An emitter class that holds three objects to control the creation of particles.
Public Methods-
ModularEmitter(const ModularEmitter ©, const osg::CopyOp ©op = osg::CopyOp::SHALLOW_COPY)
META_Node(osgParticle, ModularEmitter)
inline Counter* getCounter()
- Get the counter object
inline const Counter* getCounter() const
- Get the const Counter object
inline void setCounter(Counter* c)
- Set the Counter object
inline Placer* getPlacer()
- Get the Placer object
inline const Placer* getPlacer() const
- Get the const Placer object.
inline void setPlacer(Placer* p)
- Set the Placer object
inline Shooter* getShooter()
- Get the Shooter object
inline const Shooter* getShooter() const
- Get the const Shooter object
inline void setShooter(Shooter* s)
- Set the Shooter object
Protected Methods-
virtual ~ModularEmitter()
ModularEmitter& operator=(const ModularEmitter &)
void emit(double dt)
Inherited from Emitter:
Public Methods-
virtual const char* libraryName() const
virtual const char* className() const
virtual bool isSameKindAs(const osg::Object* obj) const
virtual void accept(osg::NodeVisitor& nv)
inline const Particle& getParticleTemplate() const
inline void setParticleTemplate(const Particle &p)
inline bool getUseDefaultTemplate() const
inline void setUseDefaultTemplate(bool v)
inline void process(double dt)
Public Methods-
inline ReferenceFrame getReferenceFrame() const
void traverse(osg::NodeVisitor &nv)
inline ParticleProcessor::ReferenceFrame getReferenceFrame() const
inline void setReferenceFrame(ReferenceFrame rf)
inline bool isEnabled() const
inline void setEnabled(bool v)
inline ParticleSystem* getParticleSystem()
inline const ParticleSystem* getParticleSystem() const
inline void setParticleSystem(ParticleSystem* ps)
inline bool computeBound() const
inline const osg::Matrix& getLocalToWorldMatrix()
inline const osg::Matrix& getWorldToLocalMatrix()
inline osg::Vec3 transformLocalToWorld(const osg::Vec3 &P)
inline osg::Vec3 transformWorldToLocal(const osg::Vec3 &P)
inline osg::Vec3 rotateLocalToWorld(const osg::Vec3 &P)
inline osg::Vec3 rotateWorldToLocal(const osg::Vec3 &P)
Public Members-
enum ReferenceFrame
An emitter class that holds three objects to control the creation of particles.
These objects are a counter, a placer and a shooter.
The counter controls the number of particles to be emitted at each frame;
the placer must initialize the particle's position vector, while the shooter initializes
its velocity vector.
You can use the predefined counter/placer/shooter classes, or you can create your own.
ModularEmitter(const ModularEmitter ©, const osg::CopyOp ©op = osg::CopyOp::SHALLOW_COPY)
META_Node(osgParticle, ModularEmitter)
virtual ~ModularEmitter()
ModularEmitter& operator=(const ModularEmitter &)
void emit(double dt)
inline Counter* getCounter()
- Get the counter object
inline const Counter* getCounter() const
- Get the const Counter object
inline void setCounter(Counter* c)
- Set the Counter object
inline Placer* getPlacer()
- Get the Placer object
inline const Placer* getPlacer() const
- Get the const Placer object.
inline void setPlacer(Placer* p)
- Set the Placer object
inline Shooter* getShooter()
- Get the Shooter object
inline const Shooter* getShooter() const
- Get the const Shooter object
inline void setShooter(Shooter* s)
- Set the Shooter object
- This class has no child classes.
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