Insert impostor nodes into scene graph.
Public Methods-
- default to traversing all children
void setImpostorThresholdRatio(float ratio)
float getImpostorThresholdRatio() const
void setMaximumNumberOfNestedImpostors(unsigned int num)
unsigned int getMaximumNumberOfNestedImpostors() const
void reset()
- empty visitor, make it ready for next traversal
virtual void apply(osg::Node& node)
virtual void apply(osg::Group& node)
virtual void apply(osg::LOD& node)
virtual void apply(osg::Impostor& node)
void insertImpostors()
Protected Fields-
GroupList _groupList
LODList _lodList
float _impostorThresholdRatio
unsigned int _maximumNumNestedImpostors
unsigned int _numNestedImpostors
Protected Members-
typedef std::vector< osg::Group* > GroupList
typedef std::vector< osg::LOD* > LODList
Insert impostor nodes into scene graph.
For example of usage see src/Demos/osgimpostor.
- default to traversing all children
void setImpostorThresholdRatio(float ratio)
float getImpostorThresholdRatio() const
void setMaximumNumberOfNestedImpostors(unsigned int num)
unsigned int getMaximumNumberOfNestedImpostors() const
void reset()
- empty visitor, make it ready for next traversal
virtual void apply(osg::Node& node)
virtual void apply(osg::Group& node)
virtual void apply(osg::LOD& node)
virtual void apply(osg::Impostor& node)
void insertImpostors()
typedef std::vector< osg::Group* > GroupList
typedef std::vector< osg::LOD* > LODList
GroupList _groupList
LODList _lodList
float _impostorThresholdRatio
unsigned int _maximumNumNestedImpostors
unsigned int _numNestedImpostors
- This class has no child classes.
Alphabetic index HTML hierarchy of classes or Java
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