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Detailed Description
It's a special kind of QPushButton catching mouse clicks. And you have the ability to abbreviate the text that it fits in the button.
Constructor (sets to toggle button, adds a tooltip (caption) and sets to NoFocus
[const] text() returns the possibly abbreviated text including the dots in it. But actualText() returns the full text.
Given the parameter newWidth this function possibly abbreviates the parameter string and sets a new button text.
Sets the text and avoids any abbreviation. Memorizes that text in m_actualText, too.
[signal] Emitted when the button has been clicked. Internally connected to setFocus of the according MDI view.
[signal] Internally connected with QextMdiMainFrm::activateView
[signal] Internally connected with QextMdiMainFrm::taskbarButtonRightClicked
[signal] Emitted when the button text has changed. Internally connected with QextMdiTaskBar::layoutTaskBar
[slot] A slot version of setText
[protected slots slot] Reimplemented from its base class to catch right and left mouse button clicks