximize mode (SDI mode) off, and disconnects them
[protected slots slot]
Reconnects the system buttons form maximize mode (SDI mode) with the new child frame
void windowMenuItemActivated (int id)
| windowMenuItemActivated |
[protected slots slot]
Usually called when the user clicks an MDI view item in the "Window" menu.
void dockMenuItemActivated (int id)
| dockMenuItemActivated |
[protected slots slot]
Usually called when the user clicks an MDI view item in the sub-popup menu "Docking" of the "Window" menu.
void popupWindowMenu (QPoint p)
| popupWindowMenu |
[protected slots slot]
Popups the "Window" menu. See also windowPopup() .
void dragEndTimeOut ()
| dragEndTimeOut |
[protected slots slot]
The timer for main widget moving has elapsed -> send drag end to all concerned views.
void lastChildFrmClosed ()
| lastChildFrmClosed |
Signals the last attached QextMdiChildView has been closed
void lastChildViewClosed ()
| lastChildViewClosed |
Signals the last QextMdiChildView (that is under MDI control) has been closed
void leftTopLevelMode ()
| leftTopLevelMode |
Signals that the Toplevel mode has been left
void childViewIsDetachedNow (QWidget*)
| childViewIsDetachedNow |
Signals that a child view has been detached (undocked to desktop)
Generated by: falk on pc9 on Fri Nov 30 14:44:26 2001, using kdoc 2.0a53. |