Display a pie graph.
Values will be displayed as a proportion of the sum, unless
the total attribute is specified.
Automatic labeling in several different modes.
Exploding of one slice, selected slices or all slices.
Single color or multiple colors.
HTML clickmap
support for pie graph labels (clickmapurl).
See the Gallery Pie page
proc pie will omit data points that are not valid
or not within the plotting area.
proc getdata must have been invoked to access or define some data.
A plotting area does not need to be set up (using proc areadef),
unless locations, lengths, etc. are to be specified in scaled units.
The datafield, center, and radius attributes
MUST be specified.
The field to get the values from.
x y
Location of the center of the pie.
Example: center: 3 5.6
Radius of the pie.
Example: radius: 1.5
firstslice n
Controls where, in degrees, that the first slice will be displayed.
Default is 0 (the top). 90 corresponds to the three o'clock position.
Slices are displayed in clockwise order.
This may be useful to control where to slices fall, or to work around
a label collision problem.
Example: firstslice: 45
labelmode legend | labelonly | line+label
Selects the method for labeling pie slices.
The default is legend.
legend: legend entries will be accumulated so that a legend
can be rendered subsequently using proc legend.
labelonly: pie slice labels will be superimposed onto or
outside the pie slices with no connecting lines.
line+label: pie slice labels will be rendered outside of
the pie with connecting lines.
The labelfarout attribute may be helpful in positioning
the labels. If labels collide, the firstslice attribute
may be used to rotate the pie which may alleviate the problem.
Labels text may be taken from data field (labelfield or be specified
directly (labels).
Example: labelmode: line+label
If specified, label text will be taken from this data field.
Text may contain the characters \n to symbolize line breaks.
The label text may contain the special symbol
@PCT which will evaluate to the percentage of the current slice
(use pctfmt attribute to control decimal format of @PCT).
Example: datafield: 2
multi-line text
If specified, label text will be taken from this attribute, one line
per pie slice.
Text may contain the characters \n to symbolize line breaks.
Remember to terminate the multi-line text with a blank line.
Label text may contain the special symbol
@PCT which will evaluate to the percentage of the current slice
(use pctfmt attribute to control decimal format of @PCT).
labels: Canada
labelfarout z
This attribute may be specified in order to control the placement of
labels. It is a proportion of the radius. A value less than 1.0 will
place labels inside the pie circle; a value greater than 1.0 will
place labels outside the pie circle. If labelmode is line+label
then z should be 1.2 or greater.
color list
A space-separated list of colors, one per slice.
If all slices are to be the same color, just specify one color.
If the number of slices is more than the number of colors, the
last color is used for the remaining slices.
You can also just say auto which will use a pre-selected
color sequence.
Example: color: red green orange blue
explode w1.. wN
A space separated list of values, one per slice.
If all slices are to be exploded by the same amount, just specify
one value.
If the number of slices is more than the number of values, the
last value is used for the remaining slices.
Each value is a proportion of the radius.
A value of 0.2 will explode a slice by 20% of the amount of the radius.
A value of 0.3 will explode a slice by 30%.
A value of 0.0 will not do any exploding.
Thus, one slice, selected slices, or all slices may be exploded.
Example: explode: 0 0 0.2 0 0 0
total n
Normally, the sum of all data is assumed to be the denominator
for determining pie slice proportions.
However, if total is specified, it is taken to be the denominator.
This may be useful if the sum of the values do not represent the whole.
Example: total: 285
Details pertaining to the slice outlines.
To turn off slice outlines, use none.
Example: linedetails: width=1.0 color=yellow
Details pertaining to the label text.
Example: textdetails: color=blue size=10
Details pertaining to the lines that may be rendered with the labels.
Controls the format of percentages shown in the labels
when @PCT is used.
Example: pctformat: %g
clickmapurl url template
If generating an
HTML clickmap
, this specifies a url template, and causes the
pie graph labels to be mapped.
This attribute usually contains one or more embedded
data field references
preceded by double at-sign (@@).
HTML clickmap
for more details and examples.
Example: clickmapurl: http://abc.com/mycgi?category=@@3
 data display engine
Copyright Steve Grubb