Running Psi 3 from MPQCPsi 3 is a suite of ab initio codes related to the original Psi package started in Prof. Fritz Schaefer's group at Berkeley. From now on we will refer to Psi 3 as simply Psi. Psi is written primarily in C and executes in serial mode only. The interface between Psi and MPQC is intended mainly for Psi users who wish to exploit MPQC's geometry optimization and frequency analyses capabilities with Psi energies and gradients.This chapter explains how to use Psi from MPQC.
How the MPQC-Psi interface worksThe current version of the interface is rather slim. It is only possible to import energies and gradients computed with Psi into MPQC, i.e. wave functions cannot be imported. All MPQC-Psi interaction happens via text files and system calls. MPQC generates input file for Psi, calls appropriate Psi modules, and then parses the output files for energies and gradients. Several environmental variables are used to control MPQC-Psi interaction:
As noted above, MPQC parses the input file, and as such the input file has to be in the MPQC OO input format. All features of usual MPQC input files are there (
Psi Execution Environment
Each PsiWavefunction-derived class has to have a member object called
Here's an example: psienv<PsiExEnv>: ( cwd = ./ fileprefix = psi.test nscratch = 2 scratch = [ "/scratch1/" "/scratch2/" ] )
Class PsiWavefunction is derived from class Wavefunction, hence its KeyVal constructor uses all keywords that Wavefunction's KeyVal constructor uses (
docc , socc , frozen_docc , frozen_uocc , total_charge , and multiplicity are used by appropriate specializations of PsiWavefunctions, i.e. PsiCLHF only checks for docc , etc.
PsiWavefunction specializations PsiCCSD and PsiCCSD_T also look for keyword Here are a few examples of PsiWavefunctions: % % ROHF DZ on F atom % mole<PsiHSOSHF>: ( docc = [ 2 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 ] socc = [ 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1] memory = 10000000 % Psi Environment data psienv<PsiExEnv>: ( cwd = ./ fileprefix = f.dz.test stdout = f.dz.test.stdout stderr = f.dz.test.stderr nscratch = 1 scratch = [ "/scratch/mpqc/" ] ) % MolecularEnergy input molecule<Molecule>: ( {atoms geometry} = { F [ 0.0 0.0 0.0 ] } ) % Basis input basis<GaussianBasisSet>: ( molecule = $..:molecule name = "DZ (Dunning)" ) )
% % RHF CCSD/cc-pVDZ on water % mole<PsiCCSD>: ( frozen_docc = [1 0 0 0] memory = 40000000 % Psi Environment data psienv<PsiExEnv>: ( cwd = ./ fileprefix = h2o.ccpvdz.ccsd.test nscratch = 1 scratch = [ "/tmp/" ] ) % MolecularEnergy input molecule<Molecule>: ( {atoms geometry} = { H [ -1.5 0.0 -0.3 ] H [ 1.5 0.0 -0.3 ] O [ 0.0 0.0 1.0 ] } ) % Basis input basis<GaussianBasisSet>: ( molecule = $..:molecule name = "cc-pVDZ" ) reference<PsiCLHF>: ( psienv = $..:psienv molecule = $..:molecule basis = $..:basis total_charge = 0 multiplicity = 1 ) ) This section contains some examples of complete inputs that specify an MPQC/Psi computations. Here's an optimization + subsequent frequency analysis on water molecule at the RHF CCSD 6-311G** level: % Emacs should use -*- KeyVal -*- mode % this file was automatically generated % label: water test series % molecule specification molecule<Molecule>: ( symmetry = C2V unit = angstrom { atoms geometry } = { O [ 0.000000000000 0.000000000000 0.369372944000 ] H [ 0.783975899000 0.000000000000 -0.184686472000 ] H [ -0.783975899000 0.000000000000 -0.184686472000 ] } ) % basis set specification basis<GaussianBasisSet>: ( name = "6-311G**" molecule = $:molecule ) % Psi environment specification psienv<PsiExEnv>: ( cwd = ./ fileprefix = mpqcpsi stdout = mpqcpsi.stdout stderr = mpqcpsi.stderr nscratch = 1 scratch = [ "/scratch/evaleev/" ] ) mpqc: ( checkpoint = no savestate = no restart = no coor<SymmMolecularCoor>: ( molecule = $:molecule generator<IntCoorGen>: ( molecule = $:molecule ) ) % molecular coordinates for optimization do_energy = yes do_gradient = no % method for computing the molecule's energy mole<PsiCCSD>: ( molecule = $:molecule basis = $:basis coor = $..:coor psienv = $:psienv memory = 32000000 reference<PsiCLHF>: ( psienv = $:psienv molecule = $:molecule total_charge = 0 multiplicity = 1 basis = $:basis memory = 32000000 ) hessian<FinDispMolecularHessian>: ( point_group<PointGroup>: symmetry = C2V checkpoint = no restart = no ) ) optimize = yes % optimizer object for the molecular geometry opt<QNewtonOpt>: ( max_iterations = 20 function = $..:mole update<BFGSUpdate>: () convergence<MolEnergyConvergence>: ( cartesian = yes energy = $..:..:mole ) ) % vibrational frequency input freq<MolecularFrequencies>: ( point_group<PointGroup>: symmetry = C2V molecule = $:molecule ) )
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