CONTENT="Modular DocBook HTML Stylesheet Version 1.74b">
Glade 2.0 File Format
Libglade 2.0 introduces a new file format for storing the user interface. Unlike the previous format, this one does not introduce a new element for each new property. This was done so that the format could be described with a fairly small DTD:
The <widget> elements contain <property> elements which define widget properties. In general these map to GObject properties. The <signal> and <accelerator> elements are used to define signals and accelerators on the widget. The <widget> element may also contain an <accessibility> element, which contains accessibility related properties. These set various ATK options (such as ATK properties, relations and actions). For each child of the widget, there is an <child> element. The internal-child attribute is used to mark "internal children of the parent. These children are widgets that are created when the parent is constructed, such as the GtkVBox and GtkHButtonBox in a GtkDialog. The <child> element contains either a <widget> element representing the child widget, or a <placeholder> element, which is ignored when building the interface. It may also contain a <packing> element, which contains <property> elements defining packing properties. These map to GtkContainer child packing properties. Property RepresentationsProperties are represented as straight content data in the glade file. All programs working with glade files must represent the various types in the same way. |