GConf Manual |
GConf Core Interfaces — Basic functions to initialize GConf and get/set values
gboolean gconf_init (int argc, char **argv, GError **err); void gconf_preinit (gpointer app, gpointer mod_info); void gconf_postinit (gpointer app, gpointer mod_info); gboolean gconf_is_initialized (void); void (*GConfNotifyFunc) (GConfEngine *conf, guint cnxn_id, GConfEntry *entry, gpointer user_data); guint gconf_engine_notify_add (GConfEngine *conf, const gchar *namespace_section, GConfNotifyFunc func, gpointer user_data, GError **err); void gconf_engine_notify_remove (GConfEngine *conf, guint cnxn); GConfValue* gconf_engine_get (GConfEngine *conf, const gchar *key, GError **err); GConfValue* gconf_engine_get_with_locale (GConfEngine *conf, const gchar *key, const gchar *locale, GError **err); GConfValue* gconf_engine_get_without_default (GConfEngine *conf, const gchar *key, GError **err); GConfEntry* gconf_engine_get_entry (GConfEngine *conf, const gchar *key, const gchar *locale, gboolean use_schema_default, GError **err); GConfValue* gconf_engine_get_default_from_schema (GConfEngine *conf, const gchar *key, GError **err); gboolean gconf_engine_set (GConfEngine *conf, const gchar *key, const GConfValue *value, GError **err); gboolean gconf_engine_unset (GConfEngine *conf, const gchar *key, GError **err); gboolean gconf_engine_associate_schema (GConfEngine *conf, const gchar *key, const gchar *schema_key, GError **err); GSList* gconf_engine_all_entries (GConfEngine *conf, const gchar *dir, GError **err); GSList* gconf_engine_all_dirs (GConfEngine *conf, const gchar *dir, GError **err); void gconf_engine_suggest_sync (GConfEngine *conf, GError **err); gboolean gconf_engine_dir_exists (GConfEngine *conf, const gchar *dir, GError **err); gboolean gconf_valid_key (const gchar *key, gchar **why_invalid); gboolean gconf_key_is_below (const gchar *above, const gchar *below); gdouble gconf_engine_get_float (GConfEngine *conf, const gchar *key, GError **err); gint gconf_engine_get_int (GConfEngine *conf, const gchar *key, GError **err); gchar* gconf_engine_get_string (GConfEngine *conf, const gchar *key, GError **err); gboolean gconf_engine_get_bool (GConfEngine *conf, const gchar *key, GError **err); GConfSchema* gconf_engine_get_schema (GConfEngine *conf, const gchar *key, GError **err); GSList* gconf_engine_get_list (GConfEngine *conf, const gchar *key, GConfValueType list_type, GError **err); gboolean gconf_engine_get_pair (GConfEngine *conf, const gchar *key, GConfValueType car_type, GConfValueType cdr_type, gpointer car_retloc, gpointer cdr_retloc, GError **err); gboolean gconf_engine_set_float (GConfEngine *conf, const gchar *key, gdouble val, GError **err); gboolean gconf_engine_set_int (GConfEngine *conf, const gchar *key, gint val, GError **err); gboolean gconf_engine_set_string (GConfEngine *conf, const gchar *key, const gchar *val, GError **err); gboolean gconf_engine_set_bool (GConfEngine *conf, const gchar *key, gboolean val, GError **err); gboolean gconf_engine_set_schema (GConfEngine *conf, const gchar *key, const GConfSchema *val, GError **err); gboolean gconf_engine_set_list (GConfEngine *conf, const gchar *key, GConfValueType list_type, GSList *list, GError **err); gboolean gconf_engine_set_pair (GConfEngine *conf, const gchar *key, GConfValueType car_type, GConfValueType cdr_type, gconstpointer address_of_car, gconstpointer address_of_cdr, GError **err); struct GConfEnumStringPair; gboolean gconf_string_to_enum (GConfEnumStringPair lookup_table[], const gchar *str, gint *enum_value_retloc); const gchar* gconf_enum_to_string (GConfEnumStringPair lookup_table[], gint enum_value);
These functions initialize GConf, and communicate with the gconfd server via a GConfEngine object. You can install a notification request on the server, get values, set values, list directories, and associate schema names with keys.
Most of this interface is replicated in the GObject wrapper (GConfClient object); an alternative to the value-setting functions is the GConfChangeSet interface.
gboolean gconf_init (int argc, char **argv, GError **err);
gconf_init is deprecated and should not be used in newly-written code.
