![]() | ![]() | ![]() | GNOME Data Access manual | ![]() |
struct GdaDataModelPrivate; void gda_data_model_changed (GdaDataModel *model); void gda_data_model_row_inserted (GdaDataModel *model, gint row); void gda_data_model_row_updated (GdaDataModel *model, gint row); void gda_data_model_row_removed (GdaDataModel *model, gint row); void gda_data_model_freeze (GdaDataModel *model); void gda_data_model_thaw (GdaDataModel *model); gint gda_data_model_get_n_rows (GdaDataModel *model); gint gda_data_model_get_n_columns (GdaDataModel *model); GdaFieldAttributes* gda_data_model_describe_column (GdaDataModel *model, gint col); const gchar* gda_data_model_get_column_title (GdaDataModel *model, gint col); void gda_data_model_set_column_title (GdaDataModel *model, gint col, const gchar *title); gint gda_data_model_get_column_position (GdaDataModel *model, const gchar *title); const GdaRow* gda_data_model_get_row (GdaDataModel *model, gint row); const GdaValue* gda_data_model_get_value_at (GdaDataModel *model, gint col, gint row); gboolean gda_data_model_is_editable (GdaDataModel *model); const GdaRow* gda_data_model_append_row (GdaDataModel *model, const GList *values); gboolean gda_data_model_remove_row (GdaDataModel *model, const GdaRow *row); gboolean gda_data_model_update_row (GdaDataModel *model, const GdaRow *row); gboolean (*GdaDataModelForeachFunc) (GdaDataModel *model, GdaRow *row, gpointer user_data); void gda_data_model_foreach (GdaDataModel *model, GdaDataModelForeachFunc func, gpointer user_data); gboolean gda_data_model_is_editing (GdaDataModel *model); gboolean gda_data_model_begin_edit (GdaDataModel *model); gboolean gda_data_model_cancel_edit (GdaDataModel *model); gboolean gda_data_model_end_edit (GdaDataModel *model); gchar* gda_data_model_to_comma_separated (GdaDataModel *model); gchar* gda_data_model_to_tab_separated (GdaDataModel *model); gchar* gda_data_model_to_xml (GdaDataModel *model, gboolean standalone); xmlNodePtr gda_data_model_to_xml_node (GdaDataModel *model, const gchar *name); const gchar* gda_data_model_get_command_text (GdaDataModel *recset); void gda_data_model_set_command_text (GdaDataModel *recset, const gchar *txt); GdaCommandType gda_data_model_get_command_type (GdaDataModel *recset); void gda_data_model_set_command_type (GdaDataModel *recset, GdaCommandType type);
void gda_data_model_changed (GdaDataModel *model);
Notify listeners of the given data model object of changes in the underlying data. Listeners usually will connect themselves to the "changed" signal in the GdaDataModel class, thus being notified of any new data being appended or removed from the data model.
model : | a GdaDataModel object. |
void gda_data_model_row_inserted (GdaDataModel *model, gint row);
model : | |
row : |
void gda_data_model_row_updated (GdaDataModel *model, gint row);
model : | |
row : |
void gda_data_model_row_removed (GdaDataModel *model, gint row);
model : | |
row : |
void gda_data_model_freeze (GdaDataModel *model);
Disable notifications of changes on the given data model. To re-enable notifications again, you should call the gda_data_model_thaw function.
model : | a GdaDataModel object. |
void gda_data_model_thaw (GdaDataModel *model);
Re-enable notifications of changes on the given data model.
model : | a GdaDataModel object. |
gint gda_data_model_get_n_rows (GdaDataModel *model);
Return the number of rows in the given data model.
model : | a GdaDataModel object. |
Returns : |
gint gda_data_model_get_n_columns (GdaDataModel *model);
Return the number of columns in the given data model.
model : | a GdaDataModel object. |
Returns : |
GdaFieldAttributes* gda_data_model_describe_column (GdaDataModel *model, gint col);
Query the underlying data model implementation for a description of a given column. That description is returned in the form of a GdaFieldAttributes structure, which contains all the information about the given column in the data model.
model : | a GdaDataModel object. |
col : | column number. |
Returns : | the description of the column. |
const gchar* gda_data_model_get_column_title (GdaDataModel *model, gint col);
Return the title for the given column in a data model object.
model : | a GdaDataModel object. |
col : | column number. |
Returns : |
void gda_data_model_set_column_title (GdaDataModel *model, gint col, const gchar *title);
model : | a GdaDataModel object. |
col : | column number |
title : | title for the given column. |
gint gda_data_model_get_column_position (GdaDataModel *model, const gchar *title);
Get the position of a column on the data model, based on the column's title.
model : | a GdaDataModel object. |
title : | column title. |
Returns : | the position of the column in the data model, or -1 if the column could not be found. |
const GdaRow* gda_data_model_get_row (GdaDataModel *model, gint row);
Retrieve a given row from a data model.
model : | a GdaDataModel object. |
row : | row number. |
Returns : | a GdaRow object. |
const GdaValue* gda_data_model_get_value_at (GdaDataModel *model, gint col, gint row);
Retrieve the data stored in the given position (identified by the col and row parameters) on a data model.
