: Class Function
Class Function
- Direct Known Subclasses:
- BooleanFn, Ceiling, Concat, Contains, Count, Current, Document, ElementAvailable, Floor, FormatNumber, FunctionAvailable, FunctionProxy, GenerateId, Id, Key, Lang, Last, LocalName, NameFn, NamespaceURI, NormalizeSpace, Not, NumberFn, Position, Round, StartsWith, StringFn, StringLength, StyleSheetFunctionCall, Substring, SubstringAfter, SubstringBefore, Sum, SystemProperty, Translate, UnparsedEntityURI
- public abstract class Function
- extends Expression
Abstract superclass for system-defined and user-defined functions
Method Summary |
void |
addArgument(Expression expr)
Method to add an argument during function definition. |
protected int |
checkArgumentCount(int min,
int max)
Check number of arguments. |
void |
display(int level)
Diagnostic print of expression structure |
abstract java.lang.String |
Get the name of the function. |
int |
Determine the number of actual arguments supplied in the function call |
Methods inherited from class com.icl.saxon.expr.Expression |
containsReferences, enumerate, evaluate, evaluateAsBoolean, evaluateAsNodeSet, evaluateAsNumber, evaluateAsString, getDataType, getDependencies, getStaticContext, indent, isContextDocumentNodeSet, make, outputStringValue, reduce, setStaticContext, simplify, usesCurrent |
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object |
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait |
protected Expression[] argument
public Function()
public void addArgument(Expression expr)
- Method to add an argument during function definition.
public int getNumberOfArguments()
- Determine the number of actual arguments supplied in the function call
public abstract java.lang.String getName()
- Get the name of the function.
This method must be implemented in all subclasses.
- Returns:
- the name of the function, as used in XSL expressions, but excluding
its namespace prefix
protected int checkArgumentCount(int min,
int max)
throws XPathException
- Check number of arguments.
A convenience routine for use in subclasses.
- Parameters:
min - the minimum number of arguments allowedmax - the maximum number of arguments allowed- Returns:
- the actual number of arguments
- Throws:
XPathException - if the number of arguments is out of range
public void display(int level)
- Diagnostic print of expression structure
- Overrides:
display in class Expression