Initializes the GConf library. Creates a connection to a CORBA ORB, and initializes OAF (the object activation framework) if it isn't already initialized.
argc : | |
argv : | |
err : | the return location for an allocated GError, or NULL to ignore errors. |
Returns : | TRUE on success, FALSE otherwise. |
void gconf_preinit (gpointer app, gpointer mod_info);
gconf_preinit is deprecated and should not be used in newly-written code.
app : | |
mod_info : |
void gconf_postinit (gpointer app, gpointer mod_info);
gconf_postinit is deprecated and should not be used in newly-written code.
app : | |
mod_info : |
gboolean gconf_is_initialized (void);
gconf_is_initialized is deprecated and should not be used in newly-written code.
Asks whether the library has been initialized.
Returns : | TRUE if the library has been initialized. |
void (*GConfNotifyFunc) (GConfEngine *conf, guint cnxn_id, GConfEntry *entry, gpointer user_data);
A callback function invoked when a key's value changes. The cnxn_id parameter will be the connection ID returned from gconf_engine_notify_add(). key will be the full path of the changed key, value will be the new value if the key is set. If the key is unset, value will be the default value if one exists, or NULL otherwise. is_default indicates whether a value is a default setting or a user setting. If value is NULL, is_default will be TRUE. user_data is the data passed to gconf_engine_notify_add().
conf : | the GConfEngine passed to gconf_engine_notify_add(). |
cnxn_id : | the ID returned from gconf_engine_notify_add(). |
entry : | |
user_data : | the user data passed to gconf_engine_notify_add(). |
guint gconf_engine_notify_add (GConfEngine *conf, const gchar *namespace_section, GConfNotifyFunc func, gpointer user_data, GError **err);
Registers a notification request with the gconfd server. The server will notify the client when any key at or below namespace_section is set or unset. Try to watch the smallest possible part of the namespace; otherwise you will slow down the server and your application with unnecessary notifications. Note that you should prefer gconf_client_notify_add() if you're using the GObject wrapper library, because gconf_client_notify_add() does not require a client-server conversation for every callback. gconf_engine_notify_add() requests a different server notification for every callback. The function returns an ID you can use to remove the notification request; 0 is an invalid ID, and is returned if an error occurs.
conf : | a GConfEngine to monitor for changes. |
namespace_section : | the directory or key to watch; you will be notified of changes at or below this point. |
func : | the callback to invoke when a notification is received from the server. |
user_data : | the data to pass to the callback. |
err : | the return location for an allocated GError, or NULL to ignore errors. |
Returns : | an ID for the notification request, or 0 on error. |
void gconf_engine_notify_remove (GConfEngine *conf, guint cnxn);
Removes a notification request.
conf : | the GConfEngine you were monitoring for changes. |
cnxn : | The ID returned by gconf_engine_notify_add(). |
GConfValue* gconf_engine_get (GConfEngine *conf, const gchar *key, GError **err);
Returns the GConfValue stored at key, or NULL if no value is set. You must call gconf_value_free() to free the returned value. If you know the expected type of the value, you probably want to use the type-specific convenience wrappers (gconf_engine_get_int(), etc.) because they will do the type-checking for you and return the appropriate type. Automatically returns the default value for a key, if the key is unset and a default exists.
conf : | a GConfEngine to get the value from. |
key : | the key to get. |
err : | the return location for an allocated GError, or NULL to ignore errors. |
Returns : | newly-allocated GConfValue, or NULL if unset and no default exists. |
GConfValue* gconf_engine_get_with_locale (GConfEngine *conf, const gchar *key, const gchar *locale, GError **err);
Requests the value appropriate for a particular locale. Right now, only values of type GCONF_VALUE_SCHEMA are localized; the locale is meaningless for other value types. Also, gconf_engine_get() automatically requests the value in the user's current locale. So this function is only useful if you want a schema for some locale other than the user's current locale. Except for the additional argument, this function is identical to gconf_engine_get() in all respects.
conf : | a GConfEngine to get the value from. |
key : | the key to get. |
locale : | preferred locale (as in the locale-related environment variables). |
err : | the return location for an allocated GError, or NULL to ignore errors. |
Returns : | newly-allocated GConfValue, or NULL if unset. |
GConfValue* gconf_engine_get_without_default (GConfEngine *conf, const gchar *key, GError **err);
Identical to gconf_engine_get(), except that it will return NULL in place of the default value if the key is unset. Note that gconf_engine_get() can also return NULL if no default exists or an error occurs.