This is the main function for accessing data in a model.
model : | a GdaDataModel object. |
col : | column number. |
row : | row number. |
Returns : | a GdaValue containing the value stored in the given position, or NULL on error (out-of-bound position, etc). |
gboolean gda_data_model_is_editable (GdaDataModel *model);
Check whether the given data model can be edited or not.
model : | a GdaDataModel object. |
Returns : | TRUE if it can be edited, FALSE if not. |
const GdaRow* gda_data_model_append_row (GdaDataModel *model, const GList *values);
Append a row to the given data model.
model : | a GdaDataModel object. |
values : | the row to add. |
Returns : | the unique ID of the added row. |
gboolean gda_data_model_remove_row (GdaDataModel *model, const GdaRow *row);
Remove a row from the data model. This results in the underlying database row being removed in the database.
model : | a GdaDataModel object. |
row : | the GdaRow to be removed. |
Returns : | TRUE if successful, FALSE otherwise. |
gboolean gda_data_model_update_row (GdaDataModel *model, const GdaRow *row);
Update a row data model. This results in the underlying database row's values being changed.
model : | a GdaDataModel object. |
row : | the GdaRow to be updated. |
Returns : | TRUE if successful, FALSE otherwise. |
gboolean (*GdaDataModelForeachFunc) (GdaDataModel *model, GdaRow *row, gpointer user_data);
model : | |
row : | |
user_data : | |
Returns : |
void gda_data_model_foreach (GdaDataModel *model, GdaDataModelForeachFunc func, gpointer user_data);
Call the specified callback function for each row in the data model. This will just traverse all rows, and call the given callback function for each of them.
The callback function must have the following form:
gboolean foreach_func (GdaDataModel *model, GdaRow *row, gpointer user_data)
where "row" would be the row being read, and "user_data" the parameter specified in user_data in the call to gda_data_model_foreach. This callback function can return FALSE to stop the processing. If it
model : | a GdaDataModel object. |
func : | callback function. |
user_data : | context data for the callback function. |
gboolean gda_data_model_is_editing (GdaDataModel *model);
Check whether this data model is in editing mode or not. Editing mode is set to TRUE when gda_data_model_begin_edit has been called successfully, and is not set back to FALSE until either gda_data_model_cancel_edit or gda_data_model_end_edit have been called.
model : | a GdaDataModel object. |
Returns : | TRUE if editing mode, FALSE otherwise. |
gboolean gda_data_model_begin_edit (GdaDataModel *model);
Start edition of this data model. This function should be the first called when modifying the data model.
model : | a GdaDataModel object. |
Returns : | TRUE on success, FALSE if there was an error. |
gboolean gda_data_model_cancel_edit (GdaDataModel *model);
Cancels edition of this data model. This means that all changes will be discarded, and the old data put back in the model.
model : | a GdaDataModel object. |
Returns : | TRUE on success, FALSE if there was an error. |
gboolean gda_data_model_end_edit (GdaDataModel *model);
Approves all modifications and send them to the underlying data source/store.
model : | a GdaDataModel object. |
Returns : | TRUE on success, FALSE if there was an error. |
gchar* gda_data_model_to_comma_separated (GdaDataModel *model);
Convert the given model into a comma-separated series of rows.
model : | a GdaDataModel object. |
Returns : | the representation of the model. You should free this string when you no longer need it. |
gchar* gda_data_model_to_tab_separated (GdaDataModel *model);
model : | |
Returns : |
gchar* gda_data_model_to_xml (GdaDataModel *model, gboolean standalone);
model : | |
standalone : | |
Returns : |
xmlNodePtr gda_data_model_to_xml_node (GdaDataModel *model, const gchar *name);
model : | |
name : | |
Returns : |
const gchar* gda_data_model_get_command_text (GdaDataModel *recset);
Get the text of command that generated this data model.
recset : | |
Returns : | a string with the command issued. |
void gda_data_model_set_command_text (GdaDataModel *recset, const gchar *txt);
recset : | |
txt : | the command text. |
GdaCommandType gda_data_model_get_command_type (GdaDataModel *recset);
Get the type of command that generated this data model.
recset : | |
Returns : |
void gda_data_model_set_command_type (GdaDataModel *recset, GdaCommandType type);
recset : | |
type : | the type of the command (one of GdaCommandType) |
<<< GdaDataModelList | GdaError >>> |