![]() | ![]() | ![]() | GNOME Library Reference Manual | ![]() |
#include <libgnome/libgnome.h> enum GnomeTriggerType; void (*GnomeTriggerActionFunction) (char *msg, char *level, char *supinfo[]); struct GnomeTrigger; void gnome_triggers_add_trigger (GnomeTrigger *nt, ...); void gnome_triggers_vadd_trigger (GnomeTrigger *nt, char *supinfo[]); void gnome_triggers_do (const char *msg, const char *level, ...); void gnome_triggers_vdo (const char *msg, const char *level, const char *supinfo[]);
The triggers API provides a way for applications to tell GNOME about interesting events that then cause something to happen (for example, playing a sound). An event can either be a function that is called, a sound that is played or an external command that is run.
Each trigger can optionally have a level associated with it and a section. The section is a list of strings that help to classify the event, which imposes a hierarchy on the trigger system. For example, messages about the hard drive partition /dev/hda1 may come under the section ("system", "device", "disk", "/dev/hda1"). This means that an application could trigger all events for the ("system", "device") sections and include those events, or be more specific and just trigger those for ("system", "device", "disk", "/dev/hda1").
At the present time, triggers are not widely used in GNOME, being mostly used to play sound events in response to certain actions.
These are the different types of triggers that can be activated by an application.
GTRIG_NONE | A null trigger type. Should never be used. |
GTRIG_FUNCTION | The trigger causes a function to be executed. |
GTRIG_COMMAND | The trigger causes a command to be executed (using execv()). |
GTRIG_MEDIAPLAY | The trigger causes a sound to be played. |
void (*GnomeTriggerActionFunction) (char *msg, char *level, char *supinfo[]);
The signature of a function that can used as a target for GTRIG_FUNCTION types of GnomeTrigger instances.
msg : | The human-readable message that was passed to gnome_triggers_do(). May be NULL. |
level : | The severity level of the event. May be NULL. |
supinfo : | The section in which the event belongs. This is a NULL terminated array. |
struct GnomeTrigger { GnomeTriggerType type; union { /* * These will be passed the same info as * gnome_triggers_do was given. */ GnomeTriggerActionFunction function; gchar *command; struct { gchar *file; int cache_id; } media; } u; gchar *level; };
This structure stores the information about an action that is triggered for a particular event. A filled in instance of this structure is passed to gnome_triggers_add_trigger() and gnome_triggers_vadd_trigger().
void gnome_triggers_add_trigger (GnomeTrigger *nt, ...);
Adds a new GnomeTrigger instance to the event hierarchy.
nt : | Information on the new trigger to be added. |
... : | The section to add the trigger under. |
void gnome_triggers_vadd_trigger (GnomeTrigger *nt, char *supinfo[]);
This does the same as gnome_triggers_add_trigger(), except the section is stored in the NULL terminated array supinfo instead of as a variable length argument list.
nt : | Information on the new trigger to be added. |
supinfo : | The section to add the trigger under. |
void gnome_triggers_do (const char *msg, const char *level, ...);
Notifies GNOME about an event happening, so that any appropriate handlers can be run.
msg : | The human-readable message describing the event (can be NULL). |
level : | The level of severity of the event, or NULL. |
... : | The classification of the event. |
void gnome_triggers_vdo (const char *msg, const char *level, const char *supinfo[]);
Notifies GNOME about an event happening, so that any appropriate handlers can be run. This does the same as gnome_trigger_do() except that it takes a NULL terminated array instead of a varargs list.
msg : | The human-readable message describing the event (can be NULL). |
level : | The level of severity of the event, or NULL. |
supinfo : | The classification of the event (NULL terminated array). |
<<< gnome-sound | Lower level interactions >>> |