conf : | a GConfEngine to get the value from. |
key : | the key to get. |
err : | the return location for an allocated GError, or NULL to ignore errors. |
Returns : | newly-allocated GConfValue, or NULL if unset. |
GConfEntry* gconf_engine_get_entry (GConfEngine *conf, const gchar *key, const gchar *locale, gboolean use_schema_default, GError **err);
Obtain the full GConfEntry for a value.
conf : | |
key : | |
locale : | |
use_schema_default : | |
err : | |
Returns : |
GConfValue* gconf_engine_get_default_from_schema (GConfEngine *conf, const gchar *key, GError **err);
Returns the default value stored in the key's schema, if the key has a schema associated and the schema exists and the schema contains a default value. Note that gconf_engine_get(), gconf_engine_get_string(), and so on already return the default value if no other value is found, so normally you do not need this function. This function is just for convenience; you could also get the GConfMetaInfo for the key, read the schema name from there, then look up the schema by name and extract the default value.
conf : | a GConfEngine to get the value from. |
key : | the key to get the default value for. |
err : | the return location for an allocated GError, or NULL to ignore errors. |
Returns : | newly-allocated GConfValue, or NULL if unset. |
gboolean gconf_engine_set (GConfEngine *conf, const gchar *key, const GConfValue *value, GError **err);
Sets the value of key to value. Does not modify the passed-in GConfValue, you must free it yourself. You may prefer a type-specific convenience wrapper, such as gconf_engine_set_int().
An error of note is GCONF_OVERRIDDEN, indicating that the system administrator has "forced" a value for this key. If no writable configuration sources exist, it is not an error, but GConf will just forget all your values; this allows users to have a configuration-free setup without a constant barrage of error messages.
conf : | a GConfEngine to set the value in. |
key : | the key to set. |
value : | the new value of key. |
err : | the return location for an allocated GError, or NULL to ignore errors. |
Returns : | TRUE on success, FALSE on error. |
gboolean gconf_engine_unset (GConfEngine *conf, const gchar *key, GError **err);
Unsets the value of key; if key is already unset, has no effect. An error of note is GCONF_OVERRIDDEN, indicating that the system administrator has "forced" a value for this key.
conf : | a GConfEngine to affect. |
key : | the key to unset. |
err : | the return location for an allocated GError, or NULL to ignore errors. |
Returns : | TRUE on success, FALSE on error. |
gboolean gconf_engine_associate_schema (GConfEngine *conf, const gchar *key, const gchar *schema_key, GError **err);
Directs GConf to find the schema for key at location schema_key. That is, the value stored at schema_key should have type GCONF_VALUE_SCHEMA, and be descriptive of key. Normally you don't call this function from C code; you can ship a special file with your application and ask gconftool to install schema associations into the database during "make install."
conf : | a GConfEngine to affect. |
key : | the key to associate the schema with. |
schema_key : | the key where the schema will be stored. |
err : | the return location for an allocated GError, or NULL to ignore errors. |
Returns : | TRUE on success, FALSE on error. |
GSList* gconf_engine_all_entries (GConfEngine *conf, const gchar *dir, GError **err);
Lists the key-value pairs in dir. Does not list subdirectories; for that use gconf_engine_all_dirs(). The returned list contains GConfEntry objects. A GConfEntry contains an absolute key and a value. The list is not recursive, it contains only the immediate children of dir. To free the returned list, gconf_entry_free() each list element, then g_slist_free() the list itself.
conf : | a GConfEngine. |
dir : | Directory to list. |
err : | the return location for an allocated GError, or NULL to ignore errors. |
Returns : | List of GConfEntry. |
GSList* gconf_engine_all_dirs (GConfEngine *conf, const gchar *dir, GError **err);
Lists the subdirectories in dir. The returned list contains allocated strings. Each string is the absolute path of a subdirectory. You should g_free() each string in the list, then g_slist_free() the list itself.
conf : | a GConfEngine. |
dir : | Directory to get subdirectories from. |
err : | the return location for an allocated GError, or NULL to ignore errors. |
Returns : | List of allocated subdirectory names. |
void gconf_engine_suggest_sync (GConfEngine *conf, GError **err);
Suggests to gconfd that you've just finished a block of changes, and it would be an optimal time to sync to permanent storage. This is only a suggestion; and gconfd will eventually sync even if you don't call gconf_engine_suggest_sync(). This function is just a "hint" provided to gconfd to maximize efficiency and minimize data loss.
