Public Methods-
BlinkSequence(const BlinkSequence& bs)
inline double getPulsePeriod() const
- get the total pulse period of the blink sequence, which is equal to the sum of all the pulse periods
inline void setSequenceGroup(SequenceGroup* sg)
- set the sequence group which can be used to synchronize related blink sequences
inline SequenceGroup* getSequenceGroup()
- get the non const sequence group
inline const SequenceGroup* getSequenceGroup() const
- get the const sequence group
inline void setPhaseShift(double ps)
- set the phase shift of the blink sequence, this would be used to shift a sequence within a sequence group
inline double getPhaseShift() const
- get the pahse shift
inline double localTime(double time) const
- compute the local time clamped to this BlinkSequences period, and accounting for the phase shift and sequence group
inline void addPulse(double length, const osg::Vec4& color)
- add a pulse of specified color and duration to the BlinkSequence
inline osg::Vec4 color(double time, double length) const
- compute the color for the time interval sepecifed.
Public Members-
class OSGSIM_EXPORT SequenceGroup: public osg::Referenced
- sequence group which can be used to synchronize related blink sequences
Protected Fields-
double _pulsePeriod
double _phaseShift
PulseData _pulseData
osg::ref_ptr<SequenceGroup> _sequenceGroup
Protected Members-
typedef std::pair<double,osg::Vec4> IntervalColor
typedef std::vector<IntervalColor> PulseData
BlinkSequence(const BlinkSequence& bs)
inline double getPulsePeriod() const
- get the total pulse period of the blink sequence, which is equal to the sum of all the pulse periods
inline void setSequenceGroup(SequenceGroup* sg)
- set the sequence group which can be used to synchronize related blink sequences
inline SequenceGroup* getSequenceGroup()
- get the non const sequence group
inline const SequenceGroup* getSequenceGroup() const
- get the const sequence group
inline void setPhaseShift(double ps)
- set the phase shift of the blink sequence, this would be used to shift a sequence within a sequence group
inline double getPhaseShift() const
- get the pahse shift
typedef std::pair<double,osg::Vec4> IntervalColor
typedef std::vector<IntervalColor> PulseData
double _pulsePeriod
double _phaseShift
PulseData _pulseData
osg::ref_ptr<SequenceGroup> _sequenceGroup
inline double localTime(double time) const
- compute the local time clamped to this BlinkSequences period, and accounting for the phase shift and sequence group
inline void addPulse(double length, const osg::Vec4& color)
- add a pulse of specified color and duration to the BlinkSequence
inline osg::Vec4 color(double time, double length) const
- compute the color for the time interval sepecifed. Averages the colors if the length is greater than the current pulse.
- This class has no child classes.
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