conf : | the GConfEngine to suggest syncing to. |
err : | the return location for an allocated GError, or NULL to ignore errors. |
gboolean gconf_engine_dir_exists (GConfEngine *conf, const gchar *dir, GError **err);
Queries whether the directory dir exists in the GConf database. Returns TRUE or FALSE.
conf : | a GConfEngine. |
dir : | Directory to check for. |
err : | the return location for an allocated GError, or NULL to ignore errors. |
Returns : | TRUE or FALSE. |
gboolean gconf_valid_key (const gchar *key, gchar **why_invalid);
Asks whether a key is syntactically correct, that is, it ensures that the key consists of slash-separated strings and contains only legal characters. Normally you shouldn't need to call this function; the GConf functions all check this for you and return an error if the key is invalid. However, it may be useful to validate input to an entry field or the like. If you pass a non-NULL address as the why_invalid argument, an allocated string is returned explaining why the key is invalid, if it is. If the key is valid the why_invalid argument is unused.
key : | key to check. |
why_invalid : | return location for an explanation of the problem, if any. g_free() the returned string. |
Returns : | TRUE if the key is valid, or FALSE if not. |
gboolean gconf_key_is_below (const gchar *above, const gchar *below);
Asks whether the key below would be found below the key above, were they both to exist in the database. For example, /foo is always found below / and above /foo/bar. This probably isn't useful but GConf uses it internally so here it is if you need it.
above : | the key on the "left hand side" of the predicate. |
below : | the key on the "right hand side." |
Returns : | TRUE or FALSE. |
gdouble gconf_engine_get_float (GConfEngine *conf, const gchar *key, GError **err);
Requests the floating point number (GCONF_VALUE_FLOAT) stored at key. Automatically performs type-checking, so if a non-float is stored at key, an error is returned. On error, or if key is unset, 0.0 is returned.
conf : | a GConfEngine. |
key : | key you want the value of. |
err : | the return location for an allocated GError, or NULL to ignore errors. |
Returns : | the value of key, or 0.0 if no value is obtained. |
gint gconf_engine_get_int (GConfEngine *conf, const gchar *key, GError **err);
Requests the integer (GCONF_VALUE_INT) stored at key. Automatically performs type-checking, so if a non-integer is stored at key, an error is returned. On error, or if key is unset, 0 is returned.
conf : | a GConfEngine. |
key : | key you want the value of. |
err : | the return location for an allocated GError, or NULL to ignore errors. |
Returns : | the value of key, or 0 if no value is obtained. |
gchar* gconf_engine_get_string (GConfEngine *conf, const gchar *key, GError **err);
Requests the string (GCONF_VALUE_STRING) stored at key. Automatically performs type-checking, so if a non-string is stored at key, an error is returned. On error, or if key is unset, NULL is returned.
conf : | a GConfEngine. |
key : | key you want the value of. |
err : | the return location for an allocated GError, or NULL to ignore errors. |
Returns : | allocated string (value of key), or NULL if no value is obtained. |
gboolean gconf_engine_get_bool (GConfEngine *conf, const gchar *key, GError **err);
Requests the boolean value (GCONF_VALUE_BOOL) stored at key. Automatically performs type-checking, so if a non-bool is stored at key, an error is returned. On error, or if key is unset, FALSE is returned.
conf : | a GConfEngine. |
key : | key you want the value of. |
err : | the return location for an allocated GError, or NULL to ignore errors. |
Returns : | the value of key, or FALSE if no value is obtained. |
GConfSchema* gconf_engine_get_schema (GConfEngine *conf, const gchar *key, GError **err);
Requests the schema (GCONF_VALUE_SCHEMA) stored at key. Automatically performs type-checking, so if a non-schema is stored at key, an error is returned. If no value is set or an error occurs, NULL is returned.
conf : | a GConfEngine. |
key : | key you want the value of. |
err : | the return location for an allocated GError, or NULL to ignore errors. |
Returns : | the value of key as an allocated GConfSchema, or NULL if no value was obtained. |
GSList* gconf_engine_get_list (GConfEngine *conf, const gchar *key, GConfValueType list_type, GError **err);
Requests the list (GCONF_VALUE_LIST) stored at key. Automatically performs type-checking, so if a non-list is stored at key, or the list does not contain elements of type list_type, an error is returned. If no value is set or an error occurs, NULL is returned. Note that NULL is also the empty list, so if you need to distinguish the empty list from an unset value, you must use gconf_engine_get() to obtain a raw GConfValue.
Remember that GConf lists can only store primitive types: GCONF_VALUE_FLOAT, GCONF_VALUE_INT, GCONF_VALUE_BOOL, GCONF_VALUE_STRING, GCONF_VALUE_SCHEMA. Also remember that lists must be uniform, you may not mix types in the same list.
The type of the list elements depends on list_type. A GConfValue with type GCONF_VALUE_LIST normally stores a list of more GConfValue objects. gconf_engine_get_list() automatically converts to primitive C types. Thus, the list->data fields in the returned list contain:
GCONF_VALUE_INT | The integer itself, converted with GINT_TO_POINTER() |
GCONF_VALUE_BOOL | The bool itself, converted with GINT_TO_POINTER() |
GCONF_VALUE_FLOAT | A pointer to gdouble, which should be freed with g_free() |
GCONF_VALUE_STRING | A pointer to gchar, which should be freed with g_free() |
GCONF_VALUE_SCHEMA | A pointer to GConfSchema, which should be freed with gconf_schema_free() |
In the GCONF_VALUE_FLOAT and GCONF_VALUE_STRING cases, you must g_free() each list element. In the GCONF_VALUE_SCHEMA case you must gconf_schema_free() each element. In all cases you must free the list itself with g_slist_free().
conf : | a GConfEngine. |
key : | key you want the value of. |
list_type : | type of each list element. |
err : | the return location for an allocated GError, or NULL to ignore errors. |
Returns : | an allocated list, with elements as described above. |
gboolean gconf_engine_get_pair (GConfEngine *conf, const gchar *key, GConfValueType car_type, GConfValueType cdr_type, gpointer car_retloc, gpointer cdr_retloc, GError **err);
Requests the pair (GCONF_VALUE_PAIR) stored at key. Automatically performs type-checking, so if a non-pair is stored at key, or the pair does not have the right car_type and cdr_type, an error is returned. Remember that the car of a pair is its first value, and the cdr is its second value, in the Lisp tradition.
gconf_engine_get_pair() stores the two fields of the pair in the locations pointed to by car_retloc and cdr_retloc. The type of these pointers depends on the corresponding car_type and cdr_type:
GCONF_VALUE_INT | pointer to gint |
GCONF_VALUE_BOOL | pointer to gboolean |
GCONF_VALUE_FLOAT | pointer to gdouble |
GCONF_VALUE_STRING | pointer to gchar* |
GCONF_VALUE_SCHEMA | pointer to GConfSchema* |
In the GCONF_VALUE_STRING case, you must g_free() the string(s) stored in the return location(s). In the GCONF_VALUE_SCHEMA case you must gconf_schema_free() the returned schema. If there's an error or the value is unset, car_retloc and cdr_retloc are left unchanged.
gconf_engine_get_pair() returns TRUE on success.
An example of gconf_engine_get_pair() in action:
gdouble car = 10.0; gchar* cdr = NULL; GError* error = NULL; if (!gconf_engine_get_pair(conf, "/foo", GCONF_VALUE_FLOAT, GCONF_VALUE_STRING, &car, &cdr, &error)) { /* Note: car/cdr should be untouched, because an error occurred */ g_assert(error != NULL); fprintf(stderr, "Error: s\n", error->message); g_error_free(error); error = NULL; } else { /* Note: car/cdr may be untouched even though there was no error, if no value was set for "/foo" */ printf("Found pair (g,s)\n", car, cdr); if (cdr != NULL) g_free(cdr); }
conf : | a GConfEngine. |
key : | key you want the value of. |
car_type : | desired type of the pair's first field (car). |
cdr_type : | desired type of the pair's second field (cdr). |
car_retloc : | address of a return location for the car. |
cdr_retloc : | address of a return location for the cdr. |
err : | the return location for an allocated GError, or NULL to ignore errors. |
Returns : | TRUE on success, FALSE on error. |
gboolean gconf_engine_set_float (GConfEngine *conf, const gchar *key, gdouble val, GError **err);
Change the value of key to val. Automatically creates the key if it didn't exist before (ie it was unset or it only had a default value). If the key already exists but doesn't store a float (GCONF_VALUE_FLOAT), gconf_engine_set_float() will fail.
conf : | a GConfEngine. |
key : | key you want to set the value of. |
val : | new value of key. |
err : | the return location for an allocated GError, or NULL to ignore errors. |
Returns : | TRUE on success, FALSE on error. |
gboolean gconf_engine_set_int (GConfEngine *conf, const gchar *key, gint val, GError **err);
Change the value of key to val. Automatically creates the key if it didn't exist before (ie it was unset or it only had a default value). If the key already exists but doesn't store an integer (GCONF_VALUE_INT), gconf_engine_set_int() will fail.
conf : | a GConfEngine. |
key : | key you want to set the value of. |
val : | new value of key. |
err : | the return location for an allocated GError, or NULL to ignore errors. |
Returns : | TRUE on success, FALSE on error. |
gboolean gconf_engine_set_string (GConfEngine *conf, const gchar *key, const gchar *val, GError **err);
Change the value of key to val. Automatically creates the key if it didn't exist before (ie it was unset or it only had a default value). If the key already exists but doesn't store a string (GCONF_VALUE_STRING), gconf_engine_set_string() will fail.
conf : | a GConfEngine. |
key : | key you want to set the value of. |
val : | new value of key. |
err : | the return location for an allocated GError, or NULL to ignore errors. |
Returns : | TRUE on success, FALSE on error. |
gboolean gconf_engine_set_bool (GConfEngine *conf, const gchar *key, gboolean val, GError **err);
Change the value of key to val. Automatically creates the key if it didn't exist before (ie it was unset or it only had a default value). If the key already exists but but doesn't store a boolean (GCONF_VALUE_BOOL), gconf_engine_set_bool() will fail.
conf : | a GConfEngine. |
key : | key you want to set the value of. |
val : | new value of key. |
err : | the return location for an allocated GError, or NULL to ignore errors. |
Returns : | TRUE on success, FALSE on error. |
gboolean gconf_engine_set_schema (GConfEngine *conf, const gchar *key, const GConfSchema *val, GError **err);
Change the value of key to val. Automatically creates the key if it didn't exist before (ie it was unset or it only had a default value). If the key already exists but doesn't store a schema value (GCONF_VALUE_SCHEMA), gconf_engine_set_schema() will fail.
conf : | a GConfEngine. |
key : | key you want to set the value of. |
val : | new value of key. |
err : | the return location for an allocated GError, or NULL to ignore errors. |
Returns : | TRUE on success, FALSE on error. |
gboolean gconf_engine_set_list (GConfEngine *conf, const gchar *key, GConfValueType list_type, GSList *list, GError **err);
conf : | a GConfEngine. |
key : | key you want to set the value of. |
list_type : | type of each list element. |
list : | new value of key. |
err : | the return location for an allocated GError, or NULL to ignore errors. |
Returns : | TRUE on success, FALSE on error. |
gboolean gconf_engine_set_pair (GConfEngine *conf, const gchar *key, GConfValueType car_type, GConfValueType cdr_type, gconstpointer address_of_car, gconstpointer address_of_cdr, GError **err);
conf : | a GConfEngine. |
key : | key you want to set the value of. |
car_type : | type of the pair's first field (car). |
cdr_type : | type of the pair's second field (cdr). |
address_of_car : | address of the car. |
address_of_cdr : | address of the cdr. |
err : | the return location for an allocated GError, or NULL to ignore errors. |
Returns : | TRUE on success, FALSE on error. |
gboolean gconf_string_to_enum (GConfEnumStringPair lookup_table[], const gchar *str, gint *enum_value_retloc);
It's best to store enumeration values as strings rather than integers. This is robust against changes in the enumeration, and also human-readable. This function makes it more convenient to store enums as strings.
The first argument is a lookup table, typically declared statically as follows:
static GConfEnumStringPair foo_enum_lookup_table[] = { { FOO_BLAH, "Blah" }, { FOO_BAR, "Bar" }, { 0, NULL } };
Note that the last element of the table is { 0, NULL }. Typically the strings you use should be semi-human-readable, for GTK+ and GNOME stripping off the library prefix and converting to StudlyCaps is the recommended convention.
The function returns TRUE if a match for the string is found, and if a match is found the enum value is placed in enum_value_retloc.
lookup_table : | a lookup table mapping enum values to strings. |
str : | the string to convert to an enum value. |
enum_value_retloc : | the address of an enum variable. |
Returns : | TRUE if a match was found. |
const gchar* gconf_enum_to_string (GConfEnumStringPair lookup_table[], gint enum_value);
See gconf_string_to_enum() for background information on this function.
lookup_table : | a lookup table mapping enum values to strings. |
enum_value : | the enumeration value to convert to a string. |
Returns : | a pointer to the proper string in the lookup table, or NULL if no match was found. |
<< GConfEngine | GError